As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 415 2 catties of salt

Hearing this, Jiang Ran glanced at the county magistrate Zeyan.

The county lord of Zeyan County seems to be over 70 years old. He succeeded at the age of 40 and is the second lord of Zeyan County.

But practice can prolong life, not to mention that from the outside, Wen Yunsheng has already reached the seventh level of mystical bones, and he cannot be seen from his appearance. Only the occasional white strands in his hair can show that he is not young anymore.

But seeing him with a hulking back, wearing a gorgeous golden robe inlaid with jewels, Wen Yun is not actually ugly, but his eyebrows are raised, and he is squinting at Jiang Ran and the others, and he can't see a bit of seriousness. up.

If Jiang Ran wanted to kill everyone who cast such gazes, the world would be destroyed. Jiang Ran restrained her emotions very well, and pinched Yaobao's soft abdomen with her hands, signaling it not to act rashly.

Yaobao was a little disappointed.

The little thing didn't realize that since he followed Jiang Ran, he became more and more like a domesticated monster. He was very obedient and didn't act rashly. It was just the blood instinct of the Tianyao beast that made him sniff his nose. He wanted to see if there was any baby……

Jiang Ran and others came to Zeyan County as guests. No matter what thoughts they had in mind at this time, they were still very polite to the Lord Zeyan on the surface. After asking, they were led to one of the long tables by the attendants. superior.

"The food seems to be pretty good..." Yun Xiang said in a low voice.

There are pork, beef and mutton on the table, and what is more unusual is a special product of Zeyan County-willow silk gourd.

Willow silk gourd is a rare spiritual plant in Zeyan County. It is of water attribute. The tender willow silk gourd can be eaten. After special treatment, the old willow silk gourd will be used as decorations or containers for water and wine.

It is said that water filled with willow gourd will be sweeter.

Jiang Ran glanced at the processed willow silk gourd placed on the table. The surface is as smooth as jade, which is quite delicate. She couldn't help but think that if she started a bamboo mash monkey wine business in the future, it would be good to have this gourd as a packaging container , and cooperate with Haiyuzhu.

Everyone in Yunfeng is a little hungry, but when they are away from home, their hearts are sinister. What's more, Zeyan County's previous actions made several people feel disgusted. It was poisoned, so several people pretended to eat, but in fact they didn't eat at all.

Of course, Jiang Ran didn't even bother to pretend.

"It seems that the food in my Zeyan County does not meet the appetite of Jiang County!" Wen Yunsheng smiled, but in the eyes of Yun and other people, no matter how you look at it, it is evil.

He laughed again, "I heard that the county magistrate Jiang who made Suling the county leader in one fell swoop is very young, but this king didn't expect to be so young and a peerless beauty, tsk tsk..."

Jiang Ran has always been taciturn towards people she doesn't like very much. She didn't want to reply, but the other party was a county lord anyway, so she lowered her eyes, propped her chin with one hand, and lazily raised her hand at Wen Yunsheng. wine glass.

Too superior appearance will easily attract unnecessary peeps and troubles, but it is not without benefits. At least Jiang Ran's lazy behavior and attitude did not cause the dissatisfaction of Zeyan county magistrate and many officials present.

No matter how lazy Jiang Ran is, someone like Yun will make things up for her.The subsequent confrontation will depend on the words of these three envoys, and they will be given the opportunity to exercise. Jiang Ran is just a sitter, and will stand up when it really fails.

Zeyan County sent a lot of attendants and officials to serve Jiang Ran and the others. In fact, they were secretly talking. Yun and the others were also smart people.After toasting and intriguing for a while, the two parties finally began to tell the truth.

It was from Zeyan County who spoke first. Wen Yunsheng's face was flushed, and he put down his wine glass heavily, a little bluffing, "What's the reason for your sudden visit?"

Yun Xiang took the initiative to stand up, cupped his hands and said with a smile, "We, Suling, want to do a big business with you, Zeyan County!"

Do big business?

When it comes to the word business, the people present in Zeyan County couldn't help frowning.

Why does Zeyan County treat Jiang Ran and others so badly?It is because they are competing with each other in business.

Among the several major specialties of Zeyan County, Bai Jingjing's Zeyan mainly collects gold and silver for it.

And since Suling introduced cheap Suyan, Zeyan's export volume has shrunk to only one percent of the usual level!

This one percent is still the sales volume that Zeyan barely sold because of a drastic price cut.

In the past, the average export price of Zeyan was around [-] silver dollars during non-war or disasters.

And a year ago, Zeyan County, which had no competitors, was very arrogant for a while, and even raised the price of table salt to two hundred silver dollars per catty. The export price is set at a price below eighty silver dollars.

However, the export price of [-] silver dollars per catty has to go through the hands of commercial firms, so in fact, the actual price of salt that the people in the outer collar cities actually get should be around [-] silver dollars.

Like the barren edge of Yunzhang, especially for a few poor villages that are barely independent, ordinary people do not seek to practice longevity, and their monthly living expenses are only two or three gold dollars, and a bucket of wheat is only 150 silver dollars. Well, Zeyan of eighty silver dollars is indeed not cheap.

And the export price of Suyan is as high as fifteen silver dollars, and the common people outside can get it for less than twenty silver dollars!
Although Suyan is not as white and delicate as Zeyan, it is enough to meet the needs of poor people!

What's more, the pure Zeyan people rely on the monopoly of salt, with such an arrogant attitude, shoddy, and even do the absurd thing of mixing white sand and selling it.

Therefore, who would give up the high-quality and cheap Su salt and buy the sky-high price and unguaranteed quality of Ze salt?

To be honest, Zeyan still has [-]% of its previous sales volume, purely because some people who are not particularly short of money are worried about the safety of Suyan, and plan to wait and see for a while, but a few months have passed , Suyan may not be harmful, so Zeyan's sales are still plummeting!
Of course, the supply of Suyan is in short supply, and sales have skyrocketed.

Thinking of this, Zeyan officials showed hostility one after another.

And the Suling people actually said they wanted to do business with them?

Who the hell wants to do business with people from Suling?
Even if they die, they won't join forces with the Suling people!
I don't even want to ask Yunxiang Suling what kind of business he wants to discuss with them!

But if Zeyan people don't ask, won't Yun Xiang take the initiative to say it?

"We want to buy Zeyan! 2000 million catties!"

"Boom!" "Boom!" This was the sound of Zeyan officials dropping their wine glasses to the ground.

"2000 million catties of salt?? Are you crazy!!" Zeyan was stunned. (end of this chapter)

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