As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 537 It doesn’t matter

Jiang Ran doesn't have clothes for seven or eight-year-old boys here, but there should be some in Jiang Nancheng's house.

She asked someone to bring some clothes over, and asked the housekeeper to find someone to order some clothes.

Butler Li and other servants were extremely surprised to see a handsome young master in their house. The county lord was particularly affectionate to the young master and even taught him how to walk himself.

At first, Butler Li thought it was an illegitimate child brought back by the county lord from outside, but when he thought about Jiang Ran's age, he felt that this idea was a bit fanciful. He thought to himself that he was really possessed by a demon, and wiped the sweat from his forehead. "Our county boss is only seventeen years old, no matter what, we can't show up to an eight-year-old child."


After realizing the sea realm, Bai Mei lived in Suling County in human form for the rest of his life. Only when he was hunting in Su Yuanhai, would he quietly transform into a giant dragon and dive into the deep sea.

Jiang Mansion's martial arts training ground is vast and spacious. There is a competition platform in the center. On the left side of the competition platform, there are various swords, guns, swords and halberds, and bow and arrow targets for people to use. In addition, Jiang Ran spent a lot of money to buy them from Mingxiao. Here comes the spirit gathering array and gravity array.

This martial arts training ground is only used by the master of Jiang Mansion, so the environment is very quiet.

After turning into a human form, Bai Mei began to practice walking here to adapt to fighting in human form.

Since there is no problem with Bai Mei's skeletal development after transforming, learning to walk is not a difficult task, but fighting has become a problem. In human form, Bai Mei's current strength is only one-tenth of the prototype. about.

Jiang Ran said to Bai Mei, "Being in human form has a huge benefit for you and me, that is, when I take you on a long trip in the future, I don't need to cover up your surroundings with white mist to hide your true identity, and you can stand upright in the sun." Down."

"Master! Really!" Bai Mei's blue eyes lit up. He actually envied Mo Sheng. Because he was so inconspicuous, he could always eat, drink and have fun with his master.

"Really, you can still participate in the beast fighting competition that you didn't participate in last time, but the problem now is that in human form, the strength you can exert is too weak..."

Bai Mei was still slightly worried about the fact that the master of the Mo Sheng Gang won a magic gun, but he failed to play. Bai Mei still hugged the big dragon ball, but did not forget to hold on to her fat hands. Fist, "I know how to do it!"

"Ouch!" Fight me!

At this time, Mo Sheng jumped onto the fighting ring, his eyes, one gray and one blue, engrossing, burning with high fighting spirit.

It has always wanted to challenge Bai Mei to a duel, but Bai Mei was busy learning to walk the past two days and had no time at all.

Bai Mei glanced at Jiang Ran, then stared at Mo Sheng with a solemn expression. After a long time, she nodded slowly.

Bai Mei's voice was a little whiny, but she didn't know why she pretended to be mature and lowered her voice, solemnly saying to Jiang Ran, "Master, I'm going to fight Mo Sheng!"

"Then you fight, and I'll help you take a look at your dragon balls."

Bai Mei held the big bead reluctantly, and Yaobao asked him to borrow the bead for a look, but he refused.

But of course the owner is extraordinary. His things belong to the owner, so he still handed the things to Jiang Ran, "Master, don't break it!"

Jiang Ran touched Bai Mei's soft hair and said softly, "Okay."

After soothing Bai Mei, the two beasts also entered the ring and started fighting. There was the sound of bodies colliding in their ears. Jiang Ran found a place to sit and lowered his head to look at the dragon ball carefully.

I had never seen it up close before. This dragon ball was very large, about forty centimeters in diameter. Jiang Ran stretched out her arms and touched the fingertips of her hands so that she could hold it in her arms.

The dragon beads are very heavy, very round, dark blue, and as beautiful as the vast starry sky, but underneath the beauty there is a thunderous and heart-stopping aura, like an eternal dragon crawling quietly among the giant beads. ! !

