As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 435 Black Puppy

Chapter 435 Black Puppy
As the night deepened, the two of them also experimented with the predictive ability that they had accidentally discovered during the battle with Xuanminghu. Before they knew it, they drank up a piece of bamboo mash monkey wine. Although there were still endless topics to talk about, There are still things to do, but it should stop at the ceremony.

So Jiang Ran went back to her room.

The next day, after breakfast, Qi Yu greeted Jiang Ran and went out.

Jiang Xiaowen is very interested in Mingxiao City. Jiang Ran brought her to Mingxiao and never thought about letting her stay in the house. Jiang Ran asked Vanilla, Yan Lili and a monk named He to follow her, and they went out together. take a stroll.

She also sent news of Jiang Ran's arrival in Mingxiao City to Hong Yuanhong and Chen Wenfei.

Li Si came back and conveyed the news that the two said they would visit Jiang's house at the meeting.

Hong Yuan's home is relatively close, so Hong Yuan arrived first.

"Master Jiang, Master Jiang, it's been a long time. You've finally returned to Mingxiao!" After being invited into the room by Lian Xiang, Hong Yuan was overjoyed to see Jiang Ran sitting in the lobby drinking tea.

"It's been a long time indeed. Thank you for your family's help in cleaning the Jiangyuan. Please sit down. Lian Xiang, go and pour a cup of tea for the guests." With a faint smile on her lips, Jiang Ran ordered Lian Xiang to sit on the left side of the lobby. Lian Xiang quickly poured Hong Yuan a cup of tea.

These teas for hospitality were brought by Jiang Ran from a small tea village back then, and they were of excellent quality. Even a vulgar person like Hong Yuan who didn't like tea felt a little different, and praised the tea as delicious.

Jiang Ran looked at Hong Yuan, and saw that he was wearing a clean cotton gown. Although his appearance was slick and cute, his skin was wheat-colored when he traveled around all the year round. He was holding a thick metal cage in his hand, which contained a black puppy.

The black dog is very young, the hair on its body is still a layer of fine fluff, its ears are slender, and its body is burning with a blue flame, but it is very weak, like a fragile candle, which will be extinguished by the wind.

The life of the little black dog is like a candle in the wind. Its body is bony, lying quietly in the cage, neither barking nor moving, as if it is dead.

Hong Yuan quickly replied, "It should be, cleaning the yard is not troublesome!" Besides, they paid for it.

Seeing Jiang Ran's gaze on the little black dog, Hong Yuan immediately explained, "Master Jiang, you want me to help you guard the rare spirit beast in Ziyun Palace, no, good luck, I just got it, you Just come back!"

Hong Yuan was originally just a small person in the lower city, and he didn't know much about spirit beasts, but he was smart. After Jiang Ran asked him to do so, he took a tour of the Purple Cloud Palace. Anyway, what kind of spirit beasts are rare? I still have some ideas in my heart, so I won't be easily deceived.

Moreover, he and his brothers have no other skills, but they are the best at reading people's faces. Even if they don't know a few monsters, they can guess a thing or two based on how others react.

Besides, Mr. Jiang didn't buy spirit beasts to breed, he just took a drop or two of blood essence, and Hong Yuan didn't need to judge how healthy the spirit beasts were, he could just choose the right breed.

Confirming that the puppy was for her, Jiang Ran stretched out his hand, and the water flowed like a long silver sleeve, rolling the iron cage onto Jiang Ran's hand.

Hong Yuan widened his eyes in surprise, the cultivator of the secret path is powerful, he has no such ability, but his son and daughter will definitely become monks in the future!
So he wants to make money and make money!
Putting his hand next to the flame, the flame had almost no temperature. Jiang Ran saw the black puppy lay its head under its front paws, and stretched out its hand to lift its head from under the paws. The puppy struggled to open its eyes. Jiang Ran and the one The black dogs with different pupils looked at each other, and found that the puppy still had different pupils, one gray and one blue.

Bring Jiang Ran a rare spirit beast, regardless of whether he is dead or alive, healthy or not, after Hong Yuan pays for the spirit beast with Jiang Ran's money, he can still get fifty spirit crystals as a reward, and exchange it for the treacherous spirit beast. Some people may exaggerate the money for buying spirit beasts. Hong Yuan may not be the kind of honest person who doesn't take advantage of any advantages, but he is a smart person. Mr. Jiang is generous but very tough. He plays tricks in front of her. Next time Don't even think about cooperating.

That's why Hong Yuan didn't know how to talk sweetly, and told her the origin of this puppy, "My lord, in fact, I didn't spend any money on this puppy, I picked it up..."

Jiang Ran's hands stopped, her face was a little strange, "I picked it up?"

Yaobao suddenly appeared on her shoulder, drooling and whispering in her ear, "Ranran, can I eat it?"

Bai Mei, who was in the void, also screamed anxiously for fear that Jiang Ran would let Yaobao eat the little black dog.

"Ho Ho! Ho Ho~" Don't feed it!Give me something to eat~
Jiang Ran:  …

Hong Yuan looked at Yaobao who appeared suddenly in a little daze, and was very surprised. He paused before continuing to reply, "It was indeed picked up."

Thinking of this, Hong Yuan was still a little bit embarrassed. He didn't know whether he lamented that there were too many rich people in Mingxiao, or he felt that this puppy was too pitiful, "This puppy is an unusual breed. The candle prison dog, because it has different eyes, is very beautiful and special. A rich man just happened to choose a spirit beast for his daughter, so it was not long after giving birth. The animal guard simply checked it and was sold by the rich man. Gone. However, something went wrong within a month! Candle Hellhound’s different pupils look good, but one eye is actually blind—the gray one!”

Hong Yuan pointed to the dark gray eyes of the black dog.

He added, "I don't know if this puppy is born with a weak constitution, or if the rich man has a problem raising it. This candle prison dog seems to be sick, and I'm afraid it won't be able to keep him alive, so the seller went to Ziyun Palace to ask for it. It is said that the spirit beast bought with more than [-] spirit crystals turned out to be physically problematic, but Ziyun Palace is not easy to bully, saying that it was Fu Jia who insisted on buying it without even completing the inspection, so there was no No matter, later, the rich businessman was really angry when he saw the puppy dying like a waste, and said, "Who wants such a waste beast!", walked out of the gate of Ziyun Palace, and threw it in the lake. Feed the fish."

Hong Yuan thought that he was indeed a rich man, even if the puppy had a physical problem, after all, he spent more than [-] spirit crystals to buy it, "... Later, I fished it up."

Jiang Ran was silent after listening, and Yao Bao was very angry, "Huh, Gulu, human beings are like this. They are short-sighted."

He didn't know what Yaobao was angry about, but he rolled his eyes quickly again, and said to Jiang Ran in a pleading voice, "Ran Ran, I can eat it!" He pointed his paw at the candle dog.

The little dog in the cage seemed to understand what Yaobao was saying, its hair frizzed a bit, it raised its head with difficulty, and suddenly spit out a blue flame at Yaobao.

It's a pity that it is too weak, the flames not only can't hurt Yaobao, but also make its body weaker, even the body is in a state of rigidity, unable to move at all.

(End of this chapter)

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