Chapter 431 Education
The slender figures of the branches of the trees are reflected on the ground. At this time, the winter jasmine is just in bloom, and the small yellow flowers exude the smell of clear honey.

Sensing the movement from outside the door, Jiang Nancheng raised his ears and led Ma Yunzhen to the door to see if his sister had arrived.

Boys in the puberty period are really different every day. Because of suffering, Jiang Nancheng looked thinner and darker, but at the same time, his body grew a lot, and the lines of his face became clearer. A pair of The end of the peach blossom eyes is slightly raised, and it is suave and suave. It is true that it has grown from an inexperienced child to a high-spirited teenager.

"Sister!" Seeing Jiang Ran's face clearly, Jiang Nancheng's face suddenly burst into a bright smile, but then he took a closer look and rubbed his eyes suspiciously, "Damn it, why did I seem to see that foodie Xiaowen?" .”

Jiang Xiaowen stared wide-eyed, "Brother Nancheng, what are you talking about!"

"It's really you, why did you come here too!" Jiang Nancheng finally confirmed that it was not a hallucination. Like looking at a kitten, he circled around Jiang Xiaowen, pulled Jiang Xiaowen's clothes and hair from time to time, and gestured to her head several times, tsk tsk Out of curiosity, he couldn't help but said, "Xiaowen, I haven't seen you for a year, why are you still getting shorter!?"

Jiang Xiaowen:?

"It's because you grew too tall all of a sudden!" Jiang Xiaowen exploded in anger, Jiang Nancheng is just stupid, not at all like her sister and her extremely smart.

Seeing Jiang Nancheng's surprised look again, Jiang Xiaowen wondered why he was so surprised, didn't she already know that she was coming to Mingxiao City?
The reason why Jiang Nancheng called Xiao Wen a foodie was because every time the two of them contacted, she would talk about what they ate today and what they wanted to eat tomorrow.

It's really annoying, because I don't have to eat.

Brother Chen's cooking skills are really good, and he really wants to eat his cooking again. Thinking about it this way, he saw a young man in a white gown follow behind and enter the door.

Jiang Nancheng really didn't expect that he would come here whenever he wanted, and he grinned all over his mouth. He was happier than seeing Jiang Xiaowen, so he just called Brother Chen, I miss you so much.

Jiang Xiaowen would be pissed off.

The two siblings were noisy, Jiang Ran asked Li Si and Yan Lili to lead the snow wolf to the stable and tie it up with a chain, and brought Qi Yu to a spacious guest room. There are quilts in the cabinets in the room, and Lian Xiang is asked to wait for the attendants to make the beds before they can sleep.

Qi Yu was arranged by Jiang Ran. He had no requirements for the accommodation conditions. When he was in the wild, he could sleep in a tree hole that smelled of bird droppings.

"Is that your younger brother just now? He looks very similar to you." Qi Yu's black pupils were like pine ink, and they were deep.

"Yes, his name is Jiang Nancheng."

Of course Jiang Ran's younger brother was named Jiang, which was obvious. Qi Yu never thought that Jiang Ran had a younger brother, so his eyes suddenly sank.


It was not too early to return to the Jiang Mansion in Yuanshui. It was around four o'clock in the afternoon. Mingxiao College's studies were still very heavy, so Jiang Nancheng couldn't catch up with Jiang Xiaowen, and he was going back to the inner city tonight.

Jiang Ran asked Jiang Nancheng and Xiaowen to get together, but soon called him into the study.

Entering the study, it was rare that Jiang Ran didn't ask, Jiang Nancheng broke the silence suddenly, "Sister, I killed someone, this is the first time I killed someone."

His voice was low, and his lips trembled slightly, as if recalling the sticky and disgusting feeling when he killed someone.

Even if the world is chaotic, cannibalism is not an easy task, especially for the first time.

Jiang Nancheng is different from Jiang Ran. He is more gentle and soft-hearted, and he is younger. He needs to be guided well.

Looking at the young man's uneasy expression, Jiang Ran's originally calm thoughts were disturbed.

"Is it for self-protection, venting anger, revenge, seeking wealth, losing hands, or being involuntary?"

Jiang Nancheng bowed his head and said, "Protect yourself, miss."

He added, "He was killing me."

In this world, Jiang Ran would never teach Jiang Nancheng to be a very kind person.

She wants to teach him to have no shame in his heart and not to be afraid of deeds; to teach him not to provoke right and wrong, but never to let others slaughter him;

"Do you regret killing him?"

Jiang Nancheng hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I have no regrets."

Jiang Ran got up and hugged him, "It's always hard to kill someone for the first time. I'm glad you killed him instead of him killing you."

The depressive and bloody feeling brought about by the murder seemed to disappear instantly in this embrace.

Jiang Nancheng felt a little hot in his eyes, and quickly held back while the embrace was not over.

Jiang Ran took a look at the specific circumstances behind this incident, confirmed that it was the other party's intention to see the money, and after being dealt with by Mingxiao City, she felt relieved.

Next, after Jiang Nancheng's mood stabilized, she checked Jiang Nancheng's recent homework.

He really worked very hard, and he broke through the Pulse Opening Realm without making a sound, and he has already reached the First Level of Spirit Gathering Realm.

Jiang Ran still remembered his promise at the beginning, as long as Jiang Nancheng and Jiang Xiaowen broke through to the Spirit Gathering Realm, he would give them a convenient earth-level magic weapon.

In fact, Jiang Ran had prepared it a long time ago. It was a ground-level high-grade magic sword named Peiyu Blue Sword that she had carefully selected. She pulled out the sword from the scabbard. The handle is also blue, with exquisite carvings of water dragons, which are integrated and lifelike.

"Too, too precious..." Jiang Nancheng stammered.

"Take it." Jiang Ran threw the sword at Jiang Nancheng without waiting for Jiang Nancheng's mother-in-law.

The latter continued hurriedly.

In fact, Jiang Nancheng really wanted to be self-reliant, and he didn't want to take advantage of his sister's soft food, but this sword was so handsome that he couldn't bear to let go of it once he touched it.

"Thank you, sister~" Jiang Nancheng couldn't help but act like a baby with Jiang Ran.

Jiang Nancheng looked at the sword for a while, and then consciously talked about his situation in the Spiritual Academy.

"Sister, the Qilei blue bell flowers have been harvested, but the first crop is only 115, and the second crop will be harvested in May." Jiang Nancheng first handed the 115 blue bell flowers to Jiang Ran carefully.

The Qilei bluebell flower was packed in a special metal box, which Jiang Nancheng said was lent to him by senior brother Li He, and called it the Weiyang box. The Weiyang box has the function of keeping fresh, and it can guarantee that the fresh spirit grass will not wither for a month. It is a very commonly used spiritual box in spiritual institutes.

Jiang Ran touched the Weiyang box, thinking that the Kailing Pharmacy might need to prepare more Weiyang boxes like this, and she should also bring a few with her, otherwise she would be afraid that it would break if she found a spiritual object like the red blood fruit next time.

"The cultivation of spiritual power is also very important. You keep 10 flowers for your own use, I will take 10 flowers, and give 5 flowers to Xiaowen, and sell the remaining 90 Qilei blue bell flowers. We will share the money equally. What do you think? Sample?"

(End of this chapter)

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