As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 409 The World of Warcraft Is So Simple and Without Backbone

"Yaobao, come on."

In the ocean near the Huoleishi mine, a green-brown land creature with the face of a Tibetan fox is scurrying around like a dog on the bottom of the sea, and a giant spirit fish with a length of more than tens of meters is chasing it like crazy.

It was Yaobao and an ancient spirit fish around the Eighth Layer of Mysterious Bone Realm.

Bai Mei leaned against the side of the Fengling Ship, her body soaked in the sea water, and shouted after her master, "Hoho~~" Come on, Yaobao~~
Land Beast·Yaobao·is not good at fighting: "I @#%!"

Yaobao was very bitter. Jiang Ran gave him a breath-holding pill and threw it into the bottom of the sea with one hand. After that, the sleeping ancient spirit fish woke up and regarded it as an invader, chasing it crazily.

Jiang Ran pointed her chin with her finger, looking at the moves that looked like sparks colliding, her eyes became more serious, "Can fire-type moves exert such power in water?"

The Fire Tears Stone emits red light and heat eternally, "...perhaps it is the blessing brought by the heat emitted by the Fire Tears Stone."

"Ho Ho!" Bai Mei poked Jiang Ran with her head, signaling it to look at the bottom of the sea. There were still four ancient spirit fishes there, almost all of them were of mysterious bone cultivation.

Jiang Ran patted Bai Mei's head, "Can you hit two with one?"

Bai Mei nodded, a water current carrying hurricane and thunder raged nearby, engulfing this elegant island of fire in an instant, and the little white dragon swam in with its tail flicking...

Yaobao's body was rubbed by the thunder current, and his body went numb. Yaobao was in unbearable pain, "Don't hit your teammates hard, Gulu..."

Baimei: "Σ(д|||)"

The ancient spirit fish bared its fangs ferociously, and its long white whiskers bared its teeth and claws in the turbulent sea.

Bai Mei surrounded the two spirit ships with water and Fengliu, dividing the battlefield, and the remaining two hit Jiang Ran's Fengling ship as quickly as arrows.

Jiang Ran supported the Fengling ship with her hands, and jumped into the sea deftly, and the Fengling ship was taken into Mo Jie by her.

An exquisite ink-colored sword appeared in his hand, and right now, a spirit fish spit out drops of red liquid, splashing like sparks!

Jiang Ran had an intuition that she couldn't be touched by the red liquid, but the water restricted her movements, so she immediately raised the sword in her hand, and slashed at the red water droplets with extreme speed.

The red water drop has a strong sticky feeling. After Jiang Ran cut it down, the water drop twisted violently, carrying a shocking heat wave. It was extremely violent and violent, as if it was about to swallow people!
Jiang Ran's face changed slightly, and at the moment after the water drop exploded, it suddenly flashed to the lower abdomen of an ancient spirit fish. Chi Yuanjian trembled slightly with excitement, and a stream of frost appeared, piercing into the abdomen of the ancient spirit fish!
At the same time, on Jiang Ran's back, a large amount of red liquid compressed and exploded, and a large amount of seawater evaporated, sweeping out a strong momentum!

Jiang Ran didn't have time to marvel at how powerful the fire breath produced by the fire liquid explosion was. She immediately took advantage of the shocking fire breath and the upstream airflow to quickly meet another ancient red ant.

The other ancient red carp was defenseless, hastily resorted to a life-saving strategy, and was able to cultivate to the mysterious bone state. This ancient spirit carp was also alert, realizing that he was not an opponent, and swam back quickly.

On the bottom of the sea, Jiang Ran's speed was naturally not as fast as that of the ancient spirit fish. She quickly condensed the ice mist into a long chain of whips, and threw the chain of ice whips at the ancient red fish!

However, the ancient redfish's body was too slippery, coupled with the turbulent hot sea water, the ice chains dissipated dispiritedly.

The speed of the ancient spirit fish was extremely fast, and Jiang Ran watched helplessly as the ancient spirit fish escaped from this place.

"Tsk." You shouldn't be stingy with the power of space just now.

Bai Mei's battle was almost over, but unlike Jiang Ran, neither of the two ancient red ants escaped, and were firmly surrounded by it's water binding technique.

The two spirit cats had no willpower to fight, and bowed their heads to express their surrender, begging to let them go.

On the contrary, Yaobao was too cowardly, and the ancient spirit cat chasing him was the strongest, so the winner has not yet been decided.

But Jiang Ran and the others were three against one, and it was only a matter of time before they won.

The five ancient red cats escaped, and those who surrendered surrendered.Jiang Ran designated this place as his own territory, and the territory of the Huolei Stone mine suddenly appeared on the jade map.

"The jade map is really like an animal marking its territory with urine..." Just like a lion, a male lion circles its territory with urine, so other male lions can feel that this land is ruled by a "king", so it will be afraid and dare not set foot on it easily.

"Why don't you kill this fish, Gulu..." Yaobao looked at the ancient red carp, and let out a sigh.

It felt that Jiang Ran had lied to it, and clearly said that he would take it to eat delicious food, but in the end he didn't kill it.

The spirit fish that Jiang Ran stabbed was only injured and lost its combat effectiveness, but did not die.

Hearing Yaobao's condemnation, she raised her eyebrows shamelessly, "When did I say I brought you to eat delicious food, I just said I brought you to see better fish, didn't you see it?"

"...and the reason why I didn't kill them is because the ancient red carp guarded the fire tear stone mine and the red scale fish school, which are useful to me. Since they have surrendered and signed a master-servant contract with me, there is no need to kill them indiscriminately."

Jiang Ran comforted the frustrated Yaobao, "The meat of the ancient red carp is not necessarily more delicious than that of the red scale fish. You see, there are many plump red scale fish in this central area. You have defeated the ancient red carp, and you can pick your own spoils."

The child was easy to coax, Yaobao jumped on Bai Mei, and the two chose the big fish openly.

And Jiang Ran swam to Huolei Island.

In the battle just now, the explosion destroyed her clothes. If her body hadn't been strengthened, she would have been seriously injured.

After changing into clean clothes, Jiang Ran took out tools, and buckled the rocks the size of rice bowls from the rocks on the edge.

A large bowl of fire tear stone can sell more than [-] spirit crystals in Mingxiao, and a large bowl should be worth tens of thousands of spirit crystals.

The fire tear stone is a non-renewable spirit stone. If you pick one piece, you will lose one piece. Jiang Ran is not short of money, and there is no need for a large amount of fire tear stone in the territory at present, so Jiang Ran did not mine too much, and stopped after picking four pieces.

The ancient spirits watched Jiang Ran's movements nervously, and were surprised to see that she only picked a little bit.

For them, fire tear stone is very important, it can maintain the sea temperature they like, and protecting the red scale fish school is to protect their own food.

As long as Jiang Ran didn't do too much, they could barely accept it.

"Baimei, Yaobao, go back." This time the goal has been achieved, Jiang Ran circled Huolei Island in the Fengling Ship, and after making sure there was nothing wrong, she called Yaobao and Baimei to go back home.

"Hmm~~" The ancient red carps looked at Jiang Ran's leaving back, breathed a sigh of relief, and gradually sank to the bottom of the sea to continue to sleep.

And the runaway catfish also swam back quietly, only to find that their habitat had changed to a master, and joined in if they couldn't beat it.

World of Warcraft is that simple and spineless.

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