As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 547 Silversmith

"Don't be nervous, you're doing a good job." Jiang Ran said.

Ma Yunli breathed a sigh of relief. She was really nervous just now.

After taking a few deep breaths, the new silver shop manager, who thought he had passed a small test, raised his eyes cautiously. Seeing that Jiang Ran's face looked happy, he boldly found a topic and said, "Your Excellency, you asked someone to send it here." The gems and pearls are so flawless and round that the silversmiths are so cute that they can't put them down, and now they can't come out of the casting room all day long."

The little shopkeeper spoke very eloquently. Jiang Ran raised her eyebrows and asked, "Do you think the jewelry made by those masters is good-looking?"

"It's beautiful!" Ma Yunli's eyes were bright and she seemed to really like jewelry.

Li Fusheng had shown her the jewelry made by master silversmiths before. Jiang Ran's comment was that the design was good, but the precision was not satisfactory due to equipment and time constraints. It was more than enough to buy and sell in the area near Suling, but when it came to Mingxiao If you go to a big place like this, the competitiveness will be a little bit worse.

However, good silversmiths can be cultivated slowly, or they can go directly to Mingxiao to find them.

Jiang Ran took a sip of tea and smiled when she saw Ma Yunli dressed neatly in plain clothes, "You are the shopkeeper here, and you are a girl. You don't have any jewelry on your body, so you can get two sets in the store and wear them yourself." Bar."

Ma Yunli's eyes suddenly showed surprise, "Thank you, Lord County Lord!"

Ma Yunli thought to herself that the Lord County Lord is really a good person, and he is much easier to talk to than she thought. Thinking of the empty plaque, she reminded, "My Lord County Lord, your jewelry shop doesn't have a name yet. People outside call it a shop. But they are all called 'shops opened by lords'. If you are free, why not pick one up now?"

Ma Yunli said with a smile.

"Name..." Jiang Ran lowered her eyes and thought for a moment, then asked someone to get a wordless plaque, and wrote the four words "Ruilin Jewelry" on it with flying colors.

Ma Yunli carefully took the plaque and took it to dry, and murmured in a low voice, "The calligraphy of the County Lord is so beautiful. With the inscription by the Lord himself, are you afraid that you will have no business in the future? Hehe..."

The masters of Ruilin Jewelry Shop were also called out one after another and stood respectfully opposite Jiang Ran.

There are quite a lot of people to be recruited. There are seven silversmith masters in total, three men and four women. Among them, two are not from Suling County. Both of them are women, one is from Qingsong County and the other is from Zeyan County.

These two women are really brave. The one in Zeyan County is slightly better, but Qingsong County and Suling County are still separated by the territory of Zeyan County.

Jiang Ran is also a woman. Although she doesn’t want to say it, it is the fact. Generally speaking, women are very important reproductive resources for the territory. The rulers will restrict women from leaving the country-unless you have a good status and strength. As a monk, if your status is high, the people above you will give him face.

But these two women are obviously just ordinary people, so they will face great pressure. If a war breaks out in several territories, they will be at the center of the crisis.

Jiang Ran pointed her finger at the table, lazily raised her eyelids, and pointed out the two foreigners, "What are your names? Why did you take the risk to come to Suling to work as a silversmith? You have this craft, you can work anywhere." Can you mix well?"

Facing Jiang Ran's inquiry, the two women lowered their eyebrows. The female silversmith from Qingsong County was actually very beautiful and had a good sense of beauty. She was well-dressed in jewelry and was a bit dainty. But maybe she thought of some past events, and her eyebrows suddenly brightened. The suffering of being beaten by life. But in a flash, she said calmly with a face that was not sad at all, "My name is Yu Sanniang. I am a widow with no children. My husband's family beat me every day, and the money I earned was also robbed by her. One day I finally suffered When I couldn't help it, I beat my mother-in-law, took away the family's money and ran away. But when I returned to my parents' home, my mother and father died. There were two brothers at home. My brother and sister-in-law didn't want to see me, so I went to my parents' home. I went out to make a living... Mr. Jiang County, you are actually wrong in what you said. Not everyone can make a good living if they have a skill. I have no support. I am a homeless and helpless widow. You will be bullied wherever you do business. I left home when I was 23 years old. I am 27 years old this year and fled Qingsong County... I am not going to return to Qingsong County. If Suling County is not willing to accept me, then I You can just be a homeless person."

Yu Sanniang said everything coldly.

Jiang Ran didn't comment and focused on the other person.

The silversmith from Zeyan County was so blessed that he told about his life experience, "The younger one is called Liu Yu. He is twenty years old. After the man in the family went to build the city wall and was ordered to be poisoned by the bullshit lord of our territory, I took advantage of it. Luan sneaked to Chaoyang Town with our family, and we have been staying in Chaoyang Town for about half a year now."

Her face looked a little cold, especially when she talked about their lord poisoning her husband, the hatred in her eyes was clear.

City walls, poisoning?

When Jiang Ran heard these two keywords, she suddenly felt a little subtle, as if to get a guess, she couldn't help but ask, "Was your man poisoned to death when he was building the Hengyuan City Dungeon?"

"Yes." Liu Yu lowered his head.

She knew Jiang Ran wanted to investigate, and she couldn't hide it, so she just said it herself.

In fact, she is also very complicated towards Jiang Ran, and it is easy for people to anger others. Although Wen Yunsheng personally admitted that the poisoning of workers was all Zeyan County's own trick, which made a group of Zeyan Baixin who were furious and wanted to attack Suling look like It's like a joke. When I go out and meet people from other territories, they all sarcastically say: You really made a good "county king".

But in the end, ordinary people like them are victims of being involved in power schemes.

They are just ordinary people, and it is difficult not to blame the other person involved, even if Suling County did nothing and was framed.

After Liu Yu came out of Zeyan County, he also thought about where to go, but he still chose Suling, which has a better reputation.

In fact, Liu Yu's family should have escaped early, otherwise they could catch up with Suling County to register the people of Chaoyang Town and become real Suling people - many people did this at that time.

"Are there many people like you in Suling?" Jiang Ran's expression didn't change much, but in fact, her heart darkened.

Liu Yu and Yu Sanniang were stunned for a moment, and soon realized that the "people like you" Jiang Ran said were people who had no household registration in Suling but stayed here and refused to leave. They were similar to "black households".

Liu Yu subconsciously felt that this topic was dangerous, so she raised her eyes cautiously and said, "More, more... There are a lot of beggars in Xinheng Town... Most of these people do not have local household registration..."

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