As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 532 The Fading Mark

There are one hundred and thirty-six people in the desert, and there are thirty-six people who came with Sheyao and the others. These thirty-six people have one thing in common, that is, they are basically young people between the ages of twenty and forty.

Muxiali, Muhaku and others who were familiar to Jiang Ran were included.

Muxiali and Muhaku knelt down on one knee and said to Jiang Ran, "From now on, you are our chief, and we will follow you."

Muxiali said they wanted to escape from this desert, which lacked water and food and was like a prison.

But after they were able to go out, they felt that the Lingxiang Desert was still their hometown.

They accepted Jiang Ran's rule over the Lingxiang Desert. The young people in the desert wanted to realize their dreams and go out to see, so they were willing to listen to Jiang Ran's instructions, just like the Xuanjia soldiers. At the same time, they hoped that she could give them "the ability to survive outside." Materials".

Jiang Ran turned his eyes slightly and sat on the chair to look at these desert people.

Regardless of whether they are men or women, they are tall, muscular, full of energy and have good fighting prowess.

If he could be dispatched to her, it would indeed be a big help.

The only trouble is that these desert people don't understand the language of the people outside, and their behavior is a bit barbaric.

But these are harmless, and the advantages of the desert people are worth Jiang Ran's time to train.

So she agreed that these desert people would leave by boat with her.

Jiang Ran asked, "Where are Mushahe and the others? What are their plans?"

"Uncle Shahe and the others want to stay in the desert to atone for our sins." Muxiali said bitterly, "We ignorantly cut down the ancient trees and turned our hometown into a desert. It is our sin. Uncle Shahe said that we should atone for our sins, so we will The young people were sent out, while the older ones continued to stay in the desert. Although they don’t know what they can do, they can at least do something to make up for it..."

In fact, if he were not afraid that the children would cause trouble to Jiang Ran and the others, Mushahe would have wanted to send away the children and teenagers in the village as well.

Mu Xiali raised her head and begged, "You planted the precious demon fire tree in Beiling, so you will definitely not give up Xianglan. Please don't give up Xianglan and let it return to its former glory."

"I am also Xiangling's new owner after all..." Jiang Ran smiled, and as agreed, took out the handed-in spear weapons and returned them to them.


After Jiang Ran conquered the Xiangling Secret Realm, the whirlpool door that dropped fish became a two-way door.

However, this two-way door no longer makes so much noise in the ocean. It is now just a relatively calm whirlpool, and it no longer has such a strong suction to pull things outside.

This change has advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that people coming in from the outside will be much safer on the road.

The downside is that there are a lot less fish that can fall in.

The secret realm can be moved by the owner. For example, the Nanguan Secret Realm was moved from Sin Township to Suling County by Jiang Ran.

The location of the Xiangling secret realm can naturally be changed, but the secret realm can only change its location once every ten years, so where to place the Xiangling secret realm became the next question for Jiang Ran.

To restore the antelope's ecology, a large amount of water and some drought-tolerant plants are needed.

After all, Xiangling's current location is too far away from Suling County. It takes about ten days for the fleet to go back and forth, which is too energy-consuming.

As for the teleportation array, one teleportation array is worth tens of millions of spiritual crystals, and using the teleportation array to transport water is a bottomless pit. “It might be a good idea to place the Xiangling Secret Realm near the Lang River that flows into the Suyuan Sea..." Jiang Ran thought.

The whirlpool gate that allows fishing is a feature of Xiangling, and it is currently the only way for desert people to obtain stable food. Therefore, it cannot be abandoned, and the secret place of Xianglan must be placed in the sea water.

But if you want to minimize the cost of transporting clean water, you can only choose the entrance of Langhe River.

Moreover, Nanguan Secret Realm is also in Nanzhu Village, and Xiangling Secret Realm is a paradise for fire cultivators. Together, the two can bring more powerful people to Suling.

Everything was ready, and in the early morning of the next day, amid the enthusiastic chants of the sailors, the Henghai returned to the ocean with the momentum of breaking through thousands of miles of waves.

A faint fish-belly white appeared in the east, and gradually it became brighter. The white color spread toward the sky like water. After a while, wisps of warm golden light from the sky slanted onto the sea. For a while, there were countless transparent and shiny scales on the sea. beat.

The shocking magnificence and splendor make all desert people who advocate freedom burst into tears.

Suffering cannot make desert people cry, but the beauty at this moment made this group of people cry.

The Xuanjia soldiers looked at them sideways. They couldn't understand what the desert people said, and they didn't know why they were so excited that they started to cry. They didn't dare to go forward to persuade them, so they had no choice but to squat on the deck and watch them cry.

Muhaku wiped his eyes with his hands, "I have never seen such a beautiful picture. I really want my sister to see it too."

But this is a wish that is destined to be unfulfilled. As early as a year ago, that innocent and lovely little girl died of fever and thirst in the desert. She was only five years old when she died. Last night, her sister still looked up to her. He raised his head and asked him what the ancient Zhanhua tree looked like before. Does drinking clear water taste any different from blood?

Muhaku was very proud that he had seen the ancient Zhanhua tree when he was a child and drank the water drops dripping from its leaves. He told her: The ancient Zhanhua tree is very beautiful and big, and the water tastes sweet.

My sister was a little envious and said with a smile: It would be great if Muhari could have a sip of water one day.


Muhari, a child who never tasted the taste of water until her death.

A child who has never seen the sky except covered by sand in his life.

"I love the sunshine at this time, I love the sea, I love Chief Daran..." Some desert people shouted with choked sobs, "Thank you for bringing me out. I will never forget the scenery at this moment in my life..." "

Desert people respect "big". For example, when they call Muqi, they either call them chief or Daqi.

If in the secret realm, the desert people called Jiang Ran their chief because they had no choice but simply wanted a strong man to be their chief and protect them.

But now, they sincerely respect Jiang Ran who brought them the sea, so they are willing to call her "Chief Daran".

The Henghai did not stop sailing because of the sadness or excitement of the desert people.

After waiting for the desert people to calm down, Jiang Ran asked Mu Xiali, "Have there been any changes in your bodies since you came out of the Xiangling Secret Realm?"

"What change?" Mu Xiali was a little confused and subconsciously touched her horns.

The horns are still there. I thought that after leaving Xiangling, the horns would disappear and become like people like Daran...

Jiang Ran pointed out that some of the seals on the Desert Man's arms had become darker since leaving the Xiangling Secret Realm, "The marks have become lighter."

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