As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 422 Yun Mao is at a loss

With such a score, excluding the one raised in Nanzhu Village, there are still more than [-] catties left.

So Jiang Ran took the fish, filled a large amount of spiritual spring water, and went to the Shenmu Realm through the teleportation array.

The Shenmu Realm is still like a paradise, and the Lieyun Shenmu still exudes the light of emerald, independent of the world.

"Mist!!!" It's the baby! ! !

The first time Jiang Ran stood firm, a small ball of white fluff bumped into Jiang Ran's arms. The earless cat-like creature was particularly surprised and happy, and his thoughts were like comets, wandering and wandering in the green eyes. As for the little Qianyun beast rubbing against her arms, chest, collarbone, neck... It seemed that it wanted to stick its own scent to Jiang Ran's body, so as to prevent him from finding the baby in the future!
Jiang Ran's brows twitched slightly, she grabbed the back of its neck and pulled it away, "Yunmao, I feel bad for you like this."

"Wuwu~ Call, Guoguo, not a cloud, Yunmaoer... Wuwu..." A milky male voice came from Baimao Tuanzi's body, Jiang Ran loosened his fingers in surprise, and Yunmao looked like a ball White clouds float in the sky.

Looking at Yunmao's eyes, the purple meaning flashed past, "Do you know the sea realm?"

"Yeah!" Yunmao struggled to speak human words, his tone seemed a little proud, "Show the baby, it's a human body!"

After speaking, Yunmao's body emitted a glowing white light, and an inexplicable silver-haired boy appeared on the spot.

His silver-white hair fell down to his waist like a waterfall, and his skin was extremely fair, like snow.The lines of the face are smooth and clear, like a crown jade, the most impressive thing is his green eyes, clear and clear, no matter how you look at him, there is a sense of innocence.

It's a very perfect avatar.

But... why did he call her baby?Also said he is brother?

Jiang Ran was about to burst.

Frowning lightly, Jiang Ran said again, "Yun Mao, when you're transforming, I advise you to wear some clothes."

"Wuwu..." Yunmao was completely naked without a trace, and nodded in a daze, "...oh..."

It's so troublesome, Yunmao still doesn't change shape.

With a thought, Yun Mao turned into a cute little dumpling again, and wanted to rush into Jiang Ran's arms, but was slapped back by Jiang Ran.

Yunmao was dazed:?
Shot so hard!
why treat me like this?Yunmao is crying o(╥﹏╥)o
At this time, cloud beasts such as Yunrong and Yunxiu also came one after another.

Yun Rong was also in the body of a beast at this time, and was very happy to see Jiang Ran, "You finally came, did you bring spiritual spring water this time?"


In fact, Jiang Ran often talked with Yun Rong to confirm the status of the Lieyun Shenmu, and this was not the first time she used the teleportation array to visit the Shenmu Realm. She came here in February to deliver a trip to the spiritual spring water, and gave Ba Ge He also brought some survival supplies - Ba Gelian saved two more people, but the loyalty of the two is still being tested, and Ba Gelian also needs help, so Jiang Ran didn't take them back to Suling go.

Jiang Ran gave Yunrong some white noodles, drinking water, clothes, and a few red scale fish, "Sister Yunrong, please do this time too."

Without Qi Yu and their presence, Jiang Ran could not fly up to Yunxi Valley, and the Blood Ring Grand Canyon was still very dangerous to her, so instead of going to see Ba ​​Gelian, she asked Yunrong, who is very powerful, to deliver the supplies to Ba Ge Even around.

"Small." Yunrong took the big and small bags, couldn't help sniffing his nose, and muttered a few times, "Hey, it seems that there are delicious things."

The uncle with broken horns, Yunxiu, brightened his eyes, "Yes! It's delicious!"

Jiang Ran thought that the orcs were the spirits of the nose.

Sprinkling the spirit spring water in the soil of Lieyun Shenmu, Jiang Ran inspected the gestating spirit insects as usual, and after coming to the conclusion that everything was normal and the body of the demon spirit was still not solidified, he went down the tree and mentioned " tasty food".

In fact, it was not the first time that Jiang Ran brought special products to Yunrong and other beasts.

They look like cats, and their hobbies are like cats. They like fish very much, and the seafood Jiang Ran brought last time fascinated Qianyun Beast. After eating, Yun Rong sent a voice transmission to Jiang Ran every day to ask her When will we come to Shenmu Realm again.

"The things I brought are different this time, Sister Yunrong, you have to exchange things." Jiang Ran took out two pieces of jade bamboo containing bamboo mash monkey wine and the eight hundred catties of red scales from Mo Jie. fish.

As soon as the mellow aroma of the bamboo mash monkey wine came out, Yunxiu became very drunk, and the broken blue horn on his forehead gave off a dazzling blue light, making it crackle.

"What is this?" Yunxiu jumped onto the barrel-thick jade bamboo, and used his claws to pull the hole blocked by the upper end.

"Wuwu~~" Not only Yunxiu was curious and excited, but also many white and fluffy cloud-diving beasts squeezed in, blocking the water that was blocked here.

"Fog fog fog ~~~~~~~"

Jiang Ran suddenly felt that she had entered a flock of sheep...

Seeing that the potential cloud beasts were already salivating, Jiang Ran took out several large plates and poured some spiritual wine into them. It was so lively that the heads of the potential cloud beasts were immediately planted in the pots, one head, two heads , three heads... Humming, Jiang Ran felt that she had come to the pigsty again.

Jiang Ran:  …

Yunxiu enjoyed a pot of wine all by himself, and he let out a refreshing uncle's voice in his throat, "Tsk tsk... this is a bar! It's so cold and beautiful spirit wine!"

Yunmao and Yunrong also took a sip, but they liked the red scale fish brought by Jiang Ran more. The orcs didn't pay attention to food and ate it cooked. They swallowed one in two or three mouthfuls.

Yunmao's green eyes are shining, "Xifen!"

The Qianyun beasts are all straightforward, since they like it, it is very simple for Jiang Ran to exchange red scale fish and bamboo mash monkey wine for something.

Two barrels of bamboo mash monkey wine were exchanged for two early-stage magic cores of sea consciousness, which were still relatively precious ice-type and wind-type.In addition, there is a water-type magic core of the eighth level of profound bones, and a dual-type civil-engineering magic core of the peak of the spirit refining realm.

More than [-] catties of red scale fish were also exchanged for [-] spirit crystals, plus some fangs and bones of monsters—don’t wonder why the cloud-hiding beasts have spirit crystals on them. Spirit crystals are not a currency unique to humans. For cultivation resources, Warcraft will also go out to look for spirit veins to dig out spirit crystals.

The Qianyun herd is indeed as strong as a cloud, and they have countless good things. Qi Yufeng and Chi are not here, Yunrong and other beasts are more enthusiastic about Jiang Ran, and they are very enthusiastic to show Jiang Ran their "deposits" , and took out a lot of good things for Jiang Ran.

The potential cloud beasts are very happy to do business with Jiang Ran. They have no shortage of magic core animal skins, because they have to go out to hunt food every day. After eating the meat, the magic core is absorbed, but the fur and bones are usually thrown along. .

So Warcraft fur and bones are like garbage to them.

Even some soft-hearted Qianyun beasts feel that Jiang Ran is very pitiful, and they actually want to pick up garbage for a living, so they are very kind to Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran and the Qianyun beasts are very profitable in exchanging things, and they will take advantage of it, but they are not cheating on the naive and romantic Qianyun beasts... Uh, well, it should be said that they are not particularly cheating.

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