As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 546 Jewelry Shop

"I can't stay here for too long. I came here today firstly to see what grows where you live, and by the way I'll give you the gold leaf. Secondly I wanted to tell you about the spirit worm breaking out of its shell. Thirdly... "

Yunrong was shy for a moment, as embarrassed as a child asking his parents for pocket money, "Well, you haven't been to the Shenmu Realm for a long time, but you didn't bring us any wine or food. Everyone kept asking, asking me to bring some from you. Come back with wine and food.”

Jiang Ran thought it was something, and said with a smile, "It's my fault. I was so busy that I forgot to bring some things to the Shenmu Realm. Whatever you want, just ask, I will have someone prepare it."

Yun Rong's expression became visibly excited, and his feet under the table swung up and down twice.

Jiang Ran asked Li Fusheng to send someone to Nanzhu Village to buy the freshest seafood, and took out a dozen barrels of bamboo mash monkey wine from the wine cellar.

Unexpectedly, Yunrong also took a fancy to the earrings Jiang Ran wore on her ears, "What are those? They are very beautiful."

Sure enough, it is a woman's nature to love beauty, but even if Yun Rong liked it, Jiang Ran didn't take off the earrings from her ears and give them to Yun Rong - she didn't like giving her used items to others.

So Jiang Ran simply took Yun Rong to her jewelry shop to have a look. She had never been there before. This was her own property, so she should pay more attention to it.

This shop is located in the flowery area of ​​Suling City.

Speaking of the emperor's feet and the roots of the imperial city, although Jiang Ran is now away from becoming emperor, he is a veritable king on the land here. Therefore, Suling Fanhua Street is really the most prosperous and most powerful place in the entire Suling.

Entering Fanhua Street, Jiang Ran looked forward calmly. Various shops were lined up in rows, filled with customers and bustling with people.

Jiang Ran and Yun Rong were led by the guide to an area with a lot of traffic. In front of them was a shop that had not yet had a plaque.

It had only been half a month since Jiang Ran ordered Li Fusheng to open the store and recruit a jewelry craftsman. Of course, the store had not yet opened, but a group of highly skilled jewelry craftsmen had gathered in the backstage of the store. Their daily work was to design jewelry, polish gemstones, and accumulate merchandise.

The door of the store was open at this time. Although it had not yet opened, the news that Jiang Ran was going to open the store spread like wildfire, so some curious customers in the store came to visit.

There are also some fellow travelers who come here to inquire about the news, and some well-informed businessmen have already tried their best to purchase a batch of sunstones from here to make jewelry.

The shopkeeper of Jiang Ran's jewelry shop was arranged by Li Fusheng. Although Li Fusheng was not married and had children, he had an adopted son. This adopted son was still very familiar to Jiang Ran. He was Ma Yunzhen, a book boy in Jiang Nancheng.

Ma Yunzhen has a twin sister, Ma Yunli, who is seventeen years old and used to work in Liushang Pavilion.

The shopkeeper arranged by Li Fusheng was Ma Yunli.

The clerks Ruduo Duo, Tian Guang and others who worked in Liushangge were able to take charge of their own business. Many of them were sent by Jiang Ran to Mingxiao Baicaotang, and Tian Guang was promoted to sit in the Liushangge. Later, Jiang Ran won over Xinheng, Fenghuang, etc. After the town was established, branches were opened in these towns. The shopkeepers were basically dispatched from the main store in Suling Town.

According to Li Fusheng, Ma Yunli is a smart and diligent woman who paid a master to learn how to read ledgers. She has been training in Liushang Pavilion for three years, and she has always worked for the county boss. Jiang Ran has more and more properties under her name, but there are not many people who can use them. Logically speaking, Ma Yunli has such a resume. However, because she has a sick mother at home, it is not suitable to live far away. There is already a sitting hall in Liushangge here in Suling Town. She is young, so she can only continue to stay in Liushangge as a storekeeper. Accounting room.

After Jiang Ran asked Butler Li to take over the jewelry store, when he thought about who should manage the store, he first thought of the girl Ma Yunli, so he started talking to Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran actually didn't know Ma Yunli, but since it was recommended by Butler Li, she had to sell her face. Anyway, if she didn't do well in the future, whether she could stay or not was just a matter of Jiang Ran's words.

Jiang Ran came to the shop very suddenly. Ma Yunli couldn't help but rub her eyes when she saw the figure at the door. After confirming that she was not hallucinating, she ignored the inquiring customers around her and greeted her fearfully but respectfully. However, the seventeen-year-old girl behaved more steadily than expected, "I have met the county lord!"

"I've met the County Lord!" The customers in the shop also came to their senses and knelt down to salute.

Jiang Ran asked these people to get up and glanced at the front of the store. There were some jewelry carefully arranged in brocade boxes on the counter. The customers looked at it in an orderly manner. Ma Yunli had a pen and ink and a notebook beside her. There seemed to be several names recorded in the notebook. .

Jiang Ran said to Ma Yunli, "We will close the door today and you can get rid of these customers."

After saying that, he took Yunrong and went straight to the back hall.

Ma Yunli and the guests looked at each other. The former was a little uneasy, but her expression remained unchanged. She gave some small gifts to each guest and sent everyone out politely.

The guests almost walked out the door in a "well-behaved" manner, without any complaints at all.

Jiang Ran watched this scene from inside and was quite satisfied with Ma Yunli.

After closing the door of the shop, Ma Yunli came to the back hall respectfully.

There are five rooms in the back hall, one is a tea room for receiving guests, there are two jeweler's studios, and the other two rooms are a stock room and a rest room.

Jiang Ran and Yun Rong were sitting in the tea room at this time. There was very little movement when they came in. The jeweler in the studio did not notice it and was still working. Jiang Ran could still hear the sound of blacksmithing coming from deep in the room.

This was Ma Yunli's first time to get up close and personal with the county lord. Her beautiful appearance and sharp temperament made people feel like she was not from another world. Moreover, the county lord actually brought along another person with a beautiful appearance. A beauty whose silver hair and green eyes really make people look at her more.

Ma Yunli was a little nervous. She lowered her eyes silently and turned around to bring tea and water. "No, I don't know how distinguished you are here. In my haste, I only have this coarse tea and fresh water. I really feel wronged to the adults."

Jiang Ran asked the leader to call all the craftsmen out of the studio, then turned to ask Ma Yunli, "What are those people here for? I remember Li Fusheng told me that this place hasn't opened yet?"

Ma Yunli felt that Jiang Ran's sudden visit was to inspect her "young and unreliable" shopkeeper, and she was suddenly sweating profusely. "I have been busy decorating the store in the past few days. Customers kept coming to the store while it was being decorated. When I asked about the jewelry, I felt that I couldn’t live up to the enthusiasm of the customers. It happened that the masters had developed a few sets of jewelry, so I put them out for the customers to watch. Some customers liked certain jewelry very much after seeing it, but the store had not yet opened it. After the opening, there were not many jewelry products, so the villain suggested that customers pay a deposit in advance to customize... It just so happened that the villain could observe from the customers' reactions which jewelry was more popular, so that the master could produce more..."

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