As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 424 Phantom Silkworm

"Bai Mei, you clearly saw it but didn't stop it, and you will be fined to sprint up and down 1000 meters five hundred times."

The thousand-meter sprint up and down means that Baimei wants to sprint up and down at the fastest speed. Yaobao can interfere with it, which can greatly exercise Baimei's speed, endurance and reaction.

Jiang Ran gave Bai Mei the wind-attributed sea-consciousness core. At the beginning, Yaobao broke through to the sea-consciousness with Xuan Mingguang's magic core, which shows the value of high-level magic cores.

The magic core is where the magic beast is purified. After absorbing the magic core, not only can you get the purest aura, improve the speed of cultivation, but also have a relatively low probability of inheriting some of the magic and blood power of the monster.

It takes half a month for Bai Mei, a magic core of sea consciousness state, to absorb it completely, and after absorbing it, he can enter the third layer of mysterious bones steadily.

Jiang Ran and Bai Mei's cultivation speed seems to be very fast, like riding a rocket, but their own talents are one in a million, and there is no shortage of cultivation resources. Pills, water spirit pills, wind spirit pills... are like eating jelly beans, so they are all expected.

In the future, there will be six realms of Consciousness Sea, Dantian, Transformation, Tongsheng, Ningshen, and Huashen, and the Xuangu realm can only run rampant in this corner of Yunshang.

Cultivation is like this, the road to cultivation is far away, relying on talent in the early stage, but in the later stage, talent cannot be lacked, and a large amount of resources must be used.

Of course, hard work is also very important. Thinking of this, Jiang Ran said to Yaobao, "Yaobao, you are in charge of attacking Baimei. Baimei can't rest until he is done."

Yaobao didn't want to move, but was shot innocently:? ?

But Jiang Ran was the boss, and the two beasts went out to soar into the sky dejectedly.

The voices of the two beasts disappeared, and Jiang Ran glanced at the mulberry worm holding his snacks to eat next to the Bingzhi spirit monster, thinking that it was time to add a third spirit element to this little demon spirit—that is, the wood element.

"Looks like I'm going to visit Mingxiao City, so let's take the mulberry spirit insects and show them to Governor Chen... By the way, check the information of Lieyun Shenmu."

A lot of things happened in March. A total of four iron birch immature spores were harvested, and many iron birch trees were cut down. After the Xuanhan iron was in place, the iron birch ship could be formally built.

Ten days after the salt incident, some small villages and small towns couldn't bear to express their friendship to Suling, but Zhuoli County was the only one who kept up its face and didn't let go.

In addition, there is Dongtian Village. Jiang Ran took the time to go there, sent some young orphans as a new batch of villagers, and taught the villagers of Dongtian Village to dig ginseng.

The ginseng was bought by Jiang Ran, and it cost one or two five hundred crystals, but the price of a complete ginseng over a hundred years old is different.

In spring, the buds are sprouting willows, and the silkworm house is bustling again.

The silver crystal magic silkworms woke up from their white cocoons one after another, probably because they were raised by humans, and the mortality rate became lower. There was even another one that evolved from a magic silkworm to a magic butterfly. What was even more surprising was that this magic butterfly was still a male. Make a pair with the three female butterflies before!
Being able to evolve into silver crystal phantom butterflies means that their genes are better. The offspring produced by phantom butterflies, even if they degenerate into silkworms, should be better than ordinary phantom silkworms.

Silver Crystal Magic Silkworm and Magic Butterfly woke up from hibernation, hungry and exaggerated food intake. They had to transport seven or eight catties of fresh mulberry leaves from Biquan Bay every day.

But fortunately, the mulberry spirit insect is a very good demon spirit and a particularly curvy model worker. It is no problem to cultivate Yunzemu mulberry trees by it, and it can produce more than ten catties of mulberry leaves a day. What's more rare is that each mulberry leaf is Full of aura, the shape is perfect.

The mulberry spirits no longer cared about ordinary mulberry trees, but these mulberry trees grew well by the river without the demon spirits, and the mulberry trees grew green new shoots.

