It can be said that only five people were brought into the city because Zeyan County was afraid of the strength of Jiang Ran and his group. The main city of Zeyan is obviously a humiliation.


Seeing that Li Si and Yan Lili were so angry that they were about to draw their swords and use force, the soldiers behind the little commander also quickly made a posture of attacking, and the two sides fell into a state of sword tension for a while.

At this moment, a hand lifted the silver curtain.

This hand is slender and fair, and even the joints are very well-proportioned and beautiful. There is an obsidian-like ink ring between the fingertips and the slender index finger, which makes the fingers delicate and white with dignity.

The movement of gently lifting the curtain is smooth and flowing, and every small movement in the quiet air can be magnified and noticed. Everyone was attracted by these hands for a moment, but saw Jiang Ran's upper body came out of the curtain, and she stepped lightly with her left foot. In a moment, he sat leisurely on the back of the snow-white wolf.

Jiang Ran sat upright, and her posture on the white wolf was especially chic and beautiful.

"Dare to be king before arriving in the county. I don't know if the Lord of Salt is ambitious or arrogant?" Jiang Ran stroked the snow wolf's soft hair, "No, maybe it's just a simple lack of etiquette. .”

Jiang Ran glanced down at the soldiers in Zeyan County. The little commander and the others felt suffocated, and were pinned in place by this stare, unable to move.

In fact, Jiang Ran's eyes didn't linger too much on these soldiers.

Jiang Ran withdrew her eyes, her slender thick eyelashes trembled a few times with the movement of her eyes, her eyes fell on the center of the city, she gently pulled the rein with her fingers, "Let's go."

Jiang Ran was only allowed to bring five people into the city, so Jiang Ran brought Old Woman He, Qin Girl Zhao Jingyun, Yun Xiang and two other envoys.

The little commander looked at the majestic five snow wolves and the few people riding on their backs, gritted his teeth and said with a pale face, " not right."

Zhao Yunjing plucked the strings lightly, and asked with a smile, "What's wrong? The car got off, and our county lord took five people with him. What doesn't meet your requirements?"

"This..." Jiang Ran only brought five people with him and got out of the car. He did act according to their rules, but riding a snow wolf into the city, he didn't look as embarrassed as he imagined. Even more majestic!
But looking at this group of murderous troops, the little commander was also afraid that he would die tragically here, so he didn't dare to say anything more.

Jiang Ran didn't make things difficult for the little commander anymore. Although he was indeed underestimated, it would be better to make trouble for the top one than to trouble the little one.

Moreover, this time there is also a purpose that must be achieved.

Anyway, into the city.

The snow wolf was very fast, and the young commander got on his horse and had to run with all his strength to catch up with Jiang Ran and the others.

After entering the city, there would be an embarrassing meal. Although there was a courtier from Zeyan to receive him, he gave him some drinks at random, and the county head of Zeyan County did not come out to meet him for a long time.

"Wait a little longer, wait a little longer, our county king is busy, but he will be here soon." Although the luxuriously dressed courtier said something, his old eyes were full of sneering.

It was obvious that he was deliberately giving off power.

Jiang Ran's face was calm, but she didn't pay attention to it, and she snapped her fingers without using the inferior wine brought out by Zeyan. As a result, the lonely hall has a new look.

Jiang Ran, Mrs. He and the others closed their eyes lightly, as if they were enjoying the sound of the piano, and there was no depressed look on their faces, as if they were content and treated this place as some kind of entertainment place.

This made Huafu Lichen's face stiff.

But Yun Xiang leaned over, "My lord, hiss... this drink is really difficult..." It's hard to finish!

With an expression of loyalty to help in times of difficulty, Yun Xiang blew on the sparse beard on his lips, "Could it be that something has gone wrong in Zeyan County recently... Ouch, the large and small territories around us were all closed 20 years ago. It is a partner who has resisted the Warcraft army together. If you are in trouble in getting salt, just mention it, and the brothers nearby will be happy to help. Although I have just become the county leader in Suling, I may not be able to donate money and food, but I can do it for us in my heart. My good brother Zeyan is cheering up..."

Yun Xiang is actually very good-tempered and very tolerant, but when the head of Suling County visited in person, a small official could be so arrogant, he was already full of anger.

With the support of the county lord's attitude, the quasi-old man over half a hundred will inevitably make the other party feel weird when he speaks.

Even a normal person could understand the sarcasm in the words, and the face of the ceremony official Zeyan suddenly became very ugly.

Deliberately making things difficult and not seeing the desired results, Zeyan County and the others certainly felt bored. After the ritual officer reported the situation to Zeyan County Lord, he finally invited Jiang Ran over reluctantly on the eve of nightfall.

Jiang Ran and others rode snow wolves all the way here. In fact, they passed through several towns and villages in Zeyan County. Muddy dirt road.The life of the people in the century-old county is actually just like this. Most of the passers-by are ragged and sallow, and they may not live better than the people in Suling.

Logically speaking, Zeyan County would not be so shabby, but once you enter the central city of Zeyan, especially when you see the magnificent palace, the puzzles will be solved.

Although Jiang Ran and his party received a lot of slights before meeting Zeyan County Lord, but when they entered the luxurious and spacious main hall, they saw many long dining tables in the fragrant room. The attendants are dressed in fragrant clothes, the musicians are playing, and the dancers are dancing gracefully.

Wen Yunsheng, the magistrate of Zeyan County, hugged left and right, heard the voice of the servant reporting, looked out, and saw Jiang Ran's beautiful face when he raised his eyes.

"Hiss..." Wen Yunsheng couldn't help taking a breath.

Daishan's long eyebrows, black star eyes, and jade nose... put together, it looks like a peerless magnificent painting.

Stunning and brilliant.

Amid the melodious and misty music, the beauty lightly raised her eyebrows and glanced at the lobby, the careless arcs of her eyes revealed an indifference and arrogance that did not match this beautiful face.

People dare not be rude and indulge in beauty.

Wen Yunsheng, who was dressed in fine clothes, seemed to have been stabbed by the chill. He came back to his senses, glanced left and right at the maid beside him, lost interest immediately, and shouted back at the beauty, "It's boring to go down!"

The faces of the beauties were anxious, not knowing what they had done, which aroused the impatience of the master, so they had to retreat quickly.

'I hate the way that ugly monster looks at you and grunts. Hiding under Jiang Ran's robe, Yao Bao whispered to Jiang Ran, "Would you like me to help Ran Ran get rid of him, and give me a drink!" '(end of this chapter)

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