"You have bitten Yaobao, and if it eats you, it is just talking, so let's just forget it?" Jiang Ran asked it.

The young wolf turned his head, turned his butt to Jiang Ran, and found a corner in the study to curl up in a circle.

This probably means agreeing, this little wolf is indeed very personable, Jiang Ran hugged it from the corner, restored its jaw, and said, "I'll sleep again later, I'll give you a name first."

The little wolf struggled tentatively in Jiang Ran's arms, but seeing that it was useless, he could only let her hold him.

Jiang Ran likes to use colors as the names of monsters, whether it's white Baimei, cyan Qingyu, black Wu (wu) title, or Yaobao's name - ochre, ochre, that is, reddish brown.There are words that represent colors in the names.

Seeing that the little wolf was male, Jiang Ran decided to choose a more masculine name, and gave the little wolf a name in ink, "How about Mo Sheng? Name it Sheng, Sheng, which means prosperity and prosperity, as opposed to 'declining'." , After going through this ordeal, let’s say goodbye to being weak and sick in the future.”

Mo Sheng didn't have much reaction, Jiang Ran just accepted the name as it.

After giving it a name, Jiang Ran put it down and let him sleep, play, or eat.

Jiang Ran didn't sign a spirit beast contract with Mo Sheng. Firstly, it was because she had nothing to do with it, and secondly, she didn't have much interest in it. Originally, she just wanted to get his blood, just because he was a rare Candle Prison Wolf. With the desire to survive, I rescued it, but it only regained a little vitality, and it was not convenient to take blood, so I just planned to keep it by my side.

Thirdly, I still don't know what this little guy is thinking.

Sometimes Jiang Ran wanted to touch it, but Mo Sheng looked cold and walked away arrogantly, not letting her touch it.

But not letting Jiang Ran be touched was not forced, and it didn't matter, but the reason why Jiang Ran wanted to touch it was because the little guy was always circling around her, rubbing his tail against her indistinctly.

Jiang Ran was sure that this little wolf was a cat with a cat's air, and he was a tsundere.


It was already night when Qi Yu returned to Jiang's mansion, and he found that in less than a day, there was a black dog named "Mo Sheng" by her side.

Seeing him, Mo Sheng chased him away with cold eyes, full of vigilance and displeasure in every move.

It was only later that I found out that this was Jiang Ran's new spiritual pet, and it wasn't aimed at him specifically, it had the same attitude towards everyone else.

Wu Xie was obviously very interested in this dark fellow, he rushed up and meowed non-stop.

Mo Sheng, on the other hand, ignored him and was very cold.

"It's called Mo Sheng." Jiang Ran introduced Qi Yu and Zhu Xian to Mo Sheng again.

Mo Sheng, the little wolf cub, went his own way. After threatening Qi Yu with his eyes, he fell asleep in his den—maybe all cubs were like this, very lethargic.

Qi Yu was a little surprised by Jiang Ran's affinity for Warcraft, but quickly got down to business, "I've already made arrangements for the Biduanting Court. If you have time, I'll take you to see it tomorrow."

"So fast?" Jiang Ran thought that Qi Yu's identity might be unusual, but she didn't expect that his energy was so great. After thinking about it, she really had nothing to do tomorrow, so she readily agreed.

In the early morning of the next day, they walked through the bustling downtown, and the two came to Mingxiao's central west city.The area of ​​Biduanting was very close to the monastery, and most of the people I saw were monks with kung fu.

Entering the Biduan Court, you first have to walk through an elegant arched corridor. Jiang Ran saw the majestic mountains and rocks on both sides, with the sound of running water. The two walked through several pavilions and saw more than a dozen people on the road.

No one stopped him along the way, and Qi Yu seemed to be no stranger to this place. Soon, he led Jiang Ran out of the veranda, and came directly to a huge square with a wide view and a clean and flat ground.

There are more than 20 small buildings on the square, and Jiang Ran can feel the atmosphere of the teleportation array inside.

Yuquanlou is a big force, and Jiang Ran saw people from Yuquanlou going to and from the other courtyard, probably delivering goods.

Jiang Ran looked around, taking in the scenery here, and in just a few seconds, a middle-aged woman in a long black dress walked over. Zhuang Su, with a strong sense of sternness, saw Qi Yu, his face was not salty, and his eyes turned to Jiang Ran's face a few times.

That look, how should I put it, seemed that Jiang Ran had three heads and six arms, and possessed the supernatural ability to subdue gods and demons.

Qi Yu seemed a little surprised, bowed his head and lowered his eyebrows, and called out to the woman in a low voice, "Auntie."

Jiang Ran couldn't help but raise her eyebrows fiercely.

Only then did she take a closer look at the middle-aged woman's appearance, and found that she was indeed somewhat similar to Qi Yu, and her temperament was also somewhat similar.

Seeing that the woman was still looking at her vaguely, Jiang Ran was neither humble nor overbearing, and respectfully called her Your Excellency, and then introduced her name, which was regarded as a greeting.

Soon, the woman left, leaving only one sentence, "Choose whatever you want from the other side of the court."

It made Jiang Ran puzzled.

"Do you have a good relationship with your aunt?" Jiang Ran didn't know about Qi Yu's family relationship, so she couldn't help asking.

"I was raised by my aunt." Qi Yu's tone was not too turbulent, "But she is busy with affairs, and I also devote myself to cultivation. Sometimes I only see her once a year or two, so the relationship should not be considered good. "

Hearing this sentence, Jiang Ran couldn't help but think of the image of an orphan whose parents died and who lived in his aunt's house.

"Since she said that the other side's land can be chosen at will, let's choose." Qi Yu said.

Jiang Ran and Qi Yu walked around Biduanting. There are a lot of land reserved here, but they are all about the same, and there is nothing to choose. Jiang Ran only needs about ten square meters of land, but she wants to choose a place nearby. There are still a lot of vacancies. If you want to install teleportation arrays here in the future, you can put them together and manage them better.

Finally, it was chosen at the left rear of Biduan Court. There are a few majestic sycamore trees to fill in the greenery and cover the sight.

After choosing the place, Jiang Ran asked the steward of Biduanting to reserve the land and hand it over to Ling Jing.

Zhang Yi, the steward of the Biduan court, has thick eyebrows and big eyes. His whole body is like a rainbow, a bit like a soldier. When he saw Jiang Ran, he said in a thick and powerful voice, "The Lingjing has already been handed over. You chose Biduan No. 73, which is connected to the serial number. 74 to 82, a total of [-] square meters, all belong to you, register, get your fingerprints, and these lands will be yours."

Ten pieces of land?That's 500 million spirit crystals! ?No more money?

Jiang Ran's brows twitched, and she looked at Qi Yu, as if saying, what's going on?

Qi Yudao, "It should be what my aunt meant."

"I can't owe this favor. Your aunt and I have no reason." Jiang Ran didn't want to owe favors for nothing that could be solved with spirit crystals, and it was still such a big favor.

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