As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 412 Countermeasures

At five o'clock in the morning, Lin Sha and Wu Yun came to report the sales of seafood last night with dark circles under their eyes.

The two of them seemed to have stayed up all night. Wu Yun persisted in the book and reported: "5% of the common fish was taken away by caravans and street vendors. We collected more than [-] gold dollars in one night..."

Several soldiers pressed several large boxes, and Jiang Ran gestured to open them, and the golden and silver lights shone brightly, illuminating the room.

Quite a lot...

Silver and gold are important currencies in a city, and all the silver and gold dollars spent on the construction of the city wall have finally come back.

But earning money from the people in one's own territory is meaningless. If you want to increase the amount of money stored in the entire county, you still have to find a way to get gold and silver from the outer city.

"The one-year-old red-scaled fish have basically been bought, or by non-merchant people." Wu Yun continued, "The ten-year-old red-scaled fish were distributed by some caravans in the county to 38 pieces on credit, and now There are 25 left. The 100-year-old red scale fish was left untouched."

"So excluding the red scale fish, there are still [-] catties of seafood left... First pick some expensive and good products, and distribute [-] catties to the crew members who went to sea with me." Jiang Ran turned to Lin Sha, "Is there a sound transmission with Dongtian Village?"

Lin Sha cupped his hands, "I contacted the other side, and Qianyu said they want five thousand catties of fish that are cheaper."

Some of their more than 100 people have ice monks, and five thousand catties of fish are enough for their group of young and middle-aged people to eat for more than half a month.

"Okay, then sell five thousand catties of fish to Qianyu. In addition, another five thousand catties will be given to the villagers of Dongtian Village. After supplying this month's food supplies, let them support themselves."

Wu Yun nodded, "The red scale fish and other spiritual delicacies should also be taken to Dongtian Village by the way. Someone should buy them."

Jiang Ran hummed, and then said, "There are still 2000 catties of seafood and more than [-] catties of red scale fish left, Lin Sha, go to the mercenary union to post a notice, and temporarily hire an ice monk to help make ice and freeze sea fish. It's a red scale fish, it can't be broken."

Lin Sha was a little puzzled. He originally thought that the county magistrate would make the leftover fish into dried goods.

But he didn't ask much, "Yes."

"I heard that Prime Minister Yun has returned? No progress has been made in the negotiation with Zhuoli County?" Jiang Ran frowned when she thought of what Steward Li told her, "Forget it, you told him not to come here to report, today The court meeting is postponed, you go back first, and call the officials to come to discuss the matter in the afternoon."

Wu Yun and Lin Sha felt that the county lord was in a bad mood, so they looked at each other with helpless expressions.

Yun Xiang was afraid that he had been restless all morning. If it was known that the county lord delayed the court meeting because of them, he would blame them to death!
Lin Sha and Wu Yun left, and Jiang Ran flipped through a book, and spent more than ten minutes flipping through it. After confirming that the content of the book had a general content in his head, he entered today's practice.

Naturally, Yaobao and Baimei are also together.

One person and two beasts practiced like this, drank spiritual tea, ate spiritual food, and tasted spiritual wine, and time passed quickly.

In the afternoon, the officials came to the meeting hall, and even Tian Jing returned to the main city from the Fenghuang-Zhenyuan border.

Yun Xiang's jaw was tense, extremely disturbed, "Lord County Lord, this subject has failed your expectations and failed to..."

In fact, in the past half a month, Yunxiang went back and forth to Zhuoli County a total of three times. In Zhuoli County, he received a lot of ridicule and ridicule. In the end, Zhuoli County refused to export Xuanhan Iron to Suling County. proposal.

Regardless of Zhuoli County's cynicism and sarcasm, at least it didn't show any violence. The most important thing is that Yun Xiang couldn't hold his head up, and felt that he had failed the county lord's expectations the most.

Jiang Ran was mentally prepared and wasn't too surprised.From ancient times to modern times, diplomacy is another level of battlefield, not real swords and guns, but there are often intrigues hidden under the rhetoric.

The confrontation between cities is not only a military confrontation, but also a political, cultural and economic confrontation. To achieve the goal, it is not enough to rely on a few cultural people to play tricks, and the people above must implement certain strategies.

"It's useless to go any more times, Yunxiang, you don't have to go to Zhuoli County anymore." Yunxiang's face turned pale, does the county lord think that he is a waste, hey... also... let's go Tried three times, but nothing came true...

Yun Xiang's shoulders were slung down, his eyes paled, as if he had aged several years.

"The failure of the negotiation at this time is not the fault of Yunxiang." Jiang Ran's face was slightly cold, and her long and narrow black eyes were deeply unpredictable, as if immersed in the cold lake water, "It was because of my incompetence that Suling County was banned." Underestimated."

If it is powerful, Wan Chao will come to worship, why should Yun Xiang be rejected again and again.

As soon as Jiang Ran's words came out, Yun Xiang couldn't care less about complaining, and everyone present panicked slightly, "That's absolutely not the case! The county lord, don't underestimate yourself!"

Yun Xiang kowtowed and said, "The subordinate is incompetent, please punish the county magistrate!"

"Although Yunxiang didn't bring the results I expected..." Jiang Ran raised her left eyebrow, raised her fingers slightly, and made a stop motion, "But I didn't mean to ask anyone to blame when I said this."

Jiang Ran said, "You are the brains of Suling, I called you all here to discuss a countermeasure."

Tian actually pulled the scar on his face, and immediately said fiercely, "As long as the county lord gives the order, even if it costs my life, I will try my best to cut off Zhuo Li Yu Feng's head!"

Yu Feng is the head of Zhuoli County.

Tian Jing was 42 years old at the time. He had just entered the spirit refining realm and was still in high spirits.

There was a smile on the corner of Jiang Ran's mouth, and it was rare to call Tian Jing as his uncle, "Haha, Uncle Tian, ​​it's not time for you to work hard yet."

Jiang Ran's smile eased the tense atmosphere on the field.

The officials were thinking about countermeasures, and Qiu Baishui suddenly said, "Why don't you use the strategy of stopping the sale of salt and the strategy of stopping the sale of iron and stone?"

Lin Sha and the others looked at Qiu Baishui one after another, and Jiang Ran motioned for the latter to continue.

"Master, as we all know, salt is a very important strategic material. If the human body does not consume salt, the body will become weak and weak. Even ordinary monks cannot avoid ingesting salt. If soldiers in the army do not ingest salt, their combat effectiveness will be reduced." A sharp drop. Therefore, if Suling does not sell salt to Zhuoli County, then Zhuoli County will definitely panic."

Qiu Baishui raised his eyebrows, "...Similarly, iron is also an important strategic material, which is related to the manufacture of weapons. Maybe we can start from this aspect!"

Lin Sha also thinks this is an excellent policy, "It just so happens that the salt reserves in the county have been exhausted due to the cold winter, so I took this opportunity to deter other territories: 'If you stubbornly ignore our county, then I, Suling, will refuse to buy or sell salt to him!"

"But..." Lin Sha's words turned sharply, and he glanced at Qiu Baishui with a sharp look. (end of this chapter)

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