As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 416 The Deal of 6 Gold Dollars

Even the blush on Wen Yunsheng's face was scared away by the exaggerated number, and he stared at Yunxiang fiercely with his dark eyes, as if saying that if you don't make it clear, I want you to look good.

The population of Suling County is no more than 2000, and the human body can eat about six catties of salt every year with a normal intake of salt. 20 million Zeyan is enough for all the people in Suling to eat for [-] years! !

Didn't Su Ling master the method of making table salt?Then why did they buy so much Zeyan back home?
Conspiracy, there is definitely a conspiracy in it!

Although the Zeyan people present felt that there was a conspiracy, they would definitely make a lot of money if they could sell 2000 million catties of Zeyan, so they couldn't stop themselves from listening to Yunxiang's next words.

One of Zeyan's officials asked with a dull face, "Why did you buy Zeyan specially? Don't you have salt?"

Someone said aggressively, "...Could it be that there is something wrong with the production of Suyan!"

"How can there be so many reasons? We always think that Zeyan is more delicious than our Suyan. Zeyan is the predecessor of our Suyan. Out of respect, we really want to buy a lot of Zeyan." Yun Xiang said with a smile, "As for us Suyan, the future is bright, and we plan to produce tens of thousands of catties in the future!"

It turned out that there was nothing wrong with Su Yan.

Naturally, the people of Zeyan County will not be happy when they hear the news.

Among the officials of Zeyan, a bearded man in green clothes and not of low status glanced at Wen Yunsheng, and after receiving the latter's nod, he took the initiative to stand up, "How do you deal with us? Let's talk about it first. We Zeyan can't do it." 2000 jins of Zeyan will come out in one hand.”

Jiang Ran and the others were naturally prepared in advance, and Yun Xiang gestured backwards, and the two white-clothed envoys from their side stepped forward and handed over a document.

This is a contract document. When Wen Yunsheng opened it, his face suddenly changed.

The above content is roughly: Zeyan County sells 2000 million catties of Zeyan to Suling County at a price of 200 silver dollars per catty. Must be fully delivered within.

This is a long-term contract worth 60 gold dollars. The person who made this contract is not so much courageous as he is mentally ill.

200 years is too long and there are too many variables. Anyway, Wen Yunsheng cannot guarantee that he can live for that long.

This contract is really unprecedented for him.

But after he took a closer look at the contract, he couldn't help but ask, "Master Jiang, is the transaction currency Fanbi or Lingbi?"

"Since it is an item that does not contain spiritual energy, of course it is settled with ordinary coins, but if you want to trade with spiritual coins, it is not impossible." Jiang Ran raised her eyes and said.

Sure enough, it was settled with Fancoin.

Wen Yunsheng said that he was a little bit moved.

Having been the lord of Zeyan for more than 30 years, although Wen Yunsheng lives in extravagance, he is not a fool, and he will consider the people below—after all, his good life still needs to be maintained by the people below.

Zeyan is related to the interests of many ordinary civilians, salt merchants and contractors.After Su Yan was born, Zeyan merchants were hit hard, and the territory lost a lot of income.

And 60 gold dollars... Zeyan County has been established for a hundred years, can the entire county collect 30 gold dollars?
But... After thinking about it, Wen Yunsheng was still dissatisfied with this contract, and his face looked a little unfriendly.

The first one is that this Suling is really ignorant, the price of thirty silver dollars a catty is really too low, in the past they could sell at least fifty silver dollars a catty!

Secondly, the annual salt production in Zeyan County is limited. In addition to meeting the needs of the territory, only about [-] catties of Zeyan salt can be exported each year.

It is impossible to hand over [-] catties of salt in a month.

Then, and the most important reason.Su Ling's approach is no longer a conspiracy but a conspiracy.If at least 200 catties of Zeyan are sent to Suling every month, it doesn't mean that Zeyan County will not be able to sell salt to territories other than Suling County within [-] years!

In the end, he suspected that Suling had just become a county, how could he have the guts to sign such a contract, would there really be so much gold and silver to offer?
However, due to the tight export situation of Zeyan in the past six months, Wen Yunsheng did not immediately refuse. He gestured to several officials with his eyes and distributed the paper to the officials below.

The rest of the officials were puzzled by the county magistrate's complex expression, and after taking it over, they were also stunned for a while.

This Suling... buying two thousand catties of salt is not a joke, is it serious?

After a long time, the officials and Wen Yunsheng seemed to discuss something, and finally, Gao Qi, a bearded man in green clothes, said with a calm expression, "This contract is too harsh for Zeyan County, not to mention the [-] catties of Zeyan a month. It's too big, we can't accept the price of thirty silver dollars a catty!"

Yun Ping's heart was moved.

Wen Yunsheng did not choose to directly refuse, but raised the question, which shows that there is room for discussion.

Yun Xiang then threw the question to Ze Yan, "Then what conditions do you think are acceptable?"

"Zeyan is sixty silver dollars a catty, and we in Zeyan County will provide you with five thousand catties of Zeyan a month..."

Jiang Ran narrowed her eyes slightly.

Five thousand catties, which is more than half of the export volume of Zeyan County.

The purpose of Jiang Ran's trip this time was to control the Zeyan County's Zeyan at a high price, and stupidly bought the 200-year-old export of Zeyan County.

Even the officials in Suling felt that if it was just for sanctioning Zhuoli County, then this approach was unreasonable and an uneconomical business.

But in fact, they did not expect that Suyan is table salt made from seawater, and the nearby territory is not only Suling adjacent to the ocean, but no one can guarantee how long the salt is made.

In addition, Jiang Ran did not treat Zeyan as ordinary table salt, but as a rare mineral. If he bought the exclusive right to a rare mine for 200 years, if he succeeded, the benefits he would get in the future would not be imaginable now. .

Of course, I also expected that it would not be that easy. At least, Zeyan must supply at least [-] catties of table salt every month, which is Jiang Ran's bottom line.

"Price and quantity are not negotiable." Jiang Ran's voice was very soft, but it was especially cold and clear in the hall.

Wen Yunsheng and the others were slightly startled, they did not expect Jiang Ran's attitude to be so decisive.

Jiang Ran glanced at Yun Xiang, who immediately lowered his head and put his ear to her mouth, with a humble look of listening attentively.

After a while, Yun Xiang's expression couldn't help showing disbelief, his eyes were complicated, and his lips trembled, as if he wanted to dissuade Jiang Ran, but he still didn't dare to say anything.

Wen Yunsheng and the others saw this scene and were very curious about what Jiang Ran said.

However, Yun Xiang stood up straight tremblingly, and his words seemed to tremble, "Although the price and quantity cannot be changed, we are willing to pay one hundred thousand gold dollars in advance, and the remaining 50 gold dollars will be paid every six months. Pay once, pay off in five years."

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