As a result, the red crystal wheat is now becoming the most distinctive signboard of his Chen's Grain Shop, and customers who are used to buying the red crystal wheat will also buy other products in his store, and Chen Wenfei has made a lot of money.

"It's not a big problem, just make an IOU." Jiang Ran didn't care about the more than 3000 gold dollars, and believed that Chen Wenfei was a smart person, and he understood which was more important after a full meal, so he agreed to the remaining 3000 gold dollars Dollars are paid after one month.

Chen Wenfei nodded vigorously, and hastily issued an IOU, signing and pressing her fingerprints.

After receiving the IOU, Jiang Ran said, "Your grain store is still too small."

Jiang Ran's words unconsciously touched people's hearts.

Chen Wenfei was slightly embarrassed.

"I only brought three thousand buckets this time, and I will bring some more next month, but can your shop accept that much?" Jiang Ran was still a little annoyed at the thought that Suling still owed debts.

Chen Wenfei was delighted to hear this, "Master Jiang, can you provide more red crystal wheat?"

"Twenty thousand buckets is no problem."

Chen Wenfei stared straight at her eyes, and stammered, "Twenty thousand dollars!?"

"Okay, absolutely okay!" Chen Wenfei said quickly, "Just bring the wheat over. Next time it won't be like this time. I will never default on the payment!"

Chen Wenfei has a bright mind. Since the supply of red crystal wheat is in short supply, he can sell it by pre-booking and collect a part of the deposit first, so that even if he does not have that much deposit, he can still collect so much money.

It's just that what Master Jiang said is right, his grain shop is indeed a bit small, and it's time to make it bigger and stronger.

The [-] Dou of Red Crystal Wheat is not just talking, the two of them have made a serious agreement.

After that, Chen Wenfei handed over eight thousand gold dollars to Jiang Ran.

Eight thousand gold dollars were carried over in a large box that could hold an adult. Jiang Ran didn't count them hard, but called a scale to weigh the gold dollars.

The weight of a gold dollar is 6 grams, and the difference between positive and negative does not exceed 0.3 grams. Excluding the box, the weight of 97 gold dollars is [-] catties.

It will only be more, not less. Putting away the eight thousand gold dollars, Jiang Ran asked Li Si and others to help move the bags of red crystal wheat to the carriage.

Three thousand buckets of wheat is a lot, and Chen Wenfei has to pull it a few times.

The two watched the goods being loaded into the car, and Jiang Ran mentioned the matter of getting salt.

Because the price of a bottle of salt is indeed a bit exaggerated, a bottle is about half a catty, but it costs 66 gold yuan. Put it there, let Chen Wenfei sell it for her by the way.

The price of a bottle of 66 gold dollars really scared Chen Wenfei. After all, it seems to be just salt. Chen Wenfei couldn't believe there was anything magical about it, but in order to please Jiang Ran, a big customer, he obliged him to agree, even talking about the rent of the counter. All free.

But Jiang Ran insisted on paying.

That is, the rent of one gold dollar a month was not much, so Chen Wenfei did not force it. Anyway, this gold dollar was crossed out in the wheat transaction.

The Chen family's carriage took several trips before transporting these things.

And after Jiang Ran reached an agreement with Chen Wenfei on Zeyan, he went back to his room to check the situation of the candle prison dog.

Jiang Ran entered the study, asked Li Si to stay outside, and told no one to come in.

The puppy held in her arms was extremely weak, but it may be that the ink fire given by Jiang Ran gave it some energy, so it gained a little strength and began to struggle slightly in her arms.

This little dog doesn't seem to like Jiang Ran very much, or just simply doesn't like humans, but so far, she hasn't heard this little guy say anything.

"It shouldn't be a dumb beast." Jiang Ran frowned.

"Ran Ran, no matter how you look at it, this little guy is going to die. Do you want to save it Gulu?" Yao Bao stepped on the desk, watching Jiang Ran propping up the puppy's front paws with both hands, and unfolding its body.

Yaobao tilted his head, "How do you save Gulu?"

Bai Mei ran out from the spirit space, the room seemed much smaller for a moment, but fortunately Bai Mei quickly shrunk his figure a lot, flew up to the desk, and looked at the puppy together with Yaobao.

"Hmph~" A gust of white air rushed out of Bai Mei's nose, it looked a little unhappy, but seeing the little dog's distressed appearance, it felt a little hesitant and softened.


This little dog is a bit like the original self, also a small one, appearing in front of the owner in a state of embarrassment.

"Ho Ho!" Bai Mei doesn't like black dogs very much, but still hopes that the owner can cure it.

The black dog opened his eyes and stared straight at Bai Sleepy.

"If it is really sick, I'm not a doctor, so I may not be able to save it, but this little guy is obviously not simply sick." It seemed that Dai Zi fell into his eyes, and Jiang Ran's eyes looked a little mysterious and deep.

Not sick?

Yaobao was a little puzzled, but Jiang Ran had no intention of explaining to it one by one.

From Jiang Ran's eyes, there are countless black parasitic seeds sprouting in this puppy's body, densely packed, very terrifying.

Black devil dodder worm, a plant-like insect, can disguise itself as some edible plants. After entering the host's body, it will quickly split and absorb the host's power.

I'm afraid that Fu Jia let the puppy eat this thing by mistake.

The blue flame burning on its body is actually the dog's self-rescue behavior. It burns with flames in its body, trying to burn all the parasites, but its behavior is also a suicide behavior.

Because it can't see the situation in its own body clearly, it just burns wherever it feels uncomfortable. If it burns too recklessly, not only can't get rid of the black devil dodder worm, but it will even hurt itself.

It's also because of its unusual bloodline and stronger physique, otherwise, if it was really just an ordinary candle prison dog, it would have died long ago.

"Ranran, if you really revive it, then you will be in trouble." As if responding to Jiang Ran's thoughts, Yaobao was a little envious.

It's not that I envy Jiang Ran, but I envy the noble blood of this little dog.

No, maybe it can't be called a puppy, but a "wolf" is more appropriate.

This little wolf may indeed have been born of a candlehound, but it has atavistic phenomena on its body - sharper teeth, a long tail shaped like a sickle, a blue flame burning on its body... and the iconic His cold, smoky gray eyes.

Candle prison wolves, also called abyss candle wolves, they seem to exist like judges in the dark, and they are born to control one of the hottest and most mysterious flames in the world, blue fire.

Canghuo has four forms, the dark green flame that symbolizes vitality, the gray-white flame that symbolizes weakness, the blue-black flame that symbolizes death, and the dark blue flame that symbolizes freedom.

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