As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 421 Assignment of Red Scale Fish

Chapter 421 Assignment of Red Scale Fish

Wu Yun racked his brains, "The reason why many people become thieves is because they are hungry and cold, and they don't know the shame of stealing. My ministers believe that to improve people's livelihood, education goes hand in hand..."

Jiang Ran was very fortunate that although there were not many officials in Suling County, none of them were idiots. She thought about it and said, "That's true, but human nature is greedy, and driven by interests, some people will still choose to take risks. , and my Suling has only been established for more than 20 years, and the government officials have only been established for less than two years. The law is weak. How many thieves can be caught with such an outfit? It’s not enough for the government to crack down on petty thieves, it’s better to build a few more fortresses.”

Hearing Jiang Ran's words, Lin Sha was very moved. Most of the lords in the world are incompetent and incapable of money. It's good if they don't bully the people, but it's rare to see such a capable person who cares about the people.

Thinking that Jiang Ran is only sixteen now, Lin Sha felt that Suling could reach an unimaginable height in the future.

The feeling is still there, but Lin Sha really can't think of a way to build this fortress as the county lord said how many fortresses should be built.

Fortunately, Jiang Ran took a look at Wu Yun.

Wu Yun was watching Lin Sha's excitement, but seeing the county magistrate's gaze on him, his body couldn't help shaking.

But I heard Jiang Ran change the question, "After the trip to Zeyan County, there are not many gold dollars left in the government, and it is difficult to support daily expenses. However, the monthly payments of street construction, boat workshops, clothing workshops and other workers still need to spend a lot of silver and gold dollars. In June, Zeyan will have to pay another [-] gold yuan, and the warehouse is empty, as the head of the household department, have you ever thought about what to do?"

Wu Yun was immediately stopped by the question, with sweat dripping from his forehead, he hesitated for a long time, unable to speak, "Open, increase revenue and reduce expenditure..."

"It seems that you've still thought about this question. Increasing income and reducing expenditure is really a universal term, but how to increase income? How to reduce expenditure?" Jiang Ran continued to ask sharply.

Wu Yun's lips muttered a few times, thinking about the blockade of Suling from the outside world, he turned around in his mind with various methods, but he still couldn't explain why.

Jiang Ran didn't wait for Wu Yun to reply, there was no wave on his face, a breeze blew, his forehead slightly raised, revealing his clear eyes that seemed to reflect the entire Suling, "Other leaders ordered that transactions with our county are prohibited. Thrift... I, Suling, am frugal enough to be honest, and no matter how frugal I am, I won't be able to save a few pieces of gold and silver."

Wu Yun is silent, indeed, the lord of Biejia County lives in a big palace, the officials also live in Biefu, and there are a lot of maids and servants in the palace Biefu.

On the other hand, they live in Suling, follow the example, and the lord lives frugally. Can the officials still wantonly build Beppu and buy slaves?
Their money is spent wisely, either on the road to build roads and city walls to improve people's livelihood, or on the road to build roads and city walls to improve people's livelihood.

Jiang Ran no longer kept her secrets, and told Lin Sha and Wu Yun about financial organizations like "Qian Zhuang".

Jiang Ran said, "We set up a bank to provide services such as currency exchange, deposits, and lending. As long as the people are willing to deposit money in the bank, the bank has an operable fund. If the county really has no money to repay Zeyan County, we can use it from the bank. Withdraw some of the money from…”

Wu Yun and Lin Sha probably understood what the bank was for, and the former asked hesitantly, "But isn't this spending the money of the common people... won't the common people have any objections?"

Lin Sha's eyes lit up, and he said hastily, "No, Mr. Wu, you are wrong, you can treat it as money lent to us by the common people!"

Territories such as Zeyan County and Zhuoli County do not have financial organizations like banks, but some chambers of commerce in Mingxiao City provide similar functions.Lin Sha has never been to a wider world, and this is the first time he has heard of such a thing as a bank, but it does not affect his divergent thinking.

His handsome face flushed slightly, and he said excitedly, "The idea of ​​Qianzhuang is really a genius. We Suling people have the habit of saving money, and we live frugally. Of course, this is a virtue, but if the people don't spend it, gold and silver will always exist. The dark corners are moldy, but it has no effect. But it is different if the people are willing to save their money in the bank. We can use the money to build bigger clothing workshops and boat workshops, let the money circulate, and make more money ...Even, we can 'lend' people's money to others and charge interest..."

But the establishment of a bank must have been very difficult at the beginning, Lin Sha said, "People have never heard of such a thing as a bank, so how can they be willing to store money in a bank?"

Jiang Ran quietly listened to what Lin Sha had said, and she sighed in her heart. Lin Sha is really a great talent. If there is a chance, she would like to show Lin Sha a wider world.

"How about interest on deposits for the common people?" Jiang Ran said, "How much interest will be given if you save for one year?"

Lin Sha's eyes lit up, "The county lord is really smart!"

Several people set up a prototype of the bank, but there are still many problems in the actual implementation, such as who should manage the bank, how to publicize the bank, how to ensure the safety of the bank... In short, the bank cannot be built immediately .


After a trip to Zeyan County and Xinheng Town, what Jiang Ran faced was how to deal with the frozen red scale fish.

Suling’s fishing boats would go out to sea every few days, and the ancient Chiyu had been subdued by Jiang Ran, and the flag on the boat with the imprint of Suling’s jade map had traces of Jiang Ran, and the ancient Chiyu would not attack her Therefore, there will only be more and more red scale fish in the county.

The red-scaled fish was placed in the kitchen of Jiang's mansion, Li Fusheng said, "Two days ago, the fleet sent another six hundred catties of red-scaled fish, which were frozen together, and now there are nearly two thousand catties of red-scaled fish. The red scale fish was kept in captivity in Nanzhu Village according to the order of the county lord."

Thanks to the tireless fleet, Li Fusheng has eaten a lot of red scale fish recently, and he feels that he can beat a cow with his bare hands.

"Master, what are you going to do with these red scale fish?" Li Fusheng asked.

The red scale fish was placed in a large wooden barrel filled with ice, and some quilts should be placed on the wooden barrel to keep warm. Jiang Ran lifted the quilt to look at the remaining red scale fish, and asked, "Give Lin Sha, Have officials like Wu Yun delivered it?"

Li Fusheng said, "Give it away. There are more than [-] key officials from the Six Departments, and each of them gave away about five or six catties of ten-year-old red scale fish."

Jiang Ran thought about it, "Suhong College and the public school are starting, send fifty fish to the cafeteria of Suhong College, send twenty fish to the public school, cook a fish soup, give everyone a good meal, and then send One hundred red scale fish will be distributed to the major armies, and each major army will be divided into one point."

The army and Suhong Academy are the backbone of Suling. Jiang Ran has never been stingy with these people.

Jiang Ran didn't know that his act of giving fish today would set off an upsurge in joining the army, and those parents who didn't want to send their children to school would send their children to public schools.

(End of this chapter)

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