As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 533 Moving to the Secret Realm

"Really!" Mu Xiali turned her head, looked down, and looked at her arm in surprise.

"Are you feeling unwell?" Jiang Ran asked again.

Mu Xiali then straightened her expression and felt it carefully.

Suddenly, a ball of flame the size of a fist ignited in her hand, swaying constantly in the sea breeze.

Looking at the flame, Mu Xiali suddenly frowned, then looked around, looking for something, and finally zeroed in on a three-meter-long fish that had just been caught.

That big fish weighed at least four to five hundred pounds.

She took two steps forward and bent her legs, in a posture similar to a squatting horse stance. She was simply wrapped in two pieces of animal skin to cover her chest and crotch. The beautiful muscles of her arms and thighs were fully exposed. The big fish was struggling, and then he picked it up violently!

The Xuanjia warrior opened his mouth slightly as he watched a beautiful woman pick up a big fish four or five times her size. She was extremely brave.

But seeing Mu Xiali weighing the big fish up and down, the frown between her brows getting deeper and deeper. Putting down the big fish, Mu Xiali solemnly said to Jiang Ran, "Chief Da Ran, after leaving Xiangling, my power It seems to be two points weaker.”

In order to verify this statement, several other people from the desert were invited to conduct experiments, and the results were without exception.

The desert man looked at his hands with some panic, "What should I do?"

"The mark of the ancient tree has not disappeared, maybe it was just suppressed by the outside world." Jiang Ran said calmly, "Maybe it will recover after returning to Xiangling."

Jiang Ran's comfort somewhat reassured Mu Xiali and others.


The ocean is changeable. If the desert people's first impression of the ocean is that it is calm, vast and beautiful, then in the next few days, they will see the violent and dangerous side of the ocean.

A common adventure can quickly enhance each other's feelings. Suling people have become accustomed to the strange people in the county who look very different from ordinary people, so they are relatively tolerant. Although they don't understand the language, the Desert people and the Xuanjia soldiers are very friendly. Almost beaten into one piece.

The journey back to the county was smooth, because unlike the stop-and-go journey when we came here, except when we were forced to park at night, we almost moved forward at full speed during the day.

Five days later, when the vast virtual sea slowly receded, a meandering white river appeared, and the green forests on the land exuded fresh oxygen. The familiar scenery made everyone on the boat feel at ease.

Seeing that the ship began to slow down and saw the mainland, the desert people excitedly gestured with their hands and asked, "Are we here, the new world!!"

The Xuanjia soldiers rubbed their faces to cheer themselves up, "Yes, we are finally back. They can never imagine what we encountered at sea!"

Someone boasted, "We helped the lord conquer three new islands and a huge secret realm! I am a great hero!"


Arriving at Nanzhu Port, Jiang Ran asked the Xuanjia soldiers to return to the Xuanjia Navy Regiment to resume their duties, and then gave them a three-day holiday.

This voyage was indeed fruitful. The soldiers followed her through life and death, and there were even a dozen Xuanjia soldiers still stationed in the harsh desert environment.

All Jiang Ran asked Sheyao to record the merits of each Xuanjia soldier, and those who made contributions during this voyage and performed well were also rewarded with an Ember Spear - the Ember Ancient Tree has many branches, and the desert There are more than 500 spears made by humans.

Jiang Ran only returned two hundred, and the remaining three hundred were divided between her, Qi, Feng, and the five beasts of Yun, Zhe, Red, Tao, and Mo, which can be said to be part of each other.

However, Jiang Ran did not give the reward in person, but planned to send someone to the army in the future. It was noon when the ship docked, and there were not many people on the beach. However, the fifty-feathered Lin Army led by Zhou Bao, who had received the news about the fleet, stood majestically on the beach. They had already dispersed the rest of the people. , and there were countless buckets and sacks behind them.

That is a large amount of spiritual spring water brought from Biquan Bay and grain transferred from the county granary.

In addition to the Yu Lin Army, the demon spiritual masters Gao Litang and Sun Yaoxu were also waiting here for some unknown reason. Their eyes were full of surprise and curiosity when they saw the desert people carefully getting off the boat.

On the other side, there was a team picking up people, with Lin Sha and Butler Li standing at the front.

"I've met the county lord, all the gentlemen and ladies." Lin Sha and Li Fusheng came up with their servants to pay their respects.

Li Fusheng said, "Nanzhu Mansion has prepared hot water and meals."

Although as a water monk, she can create water from the air after leaving the Xiangling Secret Realm, but bathing on a Henghai ship is always inconvenient, and the sea breeze is slightly fishy, ​​so her body is more or less tainted with some smell.

Jiang Ran turned to Qi Yu and Feng Chidao, "I still have some things to deal with. How about you go back to my house and have a good rest? I will entertain you well later."

Qi Yu and others had no objections.

However, Jiang Ran told him that Li Fusheng would naturally entertain the distinguished guests well.

When the wheels of the carriage turned, a group of people left first.

Jiang Ran turned her head and looked down at the deserter with confused and curious eyes, "Lin Qing's family, if something happens, we will report it later. You first send someone to settle these people."

The county is short of this kind of able-bodied labor force. Since they are willing to go out to work, Jiang Ran is stingy in giving them jobs.

Lin Sha had a handsome face. He raised his eyes and glanced at the desert man. He didn't have any trouble at all. He just raised his hand and said yes.

Jiang Ran explained it to the people in the desert, and the people in the desert felt free to follow Lin Sha.

Mu Xiali followed the team, but was pulled by Jiang Ran, along with two other strong young men.

"Chief Daran, what are your orders?" Mu Xiali looked at the back of his companion, scratched his head anxiously, and asked in confusion.

"You still have to go back to Xiangling." Jiang Ran said.

Amid everyone's doubts, Jiang Ran took a fishing boat to the mouth of the Lang River, explored the surrounding sea area, and finally chose a place with a black reef and a boat ride of about ten minutes. place.

I saw Jiang Ran jumping into the sea with exclamations under her hands, her upper body rising out of the water, her jet-black hair floating with the seawater like seaweed, jade-like white scales floating on the corners of Jiang Ran's eyes and cheeks, after entering the Wushuang Realm , Jiang Ran got part of the power from Bai Mei, and it seemed that she could turn into a fish and swim.

Jiang Ran raised her eyes slightly, a shadow flashed between her eyebrows, and a jade sculpture with two trees entwining each other slowly appeared in front of her.

Under the gaze, the sea water seemed to be pulled by the tide, and the white waves swirled, and gradually began to rotate clockwise in one direction...

Shrouded in sea fog, a whirlpool door with a radius of more than two meters appeared out of thin air on the sea. This sight really shocked everyone.

"It's a bit like the Nanguan secret realm floating in the sky. Did the county master capture a secret realm quietly?"

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