The old man was speechless for a moment, wondering whether he should tell the truth, but after thinking about it, what else could the county hide from the county leader? So he gritted his teeth and explained in detail, "The sales are very good."

The old man said, "We have printed more than ten novels, but the sales of the rest of them are not as much as this one's "The Domineering Lady". They are priced at a high price of 800 silver dollars per copy, but they still cannot stop the rising interest of readers." Enthusiastic and has sold thousands of copies in total.”

With the encouragement of the officials, private libraries began to appear one after another. The books printed in Jinxiu Library were purchased by private libraries. Therefore, "The Domineering Lady" was quickly collected by libraries all over the county and became popular throughout the county. The tendency to involve the outside world.

First of all, the author named Ah Zhui has excellent writing skills. The story has ups and downs, and he has captured the admiration of the people of Suling County for their lord, and created the character "Jiang Zhiran". I am afraid that at the beginning, Eighty percent of readers are attracted by the four words "domineering female queen" on the cover of the book.

Secondly, most readers can relate to Baili Zhui's characters - a small individual trapped in troubled times, a resistance to unfair fate, a strong desire to become a monk...

Thirdly, there are too few entertainment activities in the county. In Suling County, where even a silly dog ​​peeing can attract onlookers to talk about it, it is not that difficult for a novel to become popular.

The old man said that the book was selling well. Although Jiang Ran remained calm on the face, she was slightly relieved in her heart.

After all, "Jiang Zhiran" is based on her, and this whole article is basically praising Jiang Zhiran's novel. If the novel is not bought well, she will be embarrassed, right?

"Is this book good?" Yunrong also took a book to read, but for a monster, it is already a very remarkable thing to be able to understand and speak human language, but to be literate, then It's very difficult.

Yu Sanniang had heard of this book in the city, but had never read it. At this time, she took the opportunity to read the beginning and was immediately immersed in it. When Yun Rong asked, she subconsciously nodded vigorously, "It's good, very good. ah!"

Seeing how obsessed Yu Sanniang was, Yunrong regretted that he was illiterate and said, "Then can you read it to me?"

Yu Sanniang turned her attention to Jiang Ran, and after getting the latter's agreement, she happily said, "Of course!"

Although she had finished reading, Jiang Ran still threw the book to the guard behind him and asked him to pay. Yu Sanniang read to Yun Rong softly in the corner, and she let everyone stay on the first floor and headed towards the second floor alone. go.

There are more people on the second floor than on the first floor. Most of them are teenagers and children who are studying. Occasionally, there are elegantly dressed and not young-looking scholars who are copying books by lamplight.

The books on the second level are much more professional than the books on the first level. There are many laws, examination scriptures, and popular science articles on spiritual plants and Warcraft.

Jiang Ran calmed down, everyone was concentrating on studying and generally didn't care about others.

When she saw a familiar figure, she raised her eyebrows and walked toward that corner.

The sound of Jiang Ran coming in was so quiet that the boy who was looking down at the book didn't notice it at all. The light above his head was dim and gently fell on the boy's shoulders, while the boy's handsome and gentle face was hidden in the shadow, but the shadow made the boy The eyes appear brighter.

Jiang Ran sat quietly opposite Hu Lian. The big-eyed little monkey following Hu Lian had already noticed her, but he still had a shriveled peach that didn't look very good in his mouth, and he couldn't bear to put it down. He tugged at the owner's sleeves with his little hands, but Hu Lian still didn't raise his head. He just felt that the little monkey was not full yet, so he groped around on his body and handed the little monkey a dried fish wrapped in cloth.

"Zhizhi~" the little monkey happily took it, and now it didn't care about Jiang Ran's existence. Jiang Ran smiled, and then she discovered that Hu Lian was reading a broken book on swordsmanship called "Star Wind Slash".

It is said that these residual copies of the exercises were all collected by Jiang Ran from outside. The residual copies are of little value, especially since they are missing the martial arts exercises in the previous volume.

After all, it's just the second volume, and you can still learn two or three moves in most martial arts. Moreover, martial arts actually become more difficult as they progress to the later stages. Most monks with limited talents can only understand the first few moves. In this case, it may not make much difference to these monks whether they are disabled or not.

However, it is different if the exercises in the first volume are missing. Learning is generally step-by-step, from easy to difficult. It is extremely difficult for ordinary monks to deduce the moves in the first volume by relying on the second volume.

However, the Star Wind Slash book that Hu Lian took was the first volume. Many people in the county would come to pre-order a scrap book on swordsmanship with the first volume. I am afraid that Hu Lian had to wait in line for a long time to be able to read this book this time.

I saw him taking notes while reading, waving the fine brush in his hand from time to time, as if copying the powerful swordsmanship in the book.

Jiang Ran did not disturb Hu Lian, but took out a book of exercises from the space ring and started reading.

After Bai Mei became an unparalleled contract beast, Jiang Ran could also use some low-level wind and thunder mystical arts. The environment was just right at this time, and Yun Rong was still attracted by the story and refused to leave, so it happened to be a good time to learn it.

Jiang Ran opened the pastry sold from Jiajinju, opened it, and pushed it forward in front of the big-eyed monkey. The little monkey looked at her with some surprise. Jiang Ran put her index finger between her lips and pointed at Hu Lian, signaling to the little monkey. The monkey eats quietly and does not disturb its owner.

Under the temptation of the delicious food, the little monkey covered its mouth with both hands and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Time passed slowly, and half an hour was enough for Jiang Ran to initially learn a mortal level wind magic.

When the wind was spinning like a top on the fingertips, faintly revealing a bit of fierce lethality, Hu Lian, who was extremely sensitive to wind and water spiritual power, instantly raised his head, and was shocked when he raised his head, "County..."

"Shh." Jiang Ran told him to be silent. There are pets for every owner. Hu Lian immediately covered his mouth with both hands like a big-eyed monkey.

When it comes to showing off, Jiang Ran is indeed a professional. She just used the wind control technique she just learned. She stretched out her finger and touched the rice paper that Hu Lian brought. The ink that Hu Lian put aside was drawn. The black ink flowed from Jiang Ran's hand. The white fingertips flowed out like a small snake, and a line of words quickly appeared on the yellowed paper: Is your vigilance too low?

Jiang Ran was saying that it took Hu Lian half an hour to notice her. It would be unimaginable if the person sitting in front of him was not her, but a bad person with evil intentions.

Hu Lian was slightly startled when he looked at the words that appeared on the paper. He was a little flattered that the county chief's sister was chatting with him via text, and his heart seemed to be racing. After a while, he wrote back and said, "Thank you, the county chief, for your teaching, but I didn’t feel any malice.”

Hu Lian's handwriting is a little crooked, which contrasts somewhat with his handsome appearance.

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