As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 534: Managing the Xiangling Secret Realm

The effect of the Nanguan Secret Realm on the monks was obvious to all. Zhou Bao couldn't help but lick his lips. He couldn't help but be excited when he thought that he would be able to go in and explore this new secret realm in person later.

Seeing the familiar spirit of the secret realm and the whirlpool door, Mu Xiali held her hand on the edge of the boat and murmured, "Chief Daran has moved all our homes here. Can Uncle Shahe and the others also come to play outside?"

Hearing Mu Xiali's words, the other two desert boys couldn't believe it, "Can a place as big as ours be moved here?"

Then he felt that even the god-like Mu Qi had been defeated, so Jiang Ran, who had defeated Mu Qi, seemed to be able to accept doing things that mortals couldn't do. He said with great joy, "Chief Daran is really great! He did it for us. They specially moved our home here!”

As everyone cheered, Jiang Ran swam back from the center of the whirlpool. While getting on the boat, she pushed back her wet hair that was scattered on her forehead. Crystal water droplets dripped down her hair and fell on the deck, and the white scales on her cheeks also disappeared. Then became invisible.

Jiang Ran put a blue coat on her shoulders and said to Zhou Bao calmly, "Mu Xia Li will take you to the ancient Zhanhua tree. You must escort the water and food and protect the two demons." Spiritualist.”


Jiang Ran said to Gao Litang and Sun Yaoxu, "There is no grass growing in the Xiangling Secret Realm. I want you to find a way to restore the ecology inside..."

Turning a piece of yellow sand into an oasis is a huge project. Generally speaking, several generations of hard work may not be able to create an oasis, but the power of the ancient Zhanhua tree is wonderful. Once it is done well, with the help of Its power may speed up this process.

Hearing this, Sun Yaoxu and Gao Litang's jaws clenched slightly and their eyes darkened.

They are now people from Suling County.

But they have not forgotten that they are from Hanyuan, a land of Hanyuan where the soil is barren and cannot grow much food. It is full of displaced people and monsters raging.

The place full of war, crime, and poverty made them hate it deeply, and it contained the humiliation of being humans who were expelled or killed by monsters.

But at the same time, they are also haunted by dreams. There may be their wandering compatriots there, and there are souls screaming in purgatory.

Sun Yaoxu and Gao Litang are just insignificant individuals and do not have the grand vision to change the entire Hanyuan by themselves. However, as demon spiritual masters, they still have the desire to cultivate animals that can sprout in a land like Hanyuan. It sprouted quietly.

Sun Yaoxu touched the thick bag hanging by his side in a daze, which contained the seeds he had spent more than ten years collecting.

In fact, those seeds are not some magical fruit that can grow into the heavens with miraculous effects. They are just ordinary seeds with tenacious vitality.

At that time, he was reluctant to leave it behind on the way to escape. Now he doesn't know if it can bloom in a new land.

Sun Yaoxu and Gao Litang are both demon spiritual masters, or spiritual farmers to be precise, because they have not actually come into contact with many demon spirits. They do not know how to make demon spirits' food and equipment, and they are not very good at treating demon spirits. . And as spiritual farmers, the two of them are good at different aspects.

The former is good at identifying plants and exploring the nutrients and living environments required by different plants; the latter is good at improving and cultivating spiritual soil - Gao Litang has already made some achievements in Suling.

After getting Jiang Ran's permission, she first used the pot of moraine spiritual soil that Jiang Ran brought to Wulian Qingshan as the research object. While taking care of the crops in Biquan Bay with Li Yiniu, she also helped the big snake green on Qingshan. He took care of the deer grass and spent half a year on the Wulian Qingshan Mountain to create a castrated version of the moraine spiritual soil, doubling the yield of the deer grass.

Gao Litang has also become Qing Hui’s best friend besides Jiang Ran.

The closest human being.

After Gao Litang had experience cultivating moraine soil, she went to Biquan Bay to experiment. The original area of ​​moraine soil was less than one acre, but she had expanded it twice, without affecting the soil. " "Earth Qi".

Jiang Ran provided the desert people with labor in exchange for drinking water and food. She said to the two spiritual farmers in front of her, "If necessary, you can ask the Lingxiang desert people to help plant trees."

"Yes!" Sun Yaoxu and Gao Litang said solemnly, "We will do our best to make the withered land grow green."


Most of the soldiers in Fifty Yulin are specially selected fire monks, and the Antelope Secret Realm can be said to be a holy place for fire monks to practice.

Next, they will take over from the few Xuanjia soldiers who stayed in Xiangling Secret Realm, and will be responsible for guarding the two ancient trees in Xiangling. Jiang Ran looked at Zhou Bao and handed him a space ring.

Zhou Bao immediately loaded the water and food on the ship into the empty ring, and then, led by several desert people from Mu Xiali, they all headed towards the slowly rotating underwater vortex door.

Jiang Ran returned to Nanzhu Mansion with ease. Just a few hundred meters away from the main entrance of the mansion, she saw several servants and maids beside the honest-looking Manager Li, waiting eagerly under the courtyard wall.

Seeing Jiang Ran, several people hurriedly came over to greet her. Li Fusheng frowned and nagged like an old woman, "My lord, if you have anything to do, you have to go home and have a meal and rest for a while before you get busy... You are just too busy." I tried my best, and even after being away for a month or two, I refused to bring some attendants to serve me. Young Master Nancheng and Miss Xiaowen were not at home, but we were left to 'enjoy' at the house... You are like this, The late Lord, seeing that the county master doesn’t care for his body so much, he can’t feel at ease down there…”

Jiang Ran is now becoming more and more majestic. Who in the county would not be ungrateful and awe-inspiring when seeing her? He didn't dare to be disobedient in the slightest. Apart from Tian Jing, a veteran, Li Fusheng, an old man who had stayed in Jiang's house for a long time, was the only one in the county who dared to speak to Jiang Ran in such a reproachful tone.

The other party was also sincere. Seeing that the other party mentioned Jiang Fucheng, Jiang Ran called Butler Li his uncle in a rare and affectionate way. He smiled and said: "It makes Uncle Li worried. It's just that if you don't accumulate small steps, you can't reach a thousand miles; if you don't accumulate small streams, you can't reach a river." . I am still young, and it is always right for young people to seize the time and do more."

Jiang Ran has always been cold and taciturn, and would not express his worries about Suling to outsiders, but at this time he said a few words, "Although Suling has some prestige in the surrounding area, looking at the outside world, a small county has... It's insignificant. The hidden filth will not be exposed to the public, and unknown enemies will not give you time to grow. Suling will face a lot in the future."

It would be fine if Jiang Ran was the little girl ten years ago, but now that she is the head of the county, she condescends to call Li Fusheng uncle, which is really frightening. But before she could react, she heard Jiang Ran A series of words followed.

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