As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 438 The Vengeful Wolf

Now, Jiang Ran thought of two ways to save the candle prison wolf.

The first is to use the power of space to take out the parasitic species. Given the strength gap between Jiang Ran and this Candle Prison Wolf, it is not difficult to release the power of space in its body to take out the black dodder worm, but a It is too troublesome to take out one by one.

The second way is to lend Jiang Ran's eyes to it.Use Pankong Star to connect her with its vision, and let it burn the dodder worms in its own body accurately through the perspective of her purple jade magic pupil.

Of the two methods, Jiang Ran chose the second without much thought.

Jiang Ran fed it another flame to replenish its strength, and then sent Pan Kongxing to the corner of its eyes.

"What's wrong with it?" Yaobao watched the little wolf make some strange movements.

The little guy blinked, raised his head uneasily, and wanted to call out twice, but only spit out a cluster of tiny sparks.

It seemed to be a strange and strange perspective that came to his mind suddenly, and finally he cleverly set his eyes on Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran said to Yao Bao and Bai Mei, "You guys be quiet for a while, don't disturb us."

The two beasts had to hide in the corner, and Bai Mei practiced for a while, but felt a little bored, and began to count the scales on his body, he thought his scales were very beautiful, and he should take good care of them.Yaobao also took out his own treasures and counted them one by one.

Jiang Ran blinked, seeing something strange from the gray pupils of the young wolf in Candle Prison.

Fu Jia said that its eyes are blind, but it cannot be completely wrong. What the Candle Hell Wolf sees with its gray pupils is completely different from what it sees with its blue pupils.

The gray eyes are full of clusters of sparks, the spirit of fire in the air, and the mottled spiritual power of living things.

This Candle Hell Wolf is still young and can't handle the two different scenes brought by its two eyes, so it sometimes makes strange actions, such as bumping into a pillar suddenly, which makes it look like it's blind glanced.

There is a kind of blood power in the gray pupils. Jiang Ran has a strange feeling that if she has gray pupils, it seems that she can imprison other people's souls into the eyeballs for torture and calcination.

When he came back to his senses, Jiang Ran began to guide the young wolf to eliminate the black dodder worm in his body.

It may be that the parasitic time has been too long. The black devil dodder worms are densely packed and entangled in every blood vessel in its body. It is very difficult to completely get rid of it.

Right now, not only the back, but also the whole body of the wolf cub is emitting flames, the color is darker, gradually turning into dark blue flames.

Then, the cub's body made the sound of bugs being burned, like setting off firecrackers, but the sound was much lower.

The flame burned with all its strength, and the wolf cub himself began to feel uncomfortable. Within a minute, his whole body began to tremble and his breathing became short of breath, as if his body had lost the oxygen it needed to survive, and a sense of suffocation surrounded it.

Jiang Ran could only open the window and let Yaobao and Baimei perform wind-type mystic arts to let the air circulate.

After a while, the wolf cub began to vomit blood uncontrollably. The blood he vomited was black and there seemed to be tens of thousands of insect eggs inside, and some were even wriggling. It was terrifying and disgusting. Yaobao and Baimei couldn't help it. Stay away from the pups.

Jiang Ran kept staring at the cub who was vomiting blood, and snapped her fingers. A ball of ink fire burned all the black blood without leaving any traces. She could burn as much blood as the cub spit out.

This continued until the pup's body became shriveled, as if all the blood had been sucked out of its body, and the dark blue flames on its body gradually dimmed.

In the end, there is only a clump of inextinguishable blue fire dotted on the tip of the tail.

Jiang Ran took out a piece of clean silk cloth and held the cub in her arms like a baby.

Its body consumes too much and needs to eat something. While feeding it ink fire, Jiang Ran took out fire lotus seeds for it to chew, and swallowed some pills to replenish energy and blood, and put the warm Fire tear stone is placed under its belly.

"Ho Ho?" Okay?
Bai Mei glanced at the cub's body, which was thinner than before, and then at Jiang Ran's tightly knit brows. He hesitated for a moment, his icy blue eyes flickered several times, and suddenly opened his mouth to tear off a scale from the tail.

"Wait, Bai..." Before Jiang Ran could stop him, a few drops of golden blood flowed from Bai Mei's tail scales and were caught by its white scales. He arched Jiang Ran's arm, motioning for her to reach out.

Bai Mei put the scales in her palm and yelled twice, "Ho Ho!" Hurry up!My blood is useful!

Jiang Ran touched Baimei's head with the other hand to comfort him, "The beautiful tail is missing a scale..."

Bai Mei pursed her lips, "Ho Ho!" Yes, yes, it's not good-looking!
The healing power of Cangyue Tyrannosaurus is exaggerated, the scales on the tail grow out all of a sudden, but the blood given by Bai Mei is not ordinary blood, there will always be losses inside, I am afraid it will take more than half a month to make up for it return.

Jiang Ran thanked the little silly dragon for his generosity, and sent the two drops of blood to the pup's mouth.

Almost instinctively licking, after digesting the two drops of gold-colored dragon blood, a burst of green fire burst out from the wolf pup's body, Jiang Ran was surprised for a moment, and almost threw the little wolf out , but soon discovered that the green fire was not only not hot, but also had a very comfortable sense of warmth and coolness. The next moment, the originally dull and dull fluff of the wolf cub took on a new look, and the shriveled body seemed to be fuller.

The little wolf who had been lying on his stomach finally stood up after being healed by the green fire.

"Gulu Gulu! Is this the dark green blue fire? It has healing power!" Yaobao was very excited.

"Aw!" The wolf cub recovered, and the first thing he did when he stood up was to bite Yaobao quickly.

Yaobao didn't notice for a while, but he was really bitten by the tail. Although the wolf cub is small, its bite force is super strong, and it still has a faint high-temperature breath. .

Jiang Ran hurriedly grabbed the wolf cub's jaw, but the wolf cub did not let go. In the end, Jiang Ran had no choice but to remove the wolf's jaw to free Yaobao's tail.

Yaobao jumped up and down, "Hmph, it hurts, it hurts, Ran Ran, Yaobao hurts so much, Yaobao hurts so much, I want Lieyun Shenye, bamboo mash monkey wine, fire tear stone, red..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Ran gave it a mallet, and Yaobao, who was asking for things, stopped screaming for pain.

Bai Mei looked at Yaobao with contempt in his eyes.

"I really hold grudges." Jiang Ran looked at the little wolf who couldn't close his mouth, and shook his head helplessly.

Why did this little guy bite Yaobao?It's not that Yaobao is always muttering about wanting to eat it.

Biting dogs don't like to bark. It's a good thing that this little wolf is not dumb, but Jiang Ran is not easy to comment on his temperament.

Right now, the little wolf whose jaw had been removed couldn't close its mouth, and saliva flowed out along with its tongue. Its eyes were cold, and the smoky gray pupil was filled with indifference.

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