Even if the dragon in front of him is much stronger than it, it doesn't matter, Mo Sheng will not stop attacking until he reaches his goal.

Mo Sheng staggered to steady his body, the green fire burned with bang bang, the wound healed and was torn apart by the claw blade, Mo Sheng's cold eyes flashed slightly, the blue fire burned uncontrollably on the gray pupils, it struggled to escape from the dense A flaw was found in the scratches, and the body turned into a shadow flashing through hundreds of radiant claw marks.

Its thoughts were calm, but its fighting style was very wild and fast. It completely ignored the claws that scratched it, and its body was shrouded in green flames. Under the green flames, there was a hint of blue that contained murderous intent. flame.

Mo Sheng turned into a meteor and rushed towards Bai Mei bravely. It opened its mouth, its teeth like steel flames were sharp and bloody, with a strong temperature similar to Yan Xin's earth fire, and bit Bai Mei's neck fiercely!

If it were in the prototype state, Bai Mei could certainly easily dodge it, but unfortunately he is not now.

"Bang boom!!!"

Sensing the threat, Bai Mei's azure pupils suddenly stood up, and the deep dark blue flashed in his eyes. Purple thunder particles were seen on his body, ready to move. He clearly didn't move, but Mo Sheng, who was flying towards him, seemed to be He was hit by a heavy hammer and suddenly fell heavily from mid-air to his feet with his head down. There was a loud noise, and the cement ground cracked with a trace! !

It was Bai Mei's "Heavy Domain", which was the pressure of a dragon, extremely exaggerated mental suppression and gravity restraint. Mo Sheng was seriously injured by the attack just now, and blood flowed from his mouth, nose and ears, and his body was agitated. Twitching and unable to stand up!

Green flames were still blooming on Mo Sheng's body. Under Bai Mei's domain, the little wolf still wanted to stand up. Bai Mei's eyes flashed slightly, but he did not give it this chance. Only dozens of rough water lines could be seen. The belt came from behind Bai Mei like a snake's tail. The long water snakes were entangled together, like a fiercely flowing whirlpool, winding from Mo Sheng's side, front, and even above, hitting Mo Sheng's body ruthlessly and accurately. .

a bit.

Two times.

Three times.


Bai Mei looked down, tilted her head and asked Mo Sheng, "Is it time for you to give up? Do you want to admit defeat or not?"

Mo Sheng struggled to open his eyes, spit out a mouthful of blood, and snorted coldly from his nose.

"Then keep playing." Bai Mei knew its answer. The anaconda continued to beat Mo Sheng's body, extinguishing its healing fire. There were constant scars on the little wolf's body, and the blood on his body dyed the ground red.

But even so, Mo Sheng's eyes remained stubborn and cold.

Jiang Ran, who was watching from below, finally felt that the sparring was going too far, and stood up with a frown to stop it.

"Master, please don't come over. This is what we men have agreed upon!" The blue-eyed little boy turned his head and looked at Jiang Ran, his round and delicate face very serious.

The image of a seven or eight-year-old boy talking about manly things is a bit too funny. But Jiang Ran didn't laugh. At this time, she also understood something. She just paused in her steps and her eyes darkened, "Don't risk your life."


The moment Jiang Ran finished speaking, the black monster that looked like a dog but not a dog seemed to feel humiliated. A ray of light suddenly opened in the sky covered by clouds. Mo Sheng groaned unwillingly, and his blood spurted. His body seemed to swell suddenly, and all the flames on his body were extinguished. However, Mo Sheng's canine teeth bared, and a wisp of white fire quietly spread out from the black hair, carrying the aura of destroying all things. The next moment, it was as fast as a storm. swept the martial arts field.

The anaconda released by Bai Mei made a sizzling sound. The cold water evaporated in the air at a speed visible to the naked eye. The ground was splashed with rocks and mud caused by the flames. Bai Mei was slightly startled, but saw that Mo Sheng didn't know when Standing up in its heavy domain, the gray pupils that were originally covered in dust shone brightly, emitting a layer of captivating spiritual flames to confront his domain! !

"What is this?" Bai Mei felt that Mo Sheng was in danger at this moment, especially the white flame and the gray eye, so he subconsciously avoided looking into Mo Sheng's gray eyes.

Mo Sheng had no room to think. The Candle Prison Wolf, which feeds on fire, was originally not afraid of fire, but from just now, there was a heat that burned it as if its marrow had been hammered to pieces!

But its fighting instinct and strong belief made it launch a fierce attack at the moment Bai Mei wavered!

A hot burning came, and Bai Mei was burned off a layer of skin!

He opened his body and used more anacondas, but as soon as Mo Sheng came close, all the water would evaporate immediately - water defeating fire seemed to be a joke at this time.

Bai Mei puffed up his cheeks. His human form made him seem to be restricted in everything he did, but this was not the reason why he was so suppressed by other beasts even though he was two levels ahead of others! !

The master is still watching. If he loses, it will be such a shame for Xiaolong! !

Bai Mei thought, with a bit of cold power in her eyes, she put her palms together, and in an instant, a bursting thunder ball wrapped in the wind appeared in her palms, and it hit Mo Sheng mercilessly.

At this time, the place where the two beasts fought was no longer limited to the competition platform. Their figures appeared on the eaves, treetops and even on the grass. Lightning, thunder, and fire all attracted the Yulin guards and attendants. Jiang Ran He said there was nothing wrong and asked these people to leave.

"The beating was so fierce that the house was damaged." Jiang Ran sighed, still keeping a close eye on the situation of the two beasts.

During the battle with Mo Sheng, Bai Mei gradually became accustomed to the human form. He was sure that Mo Sheng would not be able to hold on for too long, but he still did not want to give the other party a chance to survive.

"It's almost done~" Bai Mei looked at the sky. The clouds had gathered again at some point, brewing wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

Bai Mei adapted during the battle with Mo Sheng, but the latter also learned at an alarming rate. The little wolf concentrated his strength on his limbs, which made him faster and faster. Bai Mei couldn't catch it at all. You can't reach it, but it can attack without restraint.

"Ho~ The place I'm standing here is very good. It's very suitable for you, Mo Sheng, to crawl at my feet and beg for mercy." Bai Mei said, facing Mo Sheng's full attack, his blue eyes flashed slightly, and he suddenly stopped hiding. .

The body of the Cang Yue Tyrannosaurus is one of the strongest in the world. Although Bai Mei is quite talented in mystical arts, it does not mean that he has not trained his body enough.

Mo Sheng didn't miss any opportunity, and turned to Bai Mei's back almost like a ghost teleporting. The wolf's claws seemed to become very huge at this moment, and he swung towards Bai Mei's small head with a momentum that could shatter an iceberg! !

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