Chapter 535 Farewell

Li Fusheng was slightly stunned, secretly thinking that the county master was not mature enough for people of his age. Most people aged sixteen or seventeen were young and energetic, full of passion and often irritable, but Jiang Ran was too calm, too prepared for danger, and also formidable and foresighted. .

Just as Li Fusheng's thoughts were racing, Jiang Ran was already a few steps ahead of the other servants and stepped into the mansion, leaving only a figure behind.

Li Fusheng reacted and quickly led people to catch up.

Jiang Ran went to take a bath first, and then came to the dining room.

There is a large round table in the ancient and elegant dining room, which is covered with delicacies. There is a charcoal stove in it, which is warming a white jade bird's nest porridge, which is steaming.

"Have they eaten yet?" She wasn't really hungry at first, but the cook's cooking skills were getting better and better. Smelling the aroma of the dishes, Jiang Ran raised her left eyebrow slightly and sat down to eat.

Li Fusheng said, "Lord, don't worry, we don't dare to neglect, all of you have already eaten."

Jiang Ran used the water brought by the attendant to wash her hands and wiped them dry with a white handkerchief. Then she took two mouthfuls of bird's nest porridge to pad her stomach. The warm and thick porridge made her internal organs feel comfortable.

"If I'm not here for two months, what will happen to the house?"

Li Fusheng thought to himself, "Everything in the house is fine. By the way, Mr. Nancheng brought Ming Xiao's classmate back to Suling a few days ago. Unfortunately, I didn't see you, but Mr. Nancheng said he would come back in a few days."

Jiang Ran raised her eyebrows slightly.

After washing and having dinner, she found Qi Yu and Feng Chi.

I could see that the inner room was hung with a bead curtain made of shells and jade, which smelled like a sea of ​​smoke. Behind the curtain was a translucent flowing smoke gauze, which shed bright light under the dim light of the lamp.

Qi Yu, Feng Chi and Chi Ling, who had turned into human beings, were drinking. They curled up into a ball and lay on Qi Yu's lap. When they heard the footsteps, several people looked sideways.

Jiang Ran opened the gauze curtain and entered the room, drinking and drinking with several people.

During the conversation, Jiang Ran said that he would let them stay in Suling for a few more days to play, but the two of them did not plan to stay in Suling for a long time, saying that they would return to Mingxiao City tomorrow morning.

Jiang Ran nodded, stretched out his hand, and gave something to Qi Yu and Feng Chi.

It was a plate made of white jade, with the word "Su" engraved on it, and a jade seal with a green glow flowing around it.

Qi Yu and Feng Chi took it in confusion, " this?"

"Passage Disk, with this, you can use the teleportation array in Bi'an Court to travel between Suling and Mingxiao at any time."

Regarding the teleportation formation, Suling has its own management system.

For this purpose, customs clearance departments were specially set up on both sides of the teleportation array.

Suling County residents can purchase teleportation tickets at the Customs Clearance Department with their household registration.

People from Suling County need 105 spiritual crystals to purchase a teleportation ticket to Xiaoliang Mountain, while a teleportation ticket to Mingxiao requires 150 spiritual crystals.

Jiang Ran knew that he could get rich faster by opening up the territory, but objectively speaking, the strength of the territory was still relatively weak. In order to protect the safety and property of the people in the territory, people outside Suling County were not able to use the teleportation array to come to Suling County for the time being. .

The passable jade plates in the hands of Qi Yu and Feng Chi are the only tokens that allow outsiders to enter Suling County at will. Qi Yu immediately understood that this was a privilege given to the two of them by Jiang Ran, so he quickly put it away.

Feng Chi said happily, "Then I can come to you anytime. It's very convenient to travel between the two places with the teleportation array."

Jiang Ran smiled and said, "If necessary, Lingxiang's Secret Realm is open to you at any time. The Ember-Destroying Tree Trunk is useful to me, so I won't share it with you. But as an apology, in the future, I will bear the fruits of the Demon Fire Tree. I am willing to share half of it with you.”

Jiang Ran would benefit the most from conquering the Xiangling Secret Realm. But if it weren't for Qi Yu and Feng Chi's restraint, Jiang Ran wouldn't have been able to get the giant hammer and conquer the secret realm so smoothly.

Feng Chi waved his hand calmly, "I don't need it. I'm just a soy saucer in the secret realm. Jin Mie Ancient Tree has nothing to do with me. Hehe, but we are friends, right? I beg Aran to give me the demon fire fruit." Sell ​​me cheap.”

As a fire cultivator, the demon fire fruit is naturally of great benefit to him, but Feng Chi feels that he has not done much in this trip, but he has already received a lot of goods, and has received preliminary approval from Chi Yu. It is already It's an unexpected thing.

Jiang Ran felt that Feng Chi and his family were from a prominent family, so they really wouldn't care about a little demon fire fruit. Hearing this, she smiled and promised, "If Feng Chi wants the demon fire fruit, I will naturally not let you suffer."

Jiang Ran looked at Qi Yu again and raised her eyebrows to stop him from talking, "Forget it about Feng Chi, don't say anything about looking down on the demon fire fruit to me. The demon fire tree can sprout and regenerate so quickly, and you are indispensable. and the help of Tuxian.”

Jiang Ran had finished saying both good and bad things, what else could Qi Yu say? There was helplessness on his angular face, Qi Yu said, "Then I'd rather be respectful than obey your orders."

The night is getting dark, and a thin ray of moonlight reflects the scene of slanting branches and wildly growing green leaves outside the window.

When the jade toad in the sky was replaced by a golden crow and the sky light emerged, Qi Yu, Feng Chi and others disappeared into the territory of Suling County with a ray of light.

"Ran Ran, these are for you, food expenses, if there is any left, you can help me exchange some currency and spiritual crystals."

After Jiang Ran's repeated emphasis, Yun Subaru finally stopped calling her "baby" and instead called her "Ran Ran" like Yaobao.

Yun Subaru threw out a few magic cores of the Sea of ​​Consciousness monsters obtained from the Lingxiang Secret Realm and several pieces of complete furs of the monsters, "I know, you can do business~"

"This fire fox fur may be worth a lot of money." This is a very complete and huge fox fur. The hair is soft and silvery red, with no mottled colors in it. It looks like it is flickering with candlelight, and it is extremely gorgeous.

Although the magic core is the essence of Warcraft, it is only under normal circumstances. The value of items ultimately depends on human preferences.

"Okay, I will try my best to sell these things at a good price."

Jiang Ran put away the things Yun Subaru gave her one by one, while thinking about the things on her body.

Because of the huge expense of Qushui Building, she gradually began to be cash-strapped. However, after a few trips abroad, she had a lot of things that she didn't need but were of pretty good value. She might be able to sell them to supplement her money. bag.

Yun Subaru trusted Jiang Ran very much. He handed the things to Jiang Ran without asking any questions at all, and then said that he wanted to return to the sacred tree world.

As soon as this person left, the huge Jiang Mansion fell silent for a while.

But this loneliness would not last long. A few days later, Mo Sheng smelled the smell and returned to Jiang Ran from the Xiangling Secret Realm.

It also brought some snacks of its own - it seemed to like those sand poisonous centipedes in the desert, and this time it even brought a lot for Jiang Ran, but Jiang Ran was really not lucky enough to bear them, so she just kept them as usual and planned to fight with her. I sold the one I received before.

(End of this chapter)

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