As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 428 Seeing the old friend again

Chapter 428 Seeing the old friend again
In April, Suling County established its first bank, Baofeng Bank.

Baofeng Bank is a bank that only deposits and withdraws gold and silver, located in Suling Town.

Right now, the entrance of Baofeng Bank is full of water. Those who watch the excitement, those who really want to save money, and those who inquire about the news... There are people queuing up into the lobby. Several benches for guests to rest are placed on both sides of the door wall. Opposite the benches is a wooden window counter , The bank will patiently explain the bank's business to all customers in the window.

When it comes to saving money, customers listen very carefully.

Banks provide demand deposits and time deposits. People can deposit and withdraw demand deposits at any time, which is equivalent to people using banks as a safer money jar, but there is no interest to take.

Fixed deposits have interest, divided into one year (annual interest of [-]%), one to three years (annual interest of [-]%), three to five years (annual interest of [-]%), more than five years (annual interest of [-]%) .

"That is to say, if I deposit one gold dollar in it for a year, can I get thirty silver dollars for free?" A man dressed as a farmer sat in front of the counter, a little bit in disbelief that Baofeng Bank not only helped out for free. Everyone keeps the money and pays back the money.

There was an uproar in the bank, and a woman wearing a headscarf asked anxiously, "Then if I deposit twenty gold dollars, how much money can I get in a year?"

"Six hundred silver dollars is equivalent to producing more than one silver dollar every day!"

"This is the same as picking it up for nothing!"

"Didn't you listen to Master Jiangcai, the more money you save and the longer you save, the higher the interest!"

"Could it be a lie?"

"This is a bank specially ordered by the county lord, it's not a lie!"

The bank immediately took out the corresponding documents from the cabinet, "Don't worry, we are not lying, this is the seal of the county head, and we dare not lie against the adults above!"

"That's right, the county lord promises a lot, promises a thousand gold, I want to save money!"

When everyone heard that it was opened by the county lord, they immediately believed it [-]% of the time.

Some people were victimized by thieves, and thought that even if the lord wanted to cheat them of money, it would be better to give it to the county lord than to be stolen by the hateful thief!

Some people are more cautious and plan to wait for two or three days. Most people will survive. They want to see if the people in this bank keep their promises and whether they will allow them to deposit and withdraw at any time...

In short, Jiang Ran still underestimated his own influence. Instead of running poorly, the bank was full of guests.

Right now, in mid-April, Jiang Ran plans to go to Mingxiao City.

The trip to Mingxiao City this time was different from the past. It was to develop its own business blueprint, so Jiang Ran brought many people there.

They brought Jiang Xiaowen, two guards to protect her—Yan Lili and Li Si, the cook Chen Mo, three servants headed by Lian Xiang, Chen Qin's daughter Chen Yunjing, Yun Xiang, and many masters of Liushang Pavilion, a total of ten people.

In addition to people, Jiang Ran also brought a lot of red crystal wheat and seafood - this was agreed with Chen Wenfei and Hong Guangshi a long time ago.

When they arrived at Dongtian Village, they summoned two experts from the Mysterious Bone Realm to escort them away, and riding a mighty snow wolf, they went down Yunxiang Mountain smoothly.

Yunxian Mountain is a spiritual mountain. On the outskirts of Yunxian Mountain, I met several groups of experienced monks. Jiang Ran looked at the direction they were walking, and saw that it was not a spiritual gold mine, so she didn't pay much attention.

But the existence of the Lingjing Mine is not private. Jiang Ran was able to find it here because he inquired about the corresponding information in the trade city. It was Xiaoxuan and the others who were strong enough to occupy that land.

But the stronger gold-eating ant was chopped off by Jiang Ran with a sword, and only Xiaoxuan was left, that is, there was a mixed-element golden shield that made strangers (beasts) unable to approach, but I don't know if it was an illusion. With the turmoil in the land of the abyss, Yun Shang became more and more restless, and many wild strong men emerged.

"Sister, Brother Nancheng will definitely be shocked when he sees me!" Jiang Xiaowen squinted her cat's eyes and said slyly.

It is said that the three sisters of the Jiang family all look alike, but Jiang Ran and Jiang Nancheng both have peach blossom eyes, which are like a disaster in the world. They are more similar, but one is cold and the other is gentle.And Jiang Xiaowen's eyes are cat-shaped, cute and innocent.

Jiang Ran didn't understand, but guessed that Jiang Xiaowen might be more like her mother, so Yuanshen hated her even more every time she saw Jiang Xiaowen.

Jiang Ran ruthlessly punctured Jiang Xiaowen's fantasy, "Then you will be disappointed, I have already told Nancheng that I brought you into Mingxiao City."

"Ah..." Jiang Xiaowen lowered her head in frustration.

Looking at Jiang Xiaowen's disappointed expression, Jiang Ran secretly thought, what's so good about being surprised by one person, it's better if two people are surprised.

Yunxian Mountain is not close to Mingxiao City, but Xuelang's speed is extremely fast, even if he does not walk in a straight line, it takes two hours.

But unexpectedly, just halfway through the journey, Jiang Ran ran into an old acquaintance, and this old acquaintance seemed to be in a lot of trouble.

"Put down your weapons and hand over your money!"

"Boss, this group of yellow sand camels is really good! It's worth a lot of money!"

Ahead, Lao Zhangtou was stared at by a group of ferocious grass bandits. In the forest, blood stained the grass on the ground. In order to demonstrate, the grass bandits mercilessly killed several people.

The faces of the people on the side of the Huangsha convoy were pale, and the passengers were even more unlucky in their hearts. The old man had anger in his eyes, and he came out to walk. He had experienced this kind of scene many times. Although he was angry, his strength was a little different. He did not act rashly.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Ran didn't wait for the bandits to take a step closer, and turned her head to the back. One of them, a one-eyed monk named Zhou, rushed out with two tattered blood-red scimitars.

The old Zhangtou's reaction speed was also extremely fast. Seeing someone helping, he immediately grasped the hand that was about to put down the weapon, and quickly rushed towards the robber.

With the help of a Profound Bone Realm, the grassroots bandits were quickly defeated, some of them died, and some escaped.

Old Zhangtou wiped the blood off his face, turned around and saw Jiang Ran, and shouted in surprise, "It's you, my lord, thank you for your help, otherwise we, dozens of people, might all have to..."

"It's fine." Jiang Ran glanced at the fearful team member, "Where are you going this trip?"

Looking at the tall snow wolf that Jiang Ran and the others were riding, the old man looked enviously in his eyes, and replied, "Going to Mingxiao City, are you also going to Mingxiao City?"

Jiang Ran hummed.

A look of joy flashed in Old Man Zhang's eyes, "Then Mr. Jiang is on the same journey with us, can you go with us?"


"Then please wait a while, I'm going to pack up the bodies of the brothers and take them away..." Old man Zhang said in a very low voice, and pulled three shrouds to wrap up the three people who died tragically.

He wants to take his brother back to bury him.

"Why do you still have to bring a corpse..."

One passenger was dissatisfied with the old man's behavior, and hid behind him and complained in a low voice. He didn't want to stay with the corpse for more than an hour.

(End of this chapter)

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