As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 429 The Rules of Mingxiao City

Chapter 429 The Rules of Mingxiao City
All living beings are in various poses, but the speaker vividly expresses the ugliness and selfishness in the world.

The old man's eyes immediately turned red.

They also sacrificed for a team of people!

How can a person be so devoid of conscience and empathy!

With trembling fingers, the old Zhang took out a handful of crystals from his pocket and threw them at the talking horse-faced man. According to his visual inspection, there were a hundred crystals.

The old Zhangtou said with a hoarse voice, "My guest, please get out of the car, we won't carry you anymore."

The horse-faced man looked dazed after being hit by Cuijing, and reacted angrily, "I gave the money, but you won't give it away if you don't want to give it back, because you want to throw me in this wilderness to be eaten by monsters!"

"Do you do business like this?!" The horse-faced man couldn't get off the camel by himself, and he hugged the camel's neck tightly and didn't let go. , there will be no business in the future!"

Jiang Ran looked at Old Zhangtou, wanting to know what he should do, but saw that Old Zhangtou's weather-stained face was very cold, and without hesitation, he instructed a few young men to tear off the horse-faced man.

The passengers sighed, but they didn't say anything. Some people heard the horse-faced man's rude remarks.

The horse-faced man turned blue and red, knowing that the old man was determined to drive him out of the car.

Can't help turning to Jiang Ran.

He noticed Jiang Ran and his group immediately. Jiang Ran was so beautiful that it was unreal.But the momentum of this team is too scary, so I dare not think about it for a while.

But the girl's heart must be soft, as long as he is more pitiful, maybe he can give him a ride.

Thinking about it, the horse-faced man showed a pleading look, "Girl... I know I said something wrong, but I didn't mean it. The journey is still so far away, can you give me a ride..."

"Who gave you the illusion that I am a kind person?"

Jiang Ran was a little funny, riding high on the snow wolf, looking down at the horse-faced man ruthlessly, her eyes were already a little raised, but the angle of her eyes made the upward arc more obvious, it didn't look gorgeous and attractive, on the contrary He became more and more cold and arrogant, "Get lost."

A rolling word made the horse-faced man turn pale, as if a steel hammer had hit him hard on the head, his face turned pale visibly to the naked eye, and he knelt and sat on the ground powerlessly, like a ball with nowhere to support him. I don't dare to say another word anymore.

Seeing this, some passengers who originally wanted to strike up a conversation immediately stopped thinking.

Also, in this unsafe world, how can a woman who doesn't hide her beauty be so easy to provoke? There may not be many smart people in the world, but naive idiots like the horse-faced man are relatively rare. Less!
In the back, Jiang Xiaowen looked at Jiang Ran with admiration, shouting frantically in her heart that her sister is so handsome!

Did you do that just now?

Jiang Xiaowen was behind, covered by Li Si's tall figure, her small body was straight, her face was pretending to be indifferent, her lips were trembling, and she silently uttered a word, 'Get lost. '

After Jiang Xiaowen made this move, she looked to both sides with a guilty conscience. Seeing that no one was paying attention, she covered her face with confidence and became shy.

She thought, just now my sister just said a word, and the man suddenly fell to the ground as if he had been seriously injured!

I really want to learn, I really want to learn!

For the little man with a horse face, basically no one paid much attention to him. The old Zhangtou showed an apologetic look to Jiang Ran, "My lord, I have caused you trouble."

"No problem, it's getting late, hurry up and set off, the smell of blood will attract monsters."

Old Zhangtou nodded, freed a yellow sand camel, and carried his partner's corpse up, feeling more and more sad. Their convoy was sprayed with a drug that smelled disgusting to monsters, but the drugs could drive away monsters, but they couldn't drive away humans with ulterior motives.

The road outside is getting worse and worse...

Jiang Ran used the insanity technique on the horse-faced man, just like flipping through a book, secretly glanced at one or two fragments of memories looted, and chatted with Lao Zhangtou all the way, basically Lao Zhangtou was saying that she occasionally ask.

Walking to Mingxiao City like this, Jiang Ran's face changed slightly, and she looked at the figure of Zhuo Li at the gate of the city in surprise.

Qi Yu was standing on the left side of the door in dark blue clothes. He simply wore a hair crown of the same color on his head. His long eyebrows fell into his temples, and he was suave. Even his indifferent and alienated temperament could not stop passers-by from rushing to look look.

He stood very straight, and the soldiers stationed at the gate of Mingxiao City were not as good-looking as he was.

When a man saw his woman looking over there frequently, he couldn't help being jealous and said, "It's just that the clothes look better."

Hearing what the passers-by said, Jiang Ran took a closer look at Qi Yu's clothes.

The clothes don't have any high-end and exaggerated designs, only the dark patterns of flowing cloud satin are embroidered on the cuffs, skirts and belts, which makes people look tall and noble, and the waist is more powerful and thin.

Ink blue is a color with the main tone being blue, but with a touch of black and a high-end feel. It is cool and fashionable, and when worn on Qi Yu's body, it perfectly interprets what it means to be inseparable.

The clothes are indeed beautiful.

Feeling this gaze, Qi Yu raised his head and raised his eyebrows slightly. The rock-like man finally moved, and those who had followed him for a long time knew that the person he was waiting for had arrived.

Jiang Xiaowen looked straight at Qi Yu. She didn't know Qi Yu, nor did she know that her sister and Qi Yu knew each other. She just thought that there are people who are as good-looking and have a good temperament as her sister, but they don't look too easy to provoke , or grab it and make a warm quilt for my sister.

Jiang Ran nodded to Qi Yu and asked him to wait, she still had to go through some procedures before entering Mingxiao City.

Although Mingxiao City is very tolerant and open to outsiders, it must also abide by the rules. For example, fighting is allowed, but it must be fought on specific occasions, and even thoughtfully set up a ring, which can be used for a small fee.For example, if you want to kill people and set fire to them, that’s fine, as long as you don’t fall under the eyes of Mingxiao’s manager, but if you kill Mingxiao’s locals, Mingxiao City has to dig three feet to find the murderer.

The definition of local people in Mingxiao City is also very rough, that is, either your ancestral home has lived in Mingxiao for three generations (registered.), or you have real estate and land in Mingxiao.

So this is why Mingxiao's house is so expensive.

And one of the Ming Xiao rules that Jiang Ran has to abide by now is to get off the snow wolf and lead the snow wolf instead. In order to avoid some immoral rampages and hurt innocent pedestrians, so Ming Xiao is not allowed to ride outside the snow wolf. Riding a horse on the road - but flying casually in the sky above ten meters.

The second rule is that the magical beasts brought to Mingxiao Academy City, except for the contracted spirit beasts, which are obviously owned and controllable, other magical beasts must be registered before they can enter.

The soldiers at the gate of Mingxiao City are a group of monster-level monks, not that they are particularly strong, but they have extraordinary eyesight. However, as soon as Jiang Ran approached, she immediately locked on the upper left of her seriously—that is where Yaobao is. position.

A registrar with a green beard looked fiercely at the imperceptibly distorted air and asked, "Is this your monster too?"

It seemed that if Jiang Ran said no, he would kill this quiet, seemingly malicious monster on the spot!
(End of this chapter)

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