The phantom silkworms weave thousands of kilometers of silk every day, and in Tianxi Village, there are also many tiny brown eggs that break open, and cute little mud-colored silkworms emerge as the times require, trembling their probes to feel the new world.

I heard that on the day the wild silkworm broke its eggs, the village chief Yang Dong stared at the little mud silkworm in surprise and laughed twice, and his shrieking voice could be heard throughout Suling Town.

"Hahaha, broken shell, broken shell!"

Yang Dong's purpose is not pure, thinking that Wu Chuan won the honorary title of "Sichenqing" from the county lord for raising chickens, and he will lead Tianxi Village to raise silkworms, and he will definitely be able to get the title of "Silkworm Aiqing"! !
Thinking of this, Yang Dong's eyes turned into foxes, and he shouted to the children at home, "My children, wake up all the aunts in the village and go with me to pick mulberry leaves! We will raise these silkworms for nothing." Chubby!"


The phantom silkworms wake up from hibernation, which means that there is silk weaving.

A month ago, after Huang Yi took over Suxiang Bufang, he screened out a large number of Weaver Girls from the entire Suling County, leaving only 26 ingenious ones.

In a month, Huang Yi handed over five pieces of cloth to Jiang Ran for inspection. Sure enough, after her training, it was much better than the Suxiang silk before.

Relying on the craft book "Silk Charm" provided by Jiang Ran and Huang Yi's experience, two pieces of cloth were also made into dark pattern jacquard.

"Wait another month, and the madder liaolan will mature. After the dye is proposed, I will be able to make more colorful silk." Huang Yi is very grateful to Jiang Ran for giving her the precious book "Silk Charm". An ungrateful person, the depression caused by Jiang Ran's refusal to open a separate training room for her before disappeared.

"Next, I will make the remaining four fabrics."

There are eight kinds of silk fabrics, damask, silk, silk, satin, yarn, silk, crepe, and spinning. Now only four kinds of silk, satin, yarn, and silk are produced in the territory. Huang Yi is actually the first time to come into contact with silk. Fabric, eyes sparkling, suddenly youthful glow!
A few bolts of Suxiang silk were put into the Liushang Pavilion, and six bolts of cloth were distributed to make two clothes for Jiang Xiaowen and Jiang Nancheng respectively. Jiang Ran still has seven bolts in his hand.

With Huang Yi here, the output of silk should be stabilized, and it is time to find an export for Su Xiangbu, otherwise, they will not be able to support the phantom silkworms, phantom butterflies, mulberry worms, and weaving girls.


After signing the treaty with Zeyan County, even if a bank was established, the financial affairs of the territory were still very urgent.

Without Zhuoli County as a big customer, foreign trade would be reduced by at least [-]%, plus military pay, wages, and territory construction costs would be paid every month, so it would be pretty good to be able to save [-] gold coins every month.

Now there is still [-] gold in the local warehouse, and the remaining [-] gold has to be found a way to earn.

There are still three months until June.

"Not only do we need to earn silver coins and gold coins, but we also have to earn pure crystals... Now Bai Mei and I absorb more and more terrifying spiritual crystals every day..." There is also Yaobao Daqiufeng.

Now Jiang Ran couldn't help thinking about what could make money in the territory.

Paper, chocolate, seafood, and salt are currently the main sources of income for the territory, and they are very popular in the surrounding areas. However, because the people here are too poor and have insufficient purchasing power, they cannot bring more benefits.

Chocolate and seafood spread in a small area in the trade city at the beginning, but because of the war, the trade city was quickly locked down. What's more, the owner of the trade city, Qianyu, was forced to leave his hometown and was "enslaved" by her. I can't go to the city for the time being, and as the replacement city of the trade city, Sin Township is relatively chaotic, and the main trading goods are mostly some spiritual things, so it won't work.

Instead, you can try to go to Chaolian County City. It is said that after Chaolian County son Xiao Hu Hengkong was born, Chaolian County City followed the example of the previous Tianchen County City and opened a trade port.

But who should be sent to be in charge of opening a store in Chaolian County City?

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