As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 552 Hu Lian discusses opponents

Hu Lian somewhat blamed the big-eyed monkey for not even reminding him. The little monkey hugged the cake and ran away angrily.

Hu Lian was a little angry at the little monkey, but he was even more angry because the county chief sister couldn't show it here.

He calmed down and wrote to Jiang Ran, "Thank you sir for giving Amber snacks." Amber is the name of this little monkey.

Jiang Ran smiled slightly and continued to point with her finger, "It's okay, as long as it likes it. How's it going with Star Wind Slash?"

Hu Lian also continued to write, "I am quite stuck in some places, but I believe I can learn it."

Although Star Wind Slash only has the first part, and the first part only has two sword techniques, they are the first and second moves of the earth-level middle-grade sword techniques. Learning it will be of great benefit to Hu Lian's strength.

Hu Lian was already at the fourth level of Soul Gathering Realm when he first went to Nanhu Secret Realm. After nearly a year, his current cultivation level has steadily reached the eighth level of Soul Gathering Realm. If he can become a Spirit Refining Realm monk before the age of fifteen, even if He is also the best in the whole Mingxiao.

June is the college competition, which is held in Mingxiao every five years. There is a teleportation array in Suling County that connects Mingxiao. It is a rare opportunity. Jiang Ran will also select a group of outstanding Su Hong students to go to the competition to learn more.

After tilting her head and thinking for a moment, Jiang Ran felt that Hu Lian would know more about the situation of Su Hong's students, so she clicked on the white paper and said, "You are in Su Hong College, and you don't have any opponents you care about?"

Hu Lian was stunned for a moment, his face became serious, he thought about it carefully and wrote out a few names, "Jian Bai, if he is the only one, his strength and cultivation are not far behind me, but he is a spiritual beast Master, there is Yun Xuanlu who is at the third level of the Spirit Gathering Realm. The gap between the Soul Gathering Realm and the Spirit Gathering Realm is actually not that big. Even if the first level of the Spirit Gathering Realm is against the peak of the Spirit Gathering Realm, if you are not careful, the latter is very likely to overturn. , and Brother Jian Bai and his contracted beasts cooperate very well, and their combat power is definitely one plus one greater than two."

"...Rabbit Stone is also very strong. Although he looks soft and weak, he will fall down if he doesn't look at him. As an alien, his physique is far beyond that of ordinary people, and he also has 'bluffing' and 'charm' His mental power and magical powers, and what’s even more terrifying is that I think Tu Shi’s fighting style is very scary. He likes to risk his life very much. Sometimes I think he is more difficult to deal with than Jian Bai..." Hu Lian wrote here, some Worry and a wry smile.

Jiang Ran nodded slightly after hearing this. Yiren did have an advantage in the early stages of training because he inherited the blood of the monster.

The only ones that can conceive offspring with the human race are Warcraft that have cultivated to the Sea of ​​Consciousness Realm. This means that the bloodline they inherited from the Warcraft blood relatives is undoubtedly excellent, so basically, Yiren and the others are born with very strong bodies. In addition, at least when practicing, Before the Spirit Realm or even the Mysterious Bone Realm, as long as they don't cross a big realm, even if it's the first level vs. the third level, the person with better physique may have an advantage in the battle.

It's just that... fighting for one's life... the same is true for Batgelian. Is "reckless" something that different people have in common?

After Jiang Ran read this paragraph, Hu Lian took the notebook back and continued writing. He seemed to have many classmates who paid attention to him, "Li Qinqing has also entered the spirit gathering realm. She is a monk of the wood and water elements. It seems that Water Monk is born to learn healing and restoring magic. She is very smart, and her grades are always first in the spiritual planting class. It is said that she has learned medical skills and poison skills, which can affect the muscles and bones of the human body. I have some understanding, it seems that Teacher He wants to accept her as his disciple."

Teacher He is He Xianxian and He Laowen.

Old woman He is a monk in the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness Realm, and she probably still has a lot of mystical skills to practice. If Li Qinqing is really accepted as her disciple, it will be an unexpected surprise.

Hu Lian wrote, " younger brother (crossed out) Hu Yi is also very good. Although I am the older brother, we started practicing at the same time. He works really hard. I am afraid that if I slack off As an older brother, I will be surpassed by my younger brother..."

Another sentence Hu Lian didn't write is: I want to protect my younger brother, but if I am weaker than my younger brother, how can I protect him?

"...By the way, there is also Wei Zhizhi. Although he is only nine years old now, he is a very strong opponent..." Hu Lian wrote down more than a dozen names in a row. Jiang Ran was a little surprised by his caution and modesty, even though he was She might not look back at opponents weaker than herself.

Hu Lian did teach her a lesson, don't be too arrogant sometimes.

Jiang Ran smiled slightly, perhaps out of gratitude for this "lesson", or perhaps because she had high hopes for Hu Lian. She pushed the "Wind Control Technique" she had read to Hu Lian, and in his doubtful eyes, she pointed her finger at Hu Lian. After clicking on the blank page, a line of words emerged, "It's right to be wary of those behind you, but it may be more worthy of the challenge to pay attention to yourself and catch up with those in front. The world is still big. This exercise book is for you. you."

Wind Control is not a precious skill to Jiang Ran, but it is very helpful to Hu Lian.

Before Hu Lian could react, Jiang Ran got up and went downstairs.

Hu Lian was left staring blankly at the words Jiang Ran left for him.


Downstairs, Yun Rong was still listening to Yu Sanniang's story. Poor Sanniang's voice was hoarse. She was relieved when she saw Jiang Ran coming downstairs. She was really tired.

"Sister Yunrong, it's time for us to go back. Let's listen to the story later."

"Okay..." Yun Rong was still unfinished, and suddenly became determined to let Yun Subaru learn human writing. As for why he didn't learn it himself?

Those words are as dazzling as ants, and learning is impossible. Yazi can only survive by listening to other people's stories.

The group quickly returned to Jiang Mansion.

Yunrong didn't plan to stay here overnight. After Li Fusheng packed the fresh seafood purchased from Nanzhu Village, Yunrong went back with another Qianyun Beast who came to Suling County for fun.

But before going back, Yun Rong solemnly handed the novel into the hands of his Zai Zai under Yun Subaru's confused eyes, and said solemnly, "This is related to the future of our clan, Mao Zai Zai, you must be here. Learn to read, and when you are successful in learning, you must read the content here to everyone!"

"Wuwu!" I will try my best!

Later, before he learned to read, Yun Subaru always thought that this picture book contained some secret that could not be easily revealed to others. He struggled to read and regarded Yun Rong's passage as a very important task to complete until he understood what was written in it. After what happened, I once again felt what a speechless character my mother-in-law had underneath her pure and holy appearance: (¬_¬)...

As for Yu Sanniang, under the arrangement of Li Fusheng, she settled down in the Zaoban Mansion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the Jiang Mansion. By the way, the silkworm house that Jiang Ran built for the Silver Crystal Silkworm belonged to the Zaoban Mansion, and the Zaoban Mansion was responsible for Jiang Ran's clothing and accessories business is usually managed by Li Fusheng. (End of chapter)

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