In the early morning, a ray of slanting sun shot into the room until it stopped abruptly in front of the desk. There was no one in the study, so how comfortable it was, Jiang Ran's body was hidden in the shadows that the glare of the sun could not reach, with her left hand propping her chin, her extremely cold eyebrows drooping , with a lazy look, holding a fine pen in his right hand, circled a few names randomly, and finally tapped the ink pen on the word "Qianyu".

"Who else is more suitable than Qianyu..." Jiang Ran's eyes were full of interest, and the Bingzhi spirit monster who came close to her shuddered, feeling a malicious aura.

I am afraid that Qianyu has a lot of hatred for Chaolian County and Tianchen County City, and he wished for a chance to stab the Xiao family and Si family, but what is rare is that Qianyu has a fierce nature, but he can also endure insults. What's more, he is still a person who knows business very well, even if he gets rid of his love brain.

There is no one more suitable than Qianyu, and Jiang Ran believes that he will not refuse this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

As for the issue of loyalty, this needs to be cultivated, and going to Chaolian to open a store starts from scratch, and Suling, as a product provider, can completely withstand waves.

Jiang Ran took the lead in writing, completed a book and threw it aside, and wrote the words "Bamboo Deer Bow and Arrow" with a pen.

When asked when and where weapons are most valuable and most sought-after, Jiang Ran's answer is the time of war.

Coincidentally, in this world, wars are too frequent, so it is not too difficult to find a suitable buyer for the bamboo deer bow and arrow, but Jiang Ran will not sell it to Zhuoli County, Zeyan County and other surrounding territories, it is purely Give yourself trouble.

Jiang Ran sifted through the list, and finally handed over the task to Qian Zhen and Yun Xiang.

Qian Zhen is in Mingxiao College. The college has students from all corners of the country, and there is no shortage of heirs to some territories. It is a huge interpersonal circle.

"A batch of red crystal wheat should be harvested at the end of April." Jiang Ran murmured.

Red crystal wheat is very valuable, so the people spontaneously expanded production. Roughly calculated, Suling Town alone has a planting area of ​​more than a thousand mu.

Today, the power of the red crystal wheat spirit monster can cover a hundred square kilometers at the same time, (almost the entire Suling Town.)
However, one of the uncontrollable weaknesses of the red crystal wheat monster is that it cannot completely control the wheat it breeds is ordinary wheat and red crystal wheat, and the two kinds of wheat are often mixed together. The ratio of ordinary wheat to red crystal wheat is almost 7: 3.

The power of the demon spirit, the nutrient solution secreted by the red-spotted wheat worm, the soil fertility given by the earth spirit and the magic earthworm, and the pest-killing power of the brown weed, coupled with the more scientific planting by the farmers, one mu of land can Harvesting [-] catties of wheat—of course, the yield of the newly reclaimed wasteland is not that high, only five or six hundred catties at most.

A total of four crops of wheat were planted last year.

Judging from the field data of non-newly reclaimed wasteland.

The first crop was planted in November of the previous year and harvested in February. At that time, Jiang Ran was not Jiang Ran, and the red crystal wheat monster was still a dying ghost, and the wheat harvested per mu was only about two hundred catties.

The second crop of wheat is harvested from the end of February to the end of April, with a yield of [-] catties.

The third crop is from May to September. The reason why this season is so long is that too many things have happened in the territory, and many new residents have entered. The time for everyone to reclaim is somewhat inconsistent. Some people started planting in May. Someone planted wheat in July.But the exaggerated data of [-] catties appeared in this crop of wheat.

The fourth crop is from the beginning of October to the end of December. The light and temperature conditions in autumn and winter are not as good as in spring and summer, and the wheat production has declined. Because the crops in the territory have become more abundant, the wheat planting area has become smaller, but the wheat production per mu of good land It was also stable at [-] catties. That season of wheat had replenished the granary of the territory with [-] buckets of wheat, otherwise it would not be able to accept the villagers of Dongtian Village.

The land tax in the territory is generally not what you pay this year, and how much you will pay next year. It will be adjusted according to the output of the field.

Therefore, the Ministry of Household Affairs will pay great attention to the average grain yield per mu. When Wu Yun calculated this data, it was unbelievable.

Jiang Ran still clearly remembers that his face was so agitated that it turned into a pig liver, and he lost his composure in front of her without calmness at all, "Hey! It's too powerful, our Mailing monster is too powerful, Zeyan County also has A wheat spirit monster, but their acre of land is at most seven or eight hundred catties of wheat, and their upper line is our bottom line!"

Thinking of this, Jiang Ran couldn't help laughing, thinking that it was indeed not easy, and finally caught up with the modern wheat production, but if one day lost the wheat spirit monster, it might be beaten back to its original shape.

Therefore, it is expected that the wheat will be harvested in April. With conservative calculations, the territory can collect [-] buckets of wheat as land tax. ([-] buckets of common wheat, [-] buckets of red crystal wheat.)
Moreover, there are already buyers for the red crystal wheat, and the export price of three hundred silver dollars per catty is very good.

However, the wheat in the granary cannot be moved easily. According to regulations, Jiang Ran has to share half of the [-] buckets of wheat (although Jiang Ran directly transfers gold and silver into the account). If all the people in the territory are invited to eat noodles, this The wheat in the granary is only enough for one day...

But Jiang Ran can collect red crystal wheat from the people.

Considering the size of the Chen family's grain store and the people's self-retained grain, Jiang Ran can export almost [-] buckets of red crystal wheat. Excluding the cost of one hundred silver dollars per catty for the people and the personal account allocated to Jiang Ran, the territory can be paid. Twenty thousand gold dollars.

The red crystal wheat monster is really a treasure... Fortunately, there is a teleportation array.

Jiang Ran definitely gave the Mai Ling monster extra meals tonight, and was very grateful for the system's help.

"If it goes well, it shouldn't be difficult to earn [-] gold dollars in June."

Wen Yunsheng was full of confidence, and felt that it would be difficult for Su Ling to come up with [-] gold dollars, and Yu Feng wanted to fight Su Ling until the county ran out of salt, but he didn't know that Jiang Ran had a bright future ahead.

But it’s not to blame for their ignorance. Even Lin Sha and the others didn’t know that she went to Mingxiao to sign such a big deal. They only knew that the red crystal wheat was very valuable and someone would buy it—after all, they had never acted with her in Mingxiao City. , and Jiang Ran is a person who doesn't talk too much unless necessary.

But Jiang Ran is very greedy, [-] gold dollars cannot fill her stomach, she needs to accumulate more money and more cultivation resources to prepare for the future.

"When you meet a treasure that you can't refuse, you can't afford it if you don't have money..."

Take the Chaos Scarlet Phoenix Mantra for example. Although the second and second volumes can be exchanged for reputation points, if you encounter it in a certain mall in real life, would you buy it or not?
What if I can’t afford the money to buy it?
Jiang Ran still had the same idea. If he wanted to make money, he had to find a bigger market. There was a teleportation array in Suling, so transportation was not a problem.

The safest and most prosperous area in the Yunshang area is Mingxiao City, but there are a lot of alchemists in Mingxiao City, who are alchemists, refining masters, demon spirit masters, Bai Lifei and Muxi, and the magic weapon pills refined can be sold in Mingxiao City. Not enough to watch.

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