As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 553 Candidates on the List

Jiang Ran called Yu Sanniang here actually to make Niqi pearl jewelry.

Because the Niqi Pearl is valuable, it is easy to cause problems if placed in the Ruilin Jewelry Pavilion. However, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has Yulin guards patrolling it at all times. Even Yu Sanniang herself has to be checked repeatedly when she leaves the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

By the way, after Feng Chi asked Jiang Ran for a necklace made of Ni Qi pearls, she understood the popularity of Ni Qi pearls in Mingxiao, so she posted a notice offering a reward for Ni Qi pearls in the mercenary union. Jiang Ran also reminded Su Ling County residents can try to cultivate mud clams - of course, breeding is not an easy task.

While announcing the reward, Jiang Ran also sent his fleet to Shuiyuan Island to search for mud clams among the reefs where large numbers of mud clams were found.

Sure enough, there were still fish that slipped through the net, and the number was quite large. Later, Jiang Ran dug out more than 300 mud Qi pearls from the shells one after another. However, there were still a few blue pearls, most of which were not stationed. There are fifty white pearls with beautiful effects, then fifty light blue pearls, two lake blue ones - the blue that Mingxiao people call the Sea Blue Enchantress, and no more bluer Niqi pearls. It's out.

Although the necklace given to Aunt Qi cannot be reproduced for the time being, several sets of good jewelry can be polished and delivered to Feng Chi.

The shady story is deep and the day's schedule is very full, but Jiang Ran still has things to deal with.

She came back from the Xiangling Secret Realm this morning. After staying there for another ten days, she had a deeper understanding of the place.

Jiang Ran summoned the spirit of the jade image from the center of her eyebrows, depicting the two ancient trees leaning against each other, and couldn't help but feel a slight flutter in her heart.

Lingxiang Secret Realm has real life and is very large in area. It is a higher level than Nanguan Secret Realm and is a capital-level Jade Map Secret Realm.

The classification of secret realms by humans is not unnecessary, but because the Jade Map Secret Realm will also be upgraded, but the sublimation of the Jade Map Secret Realm relies on the central Jade Map.

As the saying goes, a chicken or a dog can ascend to heaven. This sentence can be applied to the Jade Picture Secret Realm. For example, if Suling County evolves from a county-level territory to a capital-level territory, it will have a chance to evolve.

If it successfully evolves into a Chengdu-level secret realm, Suling will become a provincial territory in the future, and the Nanguan secret realm will have another chance to transform - but the secret realm is very difficult to transform, with only about a tenth chance. Once the opportunity is missed, , it will be very difficult to get promoted in the future.

There is only one rule in the Jade Map Secret Realm, that is, territorial lords who exceed the level of the Jade Map Secret Realm cannot go to lower-level Jade Map Secret Realm.

Firstly, it is to protect things within the secret realm, and secondly, it may be because the territory beyond the Jade Map secret realm cannot provide opportunities for evolution.

However, for the level evolution of secret realms, in addition to relying on the central jade map, the management of the secret realm is also very important. For example, the secret realm of Nanguan can greatly increase the strength of the monks in the territory. So why doesn't Jiang Ran allow all the monks to practice in the secret realm for free?

That's because each floor actually needs to put some spiritual crystals into it every once in a while to "nourish" it, including letting Zhu Indigo carve new monsters on the first floor, which is also one of the means to grow the Southern Crown Secret Realm.

Therefore, how to manage Xiangling Secret Realm has become a big problem.

At dawn the next day, the deep and shallow blue in the sky gradually dissipated like ink droplets on the paper, and then, a more magnificent crimson appeared.

This time was a big court meeting, so except for the border generals guarding the border, no one came. Central officials, pavilion chiefs from each town, and Xu Nong, the head of Dongtian Village, all gathered here.

"There are many new faces this year." Jiang Ran sat in the upper position, her black eyes glancing at the new official who stood at the end with a somewhat nervous and apprehensive look.

"Yes, this year's scientific examination has produced seventeen more rookies." Lin Sha said with a hand.

This year's scientific examination was still in April, and the entire process was handled by the Ministry of Etiquette. Jiang Ran only took a last look at the test papers of the top thirty candidates, and finally only selected seventeen from them. Because he was too busy, even the top three candidates were not included. I haven’t seen the candidates in person. "Stand up and let me see."

Being seen by the master of Suling County is a very honorable thing for Suling people. The seventeen new officials all straightened their clothes secretly. Under the eyes of the officials, their faces were radiant. He stepped forward with a hint of nervousness.

"Which town and village are you from?" Jiang Ran asked.

"The villain's name is Gao Zhan. He was originally from Xinheng Town. Later, he was called by the county chief and moved to Dongtian Village..."

Jiang Ran glanced at Gao Zhan.

Jiang Ran originally established Dongtian Village and accepted the refugees from the Blood Ring Grand Canyon. However, the number of people in Dongtian Village was too small, especially there were many men and few women. On Xu Nong's suggestion, a group of people were transferred to live in Dongtian Village. Village, this Gao Zhan is probably one of them.

But among the people who migrated in the first place, the vast majority were women. If Gao Zhan applied on his own initiative, he would have been able to predict the future.

The original Dongtian Village only had a few caves.

But look at now, there is an inexhaustible supply of elixirs in Xiaoliang Mountain, and a ginseng tree can be found every ten steps. In addition, they have the work of collecting spiritual crystals from the Lingjin Mine and taking care of gold-eating ants and snow wolves. The income of a village is worth With three towns, it would be very difficult for someone to move to Dongtian Village now.

But misfortunes are where blessings lie, and blessings are where misfortunes lie. There is also a bad thing about living in Dongtian Village, that is, it is easy to die.

"Little name..."

Everyone came together one by one.

These seventeen people came from all over Suling County, but Suling Town, Central Town, had the most people, with eight people.

The papers in her mind and the person in front of her were close to her face, and Jiang Ran set her sights on the top three in this test.

The person at the top of the list is Gao Zhan, with a young face and a tall figure. The muscles under his clothes are faintly visible. He has short black hair and bronze skin. He is more like a martial arts general than a Bin Bin scholar borrowing books. Zhan does have some cultivation, and it's not low, he actually has the first level of spirit refining!

"You said you have participated in martial arts competitions before?" Jiang Ran was really curious. Gao Zhan looked to be in his thirties. You must know that Tian Jing was in his forties and was only at the fourth level of the Spiritual Refining Realm. Because of his high position, many repair resources in the county will be tilted towards him. Jiang Ran rewarded three spiritual pills alone, and also replaced Tian Jing's original low-grade internal repair with prefecture-level high-grade ones. This allowed Tian Jing to become a fourth-level spirit refining monk within three years.

And Wen Bai, who is the leader of the mercenary union, is also capable of reaching the fifth level of spiritual refining.

In this way, most of the Spirit Refining Realm monks in Suling County are well-known, but Gao Zhan is unknown.

Gao Zhan replied with some regret, "Yes, there are so many talents in Suling, and I just missed one person on the list."

Moving his family to Dongtian Village is the best decision Gao Zhan has made so far. He has a good wife who is good at business and literature. After accