As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 433 Spherical Compass

Chapter 433 Spherical Compass
He squatted on the table, squinted his eyes, and stretched out his little pink tongue to lick Qi Yu's palm.

The hair of the little black cat who licked it suddenly exploded, and from the tip of its tail to its ears, its golden pupils also shrank in shock. The next moment, it suddenly licked faster, but not long after, the little black cat Just passed out with vain footsteps.

"Is this drunk?" Jiang Ran was a little amused, it seems that like Bai Mei, they are not the type who can't drink.

Or maybe it's because of the cubs.

Qi Yu hummed in a low voice, took out a white cloth and wiped his hands carefully, then wiped his mouth, then got up and threw the little guy back under the bed.

Soon, Qi Yu returned to the stool, and the two continued to drink.

The concentration of bamboo mash monkey wine is actually quite high, but the two of them didn't use aura to dissipate the alcohol, because isn't the charm of the wine exactly the feeling of drunkenness?
But fortunately, Jiang Ran and Qi Yu were both good drinkers, and they both had a sense of proportion. After drinking for a while, they chatted about some trivial matters, and the two finally talked about the secret key of the spirit essence.

Before Jiang Ran was urged too hard by Lin Sha, she was in a hurry to go back. Although the secret realm was mentioned, neither of them discussed it in depth.

"About the secret realm, I searched a lot of information in Mingxiao City, and these are the books I found." Qi Yu tapped the table with his fingers, and the next moment, a large pile of books were neatly placed on the table.

Jiang Ran has always believed that knowledge can change destiny, so she cherishes every book she can get. However, in fact, you have to admit that not all the contents of books are correct, fair and comprehensive. On the contrary, because books are written by people, Perhaps the contents of the book may be just some fabricated things, so readers should be good at distinguishing and thinking.

However, Qi Yu was able to collect so many books, which surprised Jiang Ran very much. After getting permission, Jiang Ran flipped through the books and couldn't help asking, "Have you read all these books?"

Qi Yu seemed slightly embarrassed, "No, not everyone has your ability to read and memorize quickly."

Qi Yu didn't have so much time to read these books. In fact, there were many things about Jiang Ran that Qi Yu envied and yearned for.

But he quickly added, "However, I asked someone to help me read these books and highlight the key points."

Hearing this, Jiang Ran slightly raised her eyebrows.

She quickly flipped through the "highlighted" books, none of them were very thick, about as high as a thumb, and there was a sound of flipping books in the air. In about 5 minutes, Jiang Ran finished reading the three books , she closed her eyes slightly, and when she opened them again, Qi Yu knew that she probably had all these memories down.

Jiang Ran thought for a while, and took out the half of the spiritual essence key in the space.

This half of the stone was like a very inconspicuous white pebble. Qi Yu's eyes froze for a moment, and he took out the remaining half from his body.


When two semicircular white stones approached, it seemed that there was a special gravitational force echoing each other, trembling slightly.

Jiang Ran and Qi Yu looked at each other, and slowly released their fingers tacitly, only to see two stones floating in the air. In an instant, the two stones collided, and a strong white fluorescent light flashed. After blinking again, the light dissipated. Go, the two stones turned into an exquisite spherical compass!

The surface of the ball is crystal-like, transparent. On the surface of the ball, there are mysterious compass numbers and characters representing the orientation. Inside the ball, there is a golden circular plane, which seems to symbolize the flat earth, separating the sky from the underground. There is also a green key with the center of the ball as the endpoint in the ball. The tip of the key is raised high, pointing to the sky about [-] degrees south-southwest.

Jiang Ran grasped the secret key of the soul, and moved around a few times, but the words and numbers on the secret key of the soul changed a bit, and the emerald key turned slightly, but the tip firmly pointed to the sky over the southwest in reality.

"Perhaps this is indeed the compass and key pointing to the secret realm of demon spirits." Jiang Ran sat back, put the thing back on the table, and looked at Qi Yu, "What are you going to do? Find this secret realm?"

Qi Yu frowned slightly, and suddenly took out a huge map, and placed the secret key of the spirit essence in Mingxiao College where they were.

Jiang Ran looked over, and Qi Yu took out a pen, and drew in the direction of the compass pointer, saying, "If you can find it, it's best to find it, but I'm afraid it will die soon, and the ends of the world have not been touched. The world is too vast Far, look, go straight to the southwest. These places may be Yunshang, Hanyuan, Zhongli, Yunshan and Lanting. If you think about it in a more extreme direction, maybe this secret place is not in the vast land. , may have reached a more distant place."

It was rare for Qi Yu to say so many words at once, and discussed with Jiang Ran very seriously, "Besides, the pointer is pointing towards the sky, but the sky is a place that humans cannot reach for the time being."

Jiang Ran hummed, "Only the existence above the level of the holy fairy can form the secret realm of demon spirits. There is a saying that 'every plant of heaven and earth spirit treasures is guarded by divine beasts', and around the spirit treasures, there are more wolves coveting .”

Speaking of this, Jiang Ran couldn't help but smiled, "I scolded myself too." After all, she and Qi Yu were also wolves who coveted treasures.

The holy fairy who can form a secret realm is not an ordinary holy fairy, and it may even be a secret realm formed after the death of a super holy fairy who is teleporting. Who can not be moved?

Qi Yudao, "The Demon Spirit Secret Realm may be the most complicated secret realm, because it may be accompanied by the Jade Map Secret Realm, the Warcraft Secret Realm, and the Da Neng Cave. With our current strength and the strength of the two of us alone, even if we enter It’s also a narrow escape.”

Jiang Ran's idea is to wait until he has accumulated stronger power before exploring it, "But if we can accurately locate its location, we can make plans earlier."

Qi Yudao, "The college competition in June this year will be held at Gongqing College. Gongqing College is located in Zhongli. I will go there then and I can investigate."

There are hundreds of colleges participating in the college competition every year, but the venue is the unshakable five colleges.

In the order of middle, east, south, west and north, there are respectively Gongqing College located in Zhongli, Mingxiao College at the junction of Yunshang and Hanyuan, Xuanqi College at the junction of Yunshan and Leiguang, and Lingxuan College at Lanting. College and Mindao College in Wanhu.

In June of this year, the college competition was held at Gongqing College. It is said that the monks in this college are more warlocks, and there are a large number of powerful alchemists...

The college competition originally had nothing to do with Jiang Ran. Firstly, she was not a student of any college. Second, Suhong College was still so weak that she had no qualifications to lead the colleges in the territory to participate in the college competition.

(End of this chapter)

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