As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 427 Knowledge Circumference, Ming Size

The other side seemed to be stunned for a while, and said after a long time, "The reason...then did I cause you trouble last time?"

Qi Yu was talking about a sound transmission in early February. In just 5 minutes, the two seemed to be talking about some unimportant things.

"Ah..." Jiang Ran couldn't help but sat up slightly, making a slight splashing sound, "No, I was joking."

Qi Yu's ears were sharp, and the sound of splashing water Jiang Ran just brought up did not escape his ears, "...are you taking a bath?"


"Oh..." A little dry, Qi Yu didn't expect such an unfortunate coincidence, "That, that..."

"Are you familiar with Mingxiao City?" Jiang Ran asked.

Before waiting for an answer, there was a sudden knock on the door of Jiang Ran's bathroom, and Lian Xiang's delicate voice came, "My lord, I'm here to change the water for you."

Jiang Ran looked sideways at the door, and the medicated bath under her body was almost absorbed, and the water became cold.

Medicinal bath is the prescription given by Hu Chi to Jiang Xiaowen. It is most useful for young monks like Jiang Xiaowen who have just opened their veins. Jiang Ran is also effective when using it, but it is like soaking feet. You can’t tell if you soak for a day or two. As a result, only in the long run can it achieve the effect of health and beauty.

Jiang Ran is currently washing her body and taking a medicated bath. After the medicated bath, Lian Xiang will come in to take a shower and wash her hair.

After thinking about it, Jiang Ran asked Lian Xiang to come in to change the water in the medicine bath, so she said to Qi Yu, "Can you wait for me without making a sound?"

Of course Qi Yu couldn't say no.

So Lian Xiang came in.

Lian Xiang had great strength, and she poured several large buckets of hot water into another large clean bathtub, but Jiang Ran was thinking about whether it would be better to build an automatic flowing water bath in the future.

But when Lian Xiang finished pouring the water, he bowed his head respectfully and said, "My lord, Director Li asked me to measure the size of the clothes for you, and said that the Yellow Ware Master will use them."

Oriole master?It was Huang Yi, a craftsman.

Li Fusheng devoted himself to helping the master of Jiang's mansion prepare all kinds of exquisite clothes, and measuring the size was a common thing.

Although Jiang Ran's height seems to have stabilized at [-], her breasts are still developing, and her fatness and thinness are not static.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ran didn't refuse.

Lian Xiang lowered her head, Jiang Ran stood up from the water and put on a layer of tulle, "Measure it."

Lian Xiang picked up the tape measure and raised her head.

A few drops of blue medicated bath water flowed down the owner's slender neck, lingered at the collarbone for a moment, and then disappeared under the chest.

"..." Lian Xiang's eyes almost stuck to the water droplets and couldn't be torn off, a blush appeared on his face.

She thought to herself, it must be her ancestors who were chosen as the county lord's personal maid by Director Li!

But Lian Xiang is a work literacy, barely looked away, and quickly and accurately measured the size for the master.

Then, just in case you forget, transcribe it into a booklet.

But Lian Xiang has a bad habit, that is, she likes to chant while writing. Jiang Ran thinks it's very interesting, so she hasn't corrected her problem before.

I saw her holding a charcoal pencil, writing quickly on the paper, muttering in a low voice, "Oh my God, the waist is so feels like I can hold it with two hands...waist...sixteen inches, bust... ...hips..."

Lian Xiang made every stroke, earnestly like a primary school student, I really can't see that she is thinking about it.

In fact, as a maidservant, Lian Xiang is very measured. Her voice of broken thoughts is lower than that of a mosquito, her mouth is basically not trembling, and she looks serious about her work.

But helplessly, the five senses of monks are more sensitive than ordinary people, especially Jiang Ran has cultivated to the mysterious bone state, and he also pays special attention to the training of physical perception, so Lian Xiang thinks that his voice is soft, in the extremely quiet room, listening to Jiang Ran's voice It was like thunder in the ears.

Jiang Ran: ...Let's correct Lian Xiang next time.

She wasn't sure the third person had heard the wrong thing.

There is a sound-transmitting stone in the middle, which probably cannot be heard. Jiang Ran herself is quite calm. After all, even if the third person knew some private measurements, she also knew his size before.

At this time, it's just a courtesy.

She waved Lian Xiang away.

Lian Xiang looked eagerly at the beautiful hair of the county lord, and asked in a low voice, "Master, don't you want me to wash your hair for you today?"

"Need not."

Lian Xiang went out obediently. Jiang Ran took the sound transmission stone and stepped into another tub by herself.

"...Qi Yu?"


"I've been waiting for a long time, what did I say just now?"

Qi Yu continued Jiang Ran's previous question and said, "Hey, I'm pretty familiar with Mingxiao City, do you need my help?"

Qi Yu is very good at dealing with people. He really doesn't shirk when he's busy, and Jiang Ran doesn't hide it. He said directly, "I want to buy a few shops in the central city."

Like inquiring about news, Jiang Ran usually asked Hong Yuan, but Hong Yuan had a relatively wide social network in the lower city, but the central city probably couldn't compare to Qi Yu, Feng Chi and others.

Qi Yu simply said, "I'll take you to see it when you come to Mingxiao City."

In fact, Jiang Ran just wanted to ask which part of the central city had better shops, but Qi Yu didn't expect Qi Yu to take her to see it himself.

The two chatted about the shop for a while, and Qi Yucai said, "The Red Blood Pill is all refined, when will you come over?"

Jiang Ran thought for a while, "April, mid-April at the latest, I will contact you then."

It's the end of March, and Jiang Ran still has some affairs to take care of ahead of time.

After confirming the meeting time, the two ended the sound transmission.


At the same time, at Mingxiao Yunze Peak, Qi Yu felt a little stuffy, so he gathered his clothes and planned to go out to get some fresh air. Feng Chi was still awake, so he dragged Feng Chi down the mountain overnight, and walked around Mingxiao City.


In April, there is a particularly important ceremony, that is the annual official selection examination.

9 people in the county are paying attention to this matter. Right now, there are [-] qualified candidates gathered in one place.

Passing the official selection examination is far from being a success in one step. This is just the beginning of their journey from being an official.

Except that the top ten were finally interviewed by the lord, and after passing the test, they were directly assigned to the six departments of the Central Committee and became good officials. Most of them will be sent to Fenghuang and other three towns and even some small villages to work for the people.

Then move up step by step.

In addition to these officials, Jiang Ran also promoted several soldiers from the extra army to be island patrollers.

Even an inch of land is the territory of Suling County. With the increase of the sea area, several islands are collected by Jiang Ran under the jade map.

Among them, the most important and valuable islands are Fire Tears Island, Water Yuan Island and Water Monkey Island.

The role of the island patrollers is to patrol the island and guard the land of Suling.

Island patrollers are destined to be very hard-working, and they must endure loneliness and be bold and careful.

Only two people were sent to each island, a man and a woman. The patrolmen of Huoleishi Island, Shuiyuan Island and Water Monkey Island were Wang Dacheng and Sun Limei, Chen Xiaobai and Tian Antao, Dong Xiaoji and Lin Ling respectively.

In addition, Jiang's mansion also recruited ten servants at once, and the Suyuan mansion and Biquanwan mansion were guarded by special butlers.

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