As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 411 Ten thousand catties! !

Chapter 411 One hundred thousand catties! !

These two ships attracted the attention of all the people. As early as when a sharp corner emerged, thousands of people cheered.

Chen Guangyu and the others were also moved when they saw the people on the shore.

"I saw my wife. I haven't been back for a few days. My family must be worried."

"With so many people, the whole Nanzhu Village must have come out to watch the excitement!"

"There are still a lot of vendors..."

At a glance, there are crowds of people on the pier, some people are beating gongs and drums, and children are jumping up and down, as if celebrating the safe return of the ship and the full load of fish.

The scene is like New Year's Eve.

In order to maintain order, there are headhunters with armored soldiers patrolling here.

"哐~~~~~" The ship docked.

The 40-meter-long and ten-meter-high boat looks like a huge beast to ordinary people, which caused many people to exclaim.

"Wow, from a closer look, this boat is really big."

Ye Cheng, the owner of the shipyard, did not let go of such a lively scene. Seeing the new damage to the hull, he said distressedly, "It's over, there must be a sea monster attacking the ship. This ship really can't support the ocean. I don't know. How long can it be used..."

Several ladders were lowered, and some people disembarked one after another. Seeing the crew members who seemed to be thin, tired, and slovenly, everyone laughed and felt distressed.

Suddenly, everyone saw a person wearing a dark red shirt standing on a high place, with picturesque long eyebrows, showing sporadic indifference and alienation. They saw that person leaping lightly, hair and clothes fluttering, and the wind and waves flowed Every detail of it is extraordinarily elegant and gorgeous, and the next moment, that person is leisurely stepping on the ground.

"It's the county lord!"

"Hey, no matter how you look at it, our county lord is still very beautiful!"

"That's right, messy clothes and hair don't affect the beauty."

There was another uproar.

After Jiang Ran got off the boat, many people came forward to greet her.

Jiang Xiaowen came up to meet her, with an expression that I miss you, "Sister, do you want some water?"

Jiang Ran lightly squeezed Jiang Xiaowen's soft face, "I still have something to do, there are many people here, you go to Suyuanbefu with Steward Li and Vanilla to wait for me first."

Jiang Xiaowen nodded, "OK."


These two boats of fish are a huge fortune, and all the officials in the county rushed to count them.

Countless wooden basins and barrels were brought in, and the fish on the boat were not removed until it was dark.

"Oh my god, this is the first time this minister has seen so many fish." Wu Yun couldn't close his mouth in surprise.

He shouted, "Quickly, sort the fish and weigh them! Where are those ice monks, hurry up and make some ice cubes!!!"

All the villagers in Nanzhu Village came out to help.

It was another two or three hours of busy work before all the fish were processed.

After Chu weighed all the seafood, Wu Yun reported a number, and everyone except Jiang Ran was shocked.

"No way! There are more than [-] catties!!!"

"Did I make a mistake, how could there be such a large number!"

The scholars who counted were all stunned, "But I counted it three times!"

There are dozens of kinds of common fish, a total of [-] catties, and sea vegetables such as kelp and wakame weigh [-] catties.

In addition to the three thousand catties of red scale fish, there are more than 100 catties of low-level spiritual goods sporadically.

"Has the red scale fish been classified into good categories?" There are fishermen on the earth who go out to sea and bring back hundreds of tons of fish. One hundred thousand catties of fish just sounds like a lot, and it's a bit scary to pile up, but Jiang Ran doesn't feel that It was too strange, so I just glanced at it and asked Wu Yun about the situation of the red scale fish.

The world likes to classify spiritual things like red scale fish and ice ganoderma lucidum by year.

You get what you pay for, and Jiang Ran and the others divided the red scale fish into one-year, ten-year red scale fish, 100-year red scale fish, 200-year red scale fish, and 300-year red scale fish... By analogy, until the millennium fish.

The size of red scale fish is 1-10 catties a year, and the price at the wharf is 100-500 per catty. The internal market price in Suling County is based on the price of the wharf, adding about three crystal points.

Ten-year-old red scale fish weighs 10 to 50 catties, and the wharf price is 10 to 100 spirit crystals per catty. The internal market price is based on the wharf price plus [-] crystal points.

Centuries-old red scale fish are rare, and after all, it is not just about weight when it is subdivided into hundreds of years.Before going to Monkey Island, Jiang Ran caught a 100-jin red scale fish. According to its size, appearance and aura, it was preliminarily classified as [-] years old.

The value of one hundred will definitely not be lower than two hundred spirit crystals per catty of fish.

Of course, these prices are all within Suling. Selling the red scale fish to other territories depends on the storage and transportation costs and the respective abilities of the merchants.

Wu Yun blushed with excitement, "Master, this time it's really a bumper harvest. Most of the red scale fish caught are ten-year-old red scale fish. The quality is very good. There are 24 fish in total, weighing 630 and 63 catties. One year old There are 430 red scale fish, 100 seven catties in total. There is also a 760-year-old red scale fish, [-] three catties!"

"...If all these red scale fish can be sold, maybe we can earn 100 million spirit crystals!" Wu Yun's head was dizzy, because he couldn't even imagine how many 100 million spirit crystals there are.

"...It's a pity that it's hard to sell so many red scale fish." Lin Sha was a little late because of something, and when he heard Wu Yun's words, he calmly shattered his sweet dream.

Lin Sha bowed to Jiang Ran, "Wanfu, my lord, my servant is late."

Jiang Ran nodded slightly to Lin Sha, "I will arrange for the red scale fish, don't worry."

It was already dark at this time, and the temperature at night was much cooler. It was still very cold in March, and almost everyone was still wearing two or three clothes.The people at the pier did not go back, but more and more. When the darkness was shrouded, some officers and soldiers sent Liuyun lamps to illuminate the beautiful Nanzhu Village even more beautifully.

Wu Yun asked, "County Lord, everything is fine here, the fishmongers are waiting impatiently, is it on sale?"

"open it."

After Jiang Ran agreed, she didn't have the idea of ​​staying here all the time. After handing over the matter to Wu Yunlinsha and other officials, she went to the Beppu at Suyuan Seaside to take a bath and eat.

Someone beat gongs and drums to indicate that the fish was on sale, and suddenly, the place that was a little calm just now became crazy.

"Don't squeeze, I came first, I should come first."

"Hey, why don't you come first, I sent someone to wait a few days ago, okay?"

"Hey bro, who isn't?"

Many fishmongers specially come to the pier to wait after getting the news in order to give priority to choosing good fish.

After they get the first-hand fish, these fish will spring up like mushrooms after rain in the next few days, appearing on the streets of Suling Town, Xinheng, Fenghuang and Zhenyuan Town, on the tables of every household, and even in Suling County Several cities on the edge will also be occupied by these fish.

Seeing that the situation was getting out of control, officers and soldiers immediately stepped forward to maintain order with cold faces.

(End of this chapter)

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