Chapter 434 Duplicity
In another year or two, they can take Hu Lian and other young geniuses to exercise.

Jiang Ran's thoughts drifted away for a moment.

Leaving the investigation to Qi Yu, Jiang Ran naturally handed over the secret key to Qi Yu.

Qi Yu looked down at the spherical compass, a little surprised by Jiang Ran's trust in him.

Just by selling this compass, tens of millions of spiritual crystals would not be a problem at all.

She also returned the other half of his spiritual key. It can be said that without Jiang Ran's generosity, there would be nothing for him in this secret realm.

The feeling in my heart is strange, either joy or worry.

It goes without saying that she is happy, but the worry is that Jiang Ran trusts people too much.

Qi Yu's jaw line was tense, and his lips were slightly pursed.

Does she trust everyone so much?
Thinking of this, I was not only happy or worried, but also a little uncomfortable.


Qi Yu frowned and was about to say something when Jiang Ran smiled.

Having the courage to trust others should be a person's charm, and it should never be criticized.

Of course, Jiang Ran himself will depend on the person, otherwise he will easily become a fool.

Obviously, at this moment, she doesn't think there is anything wrong with trusting Qi Yu, "You don't have to worry about me, because it's you and me who did it."

If Feng Chi were here, he would definitely yell how ambiguous these words are!

But Qi Yu and Jiang Ran's thoughts were so upright that they didn't feel anything wrong at all.

However, Qi Yu's heart did become better because of these words. The night was quite quiet. Qi Yu lowered his eyes and took a sip of wine. Deep in the alcohol, he heard his heart beating strong and powerful. , Sui took a few more sips, the alcohol stained his cheeks.

It turns red and hot.


Jiang Ran and Qi Yu inevitably raised the issue of confidentiality in the secret realm. When the former asked whether he should tell Feng Chi, the latter said, "Feng Chi is trustworthy, and there is nothing wrong with him except for being a bit flirty, but flirtatious is his. Greatest weakness."

Thinking of this, Qi Yu frowned imperceptibly, sighed, and said, "Tell Feng Chi, there is a risk of revealing this matter."

Feng Chi is a very important combat power, and of course the two of them don't want to push him out.

The two discussed for a long time, and finally decided to keep it a secret from outsiders first, and it is not too late to tell other trusted people when they are confident.

Put aside the matter of the secret realm for now.

Jiang Ran asked Qi Yu about the teleportation array.

Because as far as she knows, Ming Xiao also has a special place for setting up teleportation arrays.

The wine glass knocked lightly on the table, Qi Yu might be a little drunk, his breath was slightly hot, his sitting posture was not as straight as usual, his elbows were propped on the table, and his slender fingers were inserted through the thick black hair to the back of his neck , his body leaned forward to the left, and his soft hair was scattered on the table.

He tapped some wine with his right index finger, and drew a simple map on the table. Qi Yu pointed to a place very close to the monastery in the direction of the west city of the central city, and said, "Yes, that place is called Biduanting. The concentrated setting point of Mingxiao Teleportation Array and Portal Gate."

He knows that place very well, because even in Mingxiao, there are only two or three people who can refine advanced formations such as teleportation formations (doors), and he is one of them.

Of the 31 teleportation arrays in Biduanting, 25 belonged to Mingxiao College, and the other six teleportation arrays were almost all placed in Biduanting after the big forces got permission.

And seven of the 25 teleportation arrays in the academy were refined by him, so he is very familiar with them.

But there's no need to brag about it. Qi Yu is a smart person, and he understands Jiang Ran's needs very well. He knows that she wants to open a shop, has a teleportation array in her hand, and has ambitions. She definitely hopes to get Ming Xiao's approval.

Jiang Ran lowered her eyes in thought, and asked softly, "What's the price for installing a teleportation array?"

Qi Yudao, "We need a guarantor and some expenses."

The cost is secondary, but the trouble is the guarantor, who is willing to give you a guarantee if you don’t know a big person, but Qi Yu said, “Don’t worry about the guarantee, I can help you solve it, but you need to prepare 50 spirits Jing, sell a piece of land to the Biduanting Court to place the teleportation array, and in addition, you need to pay the Biduan Court a protection fee of [-] spirit crystals every year."

The corners of Jiang Ran's eyes twitched imperceptibly. The fee was really harsh. How much space a teleportation array could occupy, at most, it was no more than Jiuping, and it cost 50 spirit crystals, and more than 1 a year.

However, Jiang Ran gritted her teeth and still had to pay. The most important thing was the guarantee. It could be said that Jiang Ran owed Qi Yu a great favor.

Jiang Ran raised her glass to Qi Yu and said gratefully, "Thank you for your help."

"It's okay, it's just a trivial matter." Qi Yu met Jiang Ran's gaze, and then quickly dropped it, "I should have given it to you earlier, but I didn't find a chance during the day today. This is Chixue Dan and Feng Chi asked me to refine it for you." Made teleportation array."

Qi Yu took out some objects.

Jiang Ran was a little surprised, and took the lead to check the teleportation array.

It is very similar to the teleportation array that the system rewarded her, a small teleportation array, one array with two disks, used for positioning and teleportation.

There are 53 bottles of Chixue Pill in total.There are too many prefecture-level pills.

After Jiang Ran accepted it, he returned the material of the ethereal stone for refining the teleportation array to Qi Yu.

As for the cost of refining the Red Blood Pill... Jiang Ran thought about it, glanced at Qi Yu, and took out something from Mo Jie.

"Bump bump." There was the sound of three utensils being smashed on the table, they were three heavenly magic spears.

These two strokes woke up Qi Yu's drunkenness, and he stood up, his handsome face pretending to be calm, but his eyes staring at Faqiang seemed to be flickering like fragments of comets, So bright.

This is Qi Yu's gun, to be precise, it used to be his.

Jiang Ran said, "Give it back to you."

Except for the holy-level gun that was sold, these three are the most valuable and highest-grade magic guns, and the remaining thousand guns are all ground-level guns.

"No, you don't need to pay it back..." Qi Yu looked away nonchalantly, his cold expression was very deceptive.

But Qi Yu's throat rolled slightly, and Jiang Ran kept staring at him. Of course, this scene did not escape her eyes and ears.

"Actually, I don't understand guns and I'm not interested in guns. You see, the guns are almost covered with rust." Of course there is no rust.

"Aren't you going to Zhongli to explore the secret realm in June? You may encounter danger. It would be good to have more weapons for self-defense. Otherwise, if you die somewhere, I will lose my spiritual key." Jiang Ran Pretending to sigh, "Take it, take it."

What else could Qi Yu say, of course he could only listen to what Jiang Ran said.

Jiang Ran clicked twice inwardly.

This person is also duplicity...

(End of this chapter)

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