Chapter 420

It was meal time at this time, and the chimney of the hut behind Canggui Building was still emitting thick white smoke, but the fog was not as conspicuous in the rain as usual.

Jiang Ran stepped into the restaurant with the people behind him, and Lian Xiang closed the umbrella behind him, shook it on the stone steps outside, and followed into the restaurant.

A group of people entered the restaurant, and the guests in the restaurant looked over with such a loud voice. When they saw Jiang Ran's face, they all froze in place. A young servant came to his senses and said respectfully, "County Lord?"

Jiang Ran nodded slightly.

There was an uproar in the restaurant for a moment.

Except for a few people from outside the city, almost everyone stood up to greet them:
"See the county magistrate!"

"See the county magistrate!!"

Several guards brought by Jiang Ran stood by her side, separating the enthusiastic crowd.

The two shopkeepers of Cangguilou came out to greet them in person, and one of the shopkeepers was someone Jiang Ran was very familiar with——Chen Mao.

Chen Mao is a chef and a businessman at the same time. It is said that after he opened a restaurant in Suling Town, the business boomed.Later, thinking that the flow of people in Xinheng, a trading port, would explode, he seized this opportunity and partnered with others to build Canggui Restaurant.

He is now the second shopkeeper of the restaurant and the most important chef.

As for the shopkeeper of Canggui Restaurant, he is a local from Xinheng Town, named You Youcai.

"Sure enough, there are a lot fewer people." While being ushered into the upper-numbered box by two shopkeepers, Lin Sha looked around and came to this conclusion.

He has been to Canggui Restaurant several times.

It's noon now, everyone was hungry after running around all morning, Chen Mao was in charge of the cooking, and You Youcai was serving in the box, Jiang Ran also asked the latter a few questions by the way.

Thinking of the few people I saw just now who looked like people from other places, Jiang Ran asked, "Now are there people from other cities coming to Canggui Restaurant?"

You Youcai replied honestly, "Yes, but there have been very few people in the past two days. There are one or two people outside who should be monks from Qingsong County, a few people from Zeyan, and a few people who secretly entered the new city without telling their territory. An outsider from Heng Town shopping."

It would be unpleasant to snoop on customers' news without authorization, but in fact, You Youcai guessed all of these.

In the several territories near Suling, the people are all about the same in appearance, with black hair and black eyes, and similar aesthetic clothing.

But there are some differences.

For example, in Qingsong County, people in this territory love to burn incense, and even those who don't burn incense will be stained with a faint scent of pine.

Zhuoli County is very proud of the water phoenix in its own territory - Xiaofeng Lingli. Clothes are usually embroidered with the image of Xiaofeng Lingli.In addition, Zhuoli County is the most powerful county in the vicinity, and most of the people who come out of this place have the arrogance of looking at people with their nostrils—this is also the type of customer that makes You Youcai smile the most, and mmp hard in his heart.

On the contrary, the people in Yajin Town are relatively low-key and easy to get along with (people are stupid and rich).

You Youcai especially likes the fact that they don’t have any gold or silver in their pockets, and they always pay for the eagle’s eye stone. Although the eagle’s eye stone is not a particularly awesome spiritual stone, a fingernail-sized eagle’s eye stone is worth hundreds of dollars. It's gold——Bai Lifei, a craftsman, will send someone to collect the eagle's eye stone.

As for other foreigners, each has its own characteristics, especially Youcai has a special way of knowing people.

Jiang Ran asked You Youcai to leave after asking a few words, had a delicious meal, and left the restaurant surrounded by everyone.

The purpose of this trip was to stabilize the hearts of the people, but Jiang Ran actually didn't do anything special, just wandered around Xinheng Town, entered countless shops in a day, and bought a lot of things.

After hearing that the county lord came to Hengshui Street, some people from the surrounding villages ran to Hengshui Street excitedly, as if they were watching some celebrity, and they were crazy - although Suling didn't have the concept of a celebrity yet.

After Jiang Ran became the lord of Xinheng Town, the dark sky that the people expected did not come, but instead shot into the dark night like a ray of light.

After Jiang Ran took over, he started directly from the root of the disease, pulled out corrupt and stupid officials, and changed the system. From then on, the streets became brighter, and the people's lives were improved from the bottom, teaching the people to work and do business. Who doesn't respect today? Your county magistrate, don't you love him?

Looking at Xinheng in the past, when he was away from home, he couldn't see a few young and middle-aged men.The old and the weak, women and children dare not go out, for fear of bumping into some arrogant officers and soldiers, the streets are cold and desolate.

As for today's Xinheng, as a trading port, the streets of Xinheng Town are the most prosperous among several towns. Apart from the rapid development of the fishery industry, other industries in Xinheng Town are actually developing well, such as restaurants, inns, pastry shops , wine shops, tailor-made clothing stores, jewelry stores... like a spinning top, there is a constant flow of people, the bustle is extraordinary, and the smiles on the faces of the people are also sincere.

The exchange of money and goods is much more frequent than before. Jiang Ran watched a woman take out a few silver dollars from her heavy purse to buy a few big buns, and then carefully put them back in her sleeves. A thought suddenly came to her heart.

Before expressing his thoughts, Jiang Ran asked Wu Yun and Lin Sha a few questions, which was regarded as an official evaluation.

"Wu Yun, Lin Sha. Do you know that the common people have made money, where should the money be kept?"

Wu Yundao: "Put it in your purse or trouser pocket? Because you are afraid that someone will steal it, you can't wait to put all the money on your body, and you dare not leave your body when you sleep."

"If you save a lot, can't you put it on your body?"

Lin Sha wondered why Jiang Ran was curious about this, but after thinking about it, she answered one by one, "Store in boxes, cellars, roof beams, sandwich walls, etc..."

"You understand very clearly." Jiang Ran raised his eyebrows, "Since you know everything, how could the thief not know? Wouldn't he focus on these places? But I heard that thieves entered which house and stole the money? "

"Of course there are."

Wu Yundao, "There is a family named Lin in Zhenyuan Town. It is said that more than 100 gold was stolen one night. The lady of the Lin family cried and cursed for three days and three nights."

Jiang Ran frowned and said, "Did the servants catch the thief?"

Wu Yun secretly said that Mr. Qiu is sorry, "Still investigating."

It is said that it is being tracked down, but if there is surveillance in Suling County, it must be difficult to track it down.

"The people are pitiful. They worked hard and worked hard for half their lives, but a thief stole it. How do you think we can solve this problem for the people?"

Lin Sha thought for a moment, "As for the public, we encourage each other to report and prohibit harboring thieves, rewards are given, and harboring is severely punished; for thieves, of course, they must be severely punished, and they will be handcuffed and sent to build roads or cities. If it is a group of thieves, you can let the thieves Exposing and hunting each other will exempt certain crimes; officers and soldiers who cover up and hide thieves will be sentenced to exile or death, and officers and soldiers who fail to catch thieves will also be punished..."

Wu Yun: You said exactly what I wanted to say...

Lin Sha glanced at Wu Yun, saying that I left a sentence for you.

(End of this chapter)

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