The expression on Jiang Ran's face was a little condensed. This orb was a rare treasure for any cultivator and monster. So Chi Yu was so generous and tried so hard to kidnap Bai Mei, but he just gave the dragon ball to Bai Mei? But no matter how she looked at the dragon ball, Jiang Ran found no signs of manipulation, and it was indeed of great benefit to Bai Mei.

Generally speaking, there is a magic core in a monster, but not in a dragon, and the dragon beads are their essence.

It is equivalent to a peerless strong man sealing his lifelong cultivation and martial arts in the ball. Bai Mei absorbing the Dragon Ball is equivalent to absorbing the cultivation and learning the mysterious skills left in the Dragon Ball.

The Dragon Ball, coupled with the fact that two years ago, Bai Mei absorbed a drop of the essence and blood of the Cang Yue Tyrannosaurus in the Metamorphosis Realm, may be the reason why Bai Mei was able to reach the Sea of ​​Consciousness Realm so quickly.

The energy contained in this dragon ball is so great that it will not be possible for Bai Meiqi to fully absorb it in one day.

But it is conceivable that this dragon ball will completely become a part of Bai Mei's body, and this silly dragon will undergo such earth-shaking changes!

'It's a pity that Chi Yu can't speak, and Bai Mei, this little silly dragon, can't ask anything...' Jiang Ran thought of this and stroked her forehead helplessly.


In the martial arts training ground, Bai Mei and Mo Sheng were fighting fiercely.

The gap between the realms of the two beasts is really big, and from an attribute point of view, Bai Mei's water element can restrain Mo Sheng's fire.

But Bai Mei is in human form at this time, and Mo Sheng is not an ordinary fire monster. In addition, after coming from the Xiangling Secret Realm, Mo Sheng understood the green fire and could recover in time every time he was injured. The two little guys were still able to fight. There is back and forth.

"These two are quite capable of fighting." Jiang Ran put the dragon ball on her lap and concentrated on watching the confrontation between the two beasts. She couldn't help but narrow her eyes slightly.

Bai Mei's quick-healing blood and Mo Sheng's green fire are both bloodline magical powers that quickly restore blood. Although they can only heal some skin and flesh wounds that break bones and do not damage the source, in time, when these two bloodline magical powers reach their peak, will they be able to heal them? Become a near-immortal being in battle?

The battle was at a stalemate for a while, but when both sides had the means to recover, it would depend on the spiritual energy reserves of both sides.

Obviously, even though Bai Mei is in human form now, his spiritual power is still the same as when he was in dragon form. Moreover, after entering the Wushuang Realm with Jiang Ran, he can also use his master's spiritual energy!

Although Bai Mei didn't intend to cheat.

"Roar..." Bai Mei clenched his fists with both hands and let out a roar, but the only sound he made was the roar of a human child. It was no different from the "roar of an evil dragon". Jiang Ran couldn't help but chuckle as he watched from below. For a moment.

Of course Bai Mei heard this laughter and was immediately ashamed. The child's fair face and ears were turning red little by little, but Xiaolong still pretended to be calm and quickly dodged Mo Sheng's spray at it. Heat.

Bai Mei's fighting style still retains some of the wildness of his animal form. Jade knife-like claws appeared on the tips of his fair and soft fingers. Hundreds of scratches were seen in the air. Bai Mei's blue eyes were slightly... With the help of an invisible wind around him, the scratches were very fast, and almost instantly, the knife struck Mo Sheng from all directions in an unpredictable manner! !

"Hmph..." Blood dripped on the ground, and the black fur was soaked with blood and became a ball. Mo Sheng let out a muffled groan. Although Mo Sheng was agile and dexterous, claw marks were raining down, and his body was still more or less injured by these claw marks. arrive.

The world of Warcraft is full of plundering and being plundered. What Jiang Ran didn't know was that every time he fought with Bai Mei, Mo Sheng tried his best and started with the consciousness of killing and being killed.

Because Bai Mei is much stronger than it.

Even though Bai Mei is much stronger than it.

But it doesn't matter.

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