As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 413 Zeyan County

"But Mr. Qiu, don't forget that the territory that can provide salt is not only Suling, but also Zeyan County. If we in Suling issue an order to ban salt and iron, I believe the first reaction of other territories is to prohibit merchants from coming I, Suling merchants, forbid the people of my Suling to go to them to lead merchants! If it is really forbidden to sell salt to other territories, it will undoubtedly be shooting yourself in the foot with a stone."

Qiu Baishui gritted his teeth secretly, his face stinky.

Because of what Lin Sha said, he really couldn't refute it for the time being.

But why did Lin Sha catch his loophole, so he was very angry!
Jiang Ran propped her chin up, looking down at Lin Sha and Qiu Baishui as they confronted each other, and found it very interesting.

Seeing that the officials were still thinking hard, after a long time, Jiang Ran finally said, "So the key point is Zeyan County, so... how about we go to Zeyan County?"

Lin Sha and the others were very surprised.

But there seemed to be a malicious smile on the corner of Jiang Ran's mouth, "However, before going to Zeyan County, let the fishmongers quickly sell yesterday's seafood."

The next day, Xinheng Liushang Pavilion sold seafood to the outside world with a [-]% discount on the grounds of a good fish harvest.

Liushang Pavilion has long been an existence like a weathervane. Regardless of whether the fishmongers are willing or not, as long as they can still make money, they can only sell fish at a price that is a few cents cheaper than usual, just like Liushang Pavilion.

Until two days later, the seafood in Suling County sold out seven or eighty-eight...


Ahead is a dirt road full of weeds, which stretches forward and twists and turns until the end of the line of sight disappears. The trees reflect a gray-scale green against the morning sun, and there are mottled light spots scattered from the gaps in the leaves. into a carriage.

This carriage is made of black nanmu, wrapped in exquisite silk on all sides, and the windows are inlaid with exquisite pearls and gold and silver carved into patterns, which are lifelike under the light.

A misty breeze blows, blowing the melodious piano sound far away.

The nine snow wolves had clean and smooth hair, and they were pulling the carriage steadily with graceful steps.

At the front and rear of the carriage, there were actually monk soldiers wearing uniform black armor and the same kind of swords!Roughly counting, there are five hundred people!

It was the group led by Jiang Ran.

Just yesterday, on March No. 22, Suling 15, Suling sent a greeting to Zeyan, and in the early morning of No. 16, Jiang Ran set off with someone.

Jiang Ran brought along Yun Xiang and two other envoys, the nine snow wolves from Dongtian Village, the old woman He, Chen Jingyun, the qin girl, and three other monks from the Mysterious Bone Realm from Dongtian Village, plus [-] other monks from the county. formed army.

Fragrant cars and BMWs, bodyguards and beauties, as well as musical instruments and music, are full of appearances.

This very exaggerated team attracted the attention of the eyeliners in the outer city, and the surrounding territories all focused on this team, trying to figure out what the Suling County Lord was going to do.

"My lord, there are several groups of people secretly following us 50 meters behind." Li Si knocked on the carriage and said in a low voice.

Old woman He entrusted her grandson to a wet nurse in the county to take care of her, and protected Jiang Ran with her own body. When she heard Li Si's words, she turned to Jiang Ran and said, "Those spies are not strong, and I can deal with them."

"Then follow them." The piano girl Chen Jingyun sat in the front room of the carriage and played music. Jiang Ran closed her eyes and sat cross-legged on the soft fur, on her knees. Bai Mei, who had a thick head and thighs, was lazily leaning on her lap Yaobao, the size of a palm, huddled in the den of fox fur, gnawing on small dried fish.

The reason why Jiang Ran wanted to make such a big lineup was not only to protect safety, but also to pretend to be aggressive, no, to show his strength and frighten Xiaoxiao.

Tell Zeyan County and other forces: You can do what you want to do to me, Suling, but you have to weigh your own strength before doing it.

So Jiang Ran was not afraid of being followed, but was afraid that someone would not be sent to follow him if he had a territory.

"How long will it take for Zeyan County?"

Li Si was carrying a delicate deer bow, "We have been out of Fenghuang Town for half an hour. According to the current speed, we will have another hour to arrive."

There are some unoccupied monster territories between Suling and Zeyan. These monster territories that live between humans are not incapable of being conquered by humans, but are specially reserved for some weak monsters to breed, because humans need the meat of monsters. , magic crystal and so on.At the same time, this area is also a buffer zone between humans and human territories. When two human territories collide, wars often break out in this buffer zone.

If Jiang Ran was alone, she would be able to reach Zeyan County in less than a quarter of an hour by riding a snow wolf. Unfortunately, there were five hundred soldiers behind her.

"If there are five hundred horses galloping together, the scene will be more spectacular, and there is no need to waste time on the road... I don't know if the mare raised by Maha is pregnant. With the alfalfa spirit worm, it should be able to feed many young horses today. Ma Ju..." Jiang Ran thought to herself.

The carriage swayed gently on the grass, and soon arrived in Zeyan County.

Zeyan County is located in a vast plain, with Fenghuang Town and Zhenyuan Town in Suling to the southeast, Shijin Town across a river in the southwest, Qingsong County with a vast city in the northwest, and a corner of the territory in the northeast separated by a road to Tianyun Road in Tianchen County connects with Zhuoli County.

It can be said that it is surrounded by bread. Zeyan County suffers from the lack of natural protection from mountains. The only place where there is no need to worry too much is Yajin Town, which is separated by a big river.

The location occupied by Danziyan County is definitely a good location, which makes Jiang Ran very envious. It covers an area of ​​nearly four square kilometers of plains, and the soil is fertile, supporting a population of more than 18. The territory contains natural and desirable lakes. Salt, and a small Xiujing copper mine.

The main food crops grown in Zeyan County are wheat and corn, and they all have corresponding demon spirits. Although there are only twelve known demon spirits in the county, six of them are demon spirits.

All in all, Zeyan County is very strong, just like Zhuoli County, it was almost promoted to a county-level territory, and it was not comparable to Xinheng, Fenghuang and Fenghuang back then.

Territories in the plains lack a sense of security, so tall city walls are indispensable.

Right now, the soldiers on the city wall of Zeyan County are extremely vigilant against this group of elite soldiers with extraordinary momentum.

Jiang Ran stopped a hundred meters away from the city wall, and two soldiers held a jade map to explain the situation to the people at Zeyan. Soon, a young commander from Zeyan County came over.

The little commander looked around for a while, and felt stunned when he noticed the snow wolf and the disabled monks on the back of the snow wolf who couldn't see through their cultivation.

But the word had to be heard, the little commander's back was soaked in cold sweat, "The county king is here to invite Suling Jiangran to get off the car and bring five more people into the city!"

Hearing this, Li Si and the others were furious, and Li Si wanted to grab the little commander's neck, "Bold, how dare you call my county magistrate by his name!"

Yan Lili also sneered, jumped off one of the snow wolves, raised her eyebrows and said to the little commander, "... Get out of the car!? Bring five more people!? Is this how you, Zeyan County, neglect your friends from afar? "(end of this chapter)

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