As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 436 With love bread, what cake do you want?

Chapter 436 With love bread, what cake do you want?

"The character is very stubborn." The flame didn't hurt Yaobao, but it aroused Jiang Ran's interest in it, and she turned her head to Yaobao beast and refused, "You can't eat it."

Yaobao became depressed all of a sudden.

"Ho Ho?!!" Bai Mei was circling anxiously in the spiritual space.

If you don’t eat, do you want to keep it?

A black one ran away, and another black one came!
Bai Mei was wronged to death, it's good to know that it's white.

What's so good about being dark.

What cake is there when you have love bread.

Jiang Ran hadn't yet had the idea Bai Mei imagined.

Seeing the little dog dying, Jiang Ran's fingertips burst out with ink flames-the candle prison dog is a kind of magical beast that can absorb flames and turn it into its own power.

The temperature of Jiang Ran's ink fire was exaggerated, and the air was distorted by it. Originally, Jiang Ran wanted to test it out, but unexpectedly, it could withstand the high temperature and opened its mouth wide. Although it was a bit difficult, it still swallowed the flame slowly. down.

Yaobao was amazed, and thought that Ranran is a person with great luck, much better than those two unlucky guys, and he can still miss such monsters... Sure enough, following such a person will have a future—hmph, it's Ranran" Be stingy" a bit, don't let this eat, don't let eat that!

Jiang Ran took the black dog out of the cage, only to realize that the little beast was too thin, as if it would disappear as soon as it was exerted.

Although she wanted to take a good look at its body, she couldn't let Hong Yuan hang around for too long.

She gave Hong Yuan one hundred spirit crystals, which was more than agreed.

Hong Yuan was a little surprised, and thanked Jiang Ran for his generosity.

"You're welcome, I should be the one to thank you." Jiang Ran didn't say thank you for anything, but there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

The lights and shadows outside the house are scattered, but inside, it is peaceful.

Both the host and the guest were happy, chatting for a while, Hong Yuan suddenly showed some embarrassment, "Master Jiang, there is something I want to discuss with you on behalf of Hong's Wonton Shop."

Jiang Ran guessed Hong Yuan's purpose a few times in her heart, but quickly answered his words, "Go ahead."

Hong Yuancai said that he wanted to end the relationship in which Jiang Ran provided seafood for free and Hong Jia Wonton helped promote it.

He was afraid that Jiang Ran would misunderstand, so he hurriedly explained, "We all feel that we are taking advantage of Mrs. Jiang. In fact, it is not our wonton shop that is helping to promote seafood, but seafood has attracted many new customers to my shop. My old man Dad has carefully considered the proposal of the adults, and plans to transform the store into a bigger one, and wants to purchase seafood from you steadily, and make it a seafood restaurant."

Jiang Ran can be said to be his nobleman, relying on the novel food and his errand expenses for the past year, they have made a lot of money.

With the money, they can buy a bigger store in a better location downtown.

And Hong Yuan's mother and his wife's cooking skills are not bad, and they even thought of the name of the restaurant, calling it Zhenxian Restaurant.All that was left was for Jiang Ran to agree to provide them with a stable supply.

To be honest, Jiang Ran has no reason to refuse. First of all, Jiang Ran was going to open a shop in the central city, transport seafood to Mingxiao City, and by the way, earn some "pocket money" from Hong Yuan.

In addition, as the only seafood supplier at present, the Hong family is determined to start a seafood restaurant, which is equivalent to sending their own fate to her. Jiang Ran values ​​Hong Yuan's ability and connections, but as a person, there is no benefit or When the weakness is at the mercy, once you have the thought of betrayal, you may capsize and quit in the next second.

"When do you want me to start supplying you?" Jiang Ran put down the teacup, looking a little more serious.

Seeing Jiang Ran's appearance, Hong Yuan's eyes lit up with joy, and he hurriedly told their family's plans one by one, "We have already taken a look at a shop on Nihua Street, which is quite large, with tables, stools, bowls and chopsticks There are all of them, and when we sell them, we will decorate them and clean them up, so we can open the store in half a month.”

After all, dry goods are not fresh and delicious. When opening a seafood restaurant like this, the ingredients must be fresh, which means that Jiang Ran has to supply Hong Yuan very frequently.

But Jiang Ran's own store location has not yet been settled, she chose to open a store in the central city, so her ambition is not as simple as making a fuss.Therefore, it is not cost-effective to transport ingredients for Hong Yuan alone every day.

But considering Hong Yuan's face, and the fact that he brought a black dog for himself, it's not worth it at all, so Jiang Ran agreed simply, "That's okay, when you open a store, you can go to the water street. Just a message, I will send someone to provide you with ingredients."

Hong Yuan was overjoyed, and quickly thanked, "Thank you, Mr. Jiang."

After Hong Yuan mentioned this matter, he planned to leave. Jiang Ran sent him two ten-year-old red scale fish to take back. My daughter ate it, so she accepted it.

Inevitably, there was another burst of emotion.

Not long after Hong Yuan left, before Jiang Ran had time to deal with the black dog problem, Chen Wenfei came over with a few large carriages.

Chen Wenfei came here with the carriage because Jiang Ran said that he had wheat to sell to him, so he hurried over to "purchase".

"Master Jiang, I've been waiting for Red Crystal Michael for a long time!"

Jiang Ran smiled apologetically, "I was busy a while ago, so I didn't come here in time, but in the future, there will be a housekeeper in Yuanshui Jiang's Mansion, so you can find her if you have any urgent matters."

Lian Xiang is a capable person. When the store opens, Jiang Ran will travel frequently between Suling and Mingxiao, so Lian Xiang is promoted to be the housekeeper here.

Lian Xiang nodded slightly to Chen Wenfei, "I met Boss Chen."

Chen Wenfei was secretly surprised, the attendants following Mr. Jiang are all beautiful, they are so eye-catching.

He quickly replied, "Be polite, be polite, I will teach you more in the future."


Jiang Ran took out the wheat to be sold.

Because the wheat in the county has not yet been harvested, what is sold now is last year's surplus grain, all of which are red crystal wheat, only three thousand buckets.

After some calculations, Jiang Ran received a total of 11250 gold coins from Chen Wenfei.

But the embarrassing thing is that because Jiang Ran only accepts gold and silver dollars, Chen Wenfei can't take out so many gold dollars for a while, and can only take out [-] gold dollars.

As a businessman, this was such a failure. Chen Wenfei felt a little unreasonable, but still wanted to bring all three thousand dou into his shop. "But don't worry, I am confident that I will give you the remaining payment in one month." Pay it forward!"

Mingxiao City is too big, and the market is vast.What is the thing that people in this world desire most?That is of course becoming a monk with great powers.

And red crystal wheat has been verified by a famous doctor. Long-term consumption of red crystal wheat has the effect of strengthening the body and increasing the probability of becoming a monk, which will undoubtedly cause everyone to go crazy. The price of red crystal wheat is not so exaggerated. But it only sells for 460 six silver dollars a catty.

(End of this chapter)

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