As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 440 2 Beasts Fight

Chapter 440
In fact, Qi Yu himself didn't expect his aunt to withdraw and come over. Hearing Jiang Ran's refusal, he frowned slightly, looking a bit troubled.

Qi Zhuangmei gave Jiang Ran the ten pieces of land, and he couldn't take it back for his aunt—although he knew that his aunt did it for himself.

And what did he think?

A certain corner of my heart actually hopes that Jiang Ran can accept it.He didn't have many friends that he could really talk to, except for Feng Chi, she was the only one, and he was certainly happy that his friend was recognized by the elders.

Thinking about his words, Qi Yu said slowly, "You accept it, this is a meeting gift, and it is also a thank you gift for saving my life." The thank you gift is actually not the case, Qi Yu has become accustomed to traveling through death, He didn't want his family to worry about him. Qi Yu didn't tell Qi Zhuangmei about the South Crown Secret Realm, so she naturally wouldn't know.

Jiang Ran stared at Qi Yu, her pupils were very dark, and there was a look of suspicion at this moment, which made Qi Yu inexplicably guilty.

Qi Yu's life was not too valuable, let alone the countless treasures in Mo Jie, and the elders came here to express their gratitude.

"But..." Jiang Ran thought so in her heart, but she still wanted to refuse, but Zhang Yi, who had stood for a long time but did not wait for someone to come to press the fingerprint to go through the formalities, urged, "You two ladies and masters, there is no big problem, can you go first?" Let's settle the matter here?"

Zhang Yi might not be a patient person, and there was already a bit of irritability on his face, so Jiang Ran swallowed his words, intending to settle this first before talking.

Biduanting is actually very much like a station, where trains to various places gather.

The teleportation array is the train for transporting passengers and goods.

After pressing the fingerprints, Jiang Ran got ten spiritual papers inlaid with gold-edged patterns, which are equivalent to land deeds, representing the ownership of those lands.

Zhang Yi, who seemed impatient just now, seemed very kind and considerate at this time, and reminded, "You can send someone to manage your land, and if there is a conflict with others, you can come to us to deal with it-after all, you have to deal with it. management fee."

When it comes to management fees, Jiang Ran is a little melancholy. Originally, the annual management fee for one piece of land was 12 yuan, but now it has become ten pieces of land, so the management fee has become [-] spirit crystals a year!
Qi Yu also thought of this, and felt a little embarrassed.

His aunt may be well-intentioned, but she forgot that the other side of the court still needs a high management fee.

The members of the Qi family are really similar, all of them have beautiful faces, they abide by etiquette in their bones, and naturally they have emotional intelligence, but there are really not many.

The transfer of Biduanting's land is actually a little troublesome, and a guarantor is required to look over it. Fortunately, Jiang Ran has a long-term vision, and it is not a bad thing to have a few more Biduanting's land.

Jiang Ran has a teleportation array that can be connected to Suling, but she is not in a hurry to install it. She wants to discuss it with the people in the territory, and then send some people to manage the teleportation array and build a house that can shelter from the wind and rain.

On the way back, it started to rain, and the sound of raindrops hitting the umbrella made the redundant thoughts flow down.

Under Qi Yu's persuasion, Jiang Ran was no longer pretentious about the ten pieces of land that Aunt Qi Zhuangmei gave her. The road was very quiet, and the two of them usually didn't chat when they were free. practice.

It was agreed to take Jiang Ran to the central city to look at the shops, so Qi Yu has not yet returned to Lingfeng, and is still living in Jiang's mansion at this time.

The two finished their lunch outside, thinking that Bai Mei had lost a little vitality, and there were still a few monsters waiting to be fed at home, so Jiang Ran took a detour and went to Ziyun Palace to buy spirit eggs, one thousand spirit crystals Jiang Ran bought [-] spiritual eggs directly. She has good eyesight and picked out high-quality eggs. Although there are no spiritual beasts in them, they have a high content of spiritual energy, and many of them are more nutritious than those with spiritual beasts in them.

Although it cost [-] spirit crystals all of a sudden, Jiang Ran felt that it was not a loss to improve the strength of the spirit beasts at home.

Zhu Xian also clamored to eat, and Qi Yu followed Jiang Ran to buy twenty of them.

It's funny, everyone else came to gamble on the spirit eggs, praying for their ancestors to smoke once, and only Jiang Ran and Qi Yu were the only ones who were looking for food for their own spirit beasts.

After leaving the gate of Ziyun Palace, Jiang Ran smiled and said to Wu Xian and Qi Yu, "That's where I bought Wu Xian back then with a thousand spirit crystals."

"Meow, meow, meow~" Wu Xian felt that the pool was very familiar to him.

Qi Yu found it incredible.

In fact, although there are quite a few spirit eggs in Ziyun Temple, they are all spirit eggs that have been screened by professionals. Originally, there are very few eggs that can hatch spirit beasts, let alone spirit beasts such as the sundial beast. up.

Qi Yu had also accompanied Feng Chi to Ziyun Palace before, and bought a few spiritual eggs, but the eggs he chose looked good on the surface and full of spiritual energy, but in the end they were all rotten eggs without exception, even There will also be some poisonous gas attacks hatched...

He was very worried that the eggs he had chosen would be too much to eat...

The two quickly returned to the mansion. Jiang Ran and Qi Yu passed through the circular arch, but they didn't see Jiang Xiaowen and the others.

Yaobao and the others were not there either.

"In the backyard." Qi Yu said.

The two went to the backyard, and saw Bai Mei fighting with Mo Sheng at a glance, Jiang Xiaowen and Yaobao moved a stool to watch the show, only Li Silianxiang and the group of guards and servants looked anxiously at the messy yard.

In fact, the theory of fighting is not correct, it should be Bai Mei unilaterally beating the little wolf cub - the strength gap between the two beasts is a bit obvious, Bai Mei is already at the profound bone level, and Mo Sheng has only opened the pulse at the third level... oh, got it Bai Mei's dragon blood has only been seen for a long time, and Mo Sheng is already at the fifth level of the opening of the veins.

The two beasts fought for some unknown reason. They tossed and turned in the wide and flat courtyard. The lightning flashed, each move was more severe than the last, and all the moves were greeted to Mo Sheng. At this time, the black fur of the little wolf cub was sticky, which was the result of the flowing blood sticking to the hair.

"Roar——" Bai Mei roared, his body was more than three meters long, and his tail swung lightly. The row of clear bamboos planted in the courtyard suddenly became agitated, and the green leaves scattered in all directions, making the surroundings very messy.

Mo Sheng doesn't flinch from opponents who are dozens of times taller than him. His eyes are indifferent and stubborn. He doesn't bark or bark. Dark green flames flash across his body. He is another good dog.

Jiang Ran leaned against the wall and watched for a while, but she didn't even stop her, and Qi Yu couldn't move anymore. Yao Bao spotted the two of them, his eyes lingering on the wonderful battle (one-sided brutal beating), and he swayed closer , "Ran Ran, you are back."

"How did they fight?"

"I don't know." Yaobao said in an indistinguishable Zhengtai tone, "It seems that the little wolf cub asked Xiaolong for something, and Xiaolong refused to give it, so they started fighting."

(End of this chapter)

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