Chapter 432
Jiang Nancheng could have any opinions, but his sister specifically asked his opinions. He felt that he was treated as an adult and respected, so he was a little moved and a little embarrassed, "I have no objection."

"Have you inquired how much the Qilei blue bell flower is worth in Mingxiao?" Jiang Ran asked again.

"I asked Xiaozhen to inquire about it. Qilei blue bell flower is a spiritual creature. It is rarer than ordinary spiritual plants, but it also has a good appearance. It is not bad like ours, but it is not good, and the age is not high. Yes, it should be worth seven or eight spirit crystals."

"Besides, I know that there are seven bud bluebell flowers in our spiritual institute. Students from other institutes, especially the animal institute, come to ask for spiritual flowers. The supply exceeds the demand. But sister, you want to open a pharmacy, so I didn't sell them, but I borrowed Senior Brother Li He's Weiyang box and brought it to you." Jiang Nancheng was very excited, "I have already hired several farmers to plant Qilei bluebells on a large scale, and I should be able to harvest more next month."

So Jiang Ran put away the Qilei blue bell flower, "After I buy the Weiyang box, I will return the Weiyang box to your senior brother."

Jiang Nancheng said that there was no problem, and said that the brother was not in a hurry.

Jiang Ran asked where the crops grown by the Lingnong students at the Spiritual Academy were generally used. Jiang Nancheng said that he didn't know much about the generation of his seniors, but freshmen like them, because they were reclaimed wasteland , the things grown are not very popular and have no reputation. You may have to find a seller yourself, or you may rot in your hands.

Jiang Ran had a clue in his mind.

Jiang Nancheng also brought Jiang Ran two books about demon spirit masters, which he bought from the students of the Spiritual Academy. Jiang Ran found out that it was a method of planting a certain kind of plant. Jiang Ran flipped through the books and returned the books to After leaving Jiang Nancheng, he gave Jiang Nancheng the books about demon spirits that he had bought in Chen Duyuan, and asked him to study hard.

Jiang Nancheng was very happy. The library in the Spiritual Academy was not easy to enter. To read the books, one had to pay the Lingjing. The more precious the books, the higher the fee.

After talking in the study room, it was dinner. Jiang Nancheng had to leave the Jiang Mansion to go to school after dinner, but before leaving, he played with Jiang Xiaowen for a while, when Jiang Nancheng took out his Peiyu blue sword and waved it happily in front of Jiang Xiaowen Showing off, Jiang Xiaowen puffed her cheeks, very envious, but refused to admit defeat and said, "Hmph, I'm almost at the Spirit Gathering Realm!"

Jiang Ran asked Guard Zhou to send Jiang Nancheng and Ma Yunzhen to the inner city. Soon after they left, it was dark, countless dim stars spread out, and the bright white moonlight projected into the room through the window.

Jiang Ran hung two cups by the handles with one finger, and held a bucket of bamboo mash monkey wine in her arms, and knocked on Qi Yu's door.

The door opened quickly.

A woody scent of clear wood being calcined by fire permeated the air.

Qi Yu's eye sockets were deep, and his eyes showed very shallow ripples in the faint moonlight. He hadn't washed for a long time, and his long hair was hanging down and slightly damp. line.

Judging from the floating aura coming from his body, he was just in the state of cultivation.

To say that Qi Yu's cultivation is so advanced at a young age, except for his extraordinary talent, he has to admit his hard work. According to Feng Chi's whispering and talking to himself, Jiang Ran also understood Qi Yu's state , he rarely bothers about trifles, and most of the activities he does exist to improve his own strength.

Cultivation, the skillful formation and talisman techniques that were cultivated for survival, the combat ability and survivability that were honed between life and death...

Apart from being too unlucky and possibly disappearing for no apparent reason, he is definitely the favorite type of disciple of the Mingxiao elders.

Jiang Ran also had to admit that even though the talents of the two might be between brothers, they still had to respect the two-year age difference and the difference in the length of training time. With Qi Yu working hard enough, desperate enough and rich enough, It is difficult for her to cross this gap for the time being.

Jiang Ran was not discouraged because of this. Life is more challenging when there are mountains to climb. She tilted her head and looked at him with cocky eyes, which was quite sexy and provocative unconsciously.

Jiang Ran lazily shook her left hand, and the two cups collided with each other, making a crisp jingle, "Do you want a few drinks?"

There was a slight smile in Qi Yu's eyes, and he didn't speak, but turned sideways to let Jiang Ran in.

Of course, the two of them didn't just want to drink, but they did have a lot of things to deal with.

Qi Yu took the Haiyu bamboo bucket containing the wine and poured Jiang Ran the wine. When the clear green wine slowly flowed into the two transparent wine glasses, the two raised their glasses and looked at each other. Take a sip.

The smell of wine spread on the tip of his tongue. Qi Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he was a little surprised. Among them, the taste can be ranked among the top three."

Spiritual power boiling liquid caused by spirit wine has surprising effects, but it may be because the raw material itself is not a peerless spiritual thing, the effect is not particularly exaggerated, but wine is the same as food, no matter how good its nutritional value is , the most competitive thing is its taste.

Because human beings are creatures that are easily bewitched by sight, smell, touch, and taste.

Jiang Ran smiled. In fact, the bamboo mash spirit wine was among the top three among the hundreds of wines she had tasted.

If it wasn't that the spirit wine was good enough, how could the thieving Yao Bao resist his greed and go to the trouble of stealing wine bit by bit.

Yaobao is very smart, and it also understands sustainable development. It is afraid that if these monkeys die accidentally, there will be no wine.

Millet wine marmosets have carved their talent for wine-making into their bones. As the race that is best at wine-making, if it weren't for the small area and environment of Water Monkey Island that make the raw materials somewhat scarce, they would still be able to produce more and better spirit wine. .

However, it was also the isolated island that protected this group of weak and sensitive monkeys. Otherwise, how could they have waited for Jiang Ran to discover them?

Wu Xian was very curious about the bamboo mash monkey wine, and when he smelled it, he crawled out of the bed, and Jiang Ran realized that this guy might have slept with Qi Yu.

The little black cat flew leisurely onto the table, the pink meat ball stepped on it softly, took two steps, then tilted its head and meowed at Qi Yu and Jiang Ran.

It is just a baby, and adults have to imitate what they do.

Jiang Ran didn't act rashly because it was Qi Yu's spirit beast.

Qi Yu lowered his eyes, poured a little wine from the cup into the palm of his hand, and put his hand to its mouth.

Jiang Ran propped his chin to look at Qi Yu, the man's posture was very gentle.

how to say.

Very daddy style.

(End of this chapter)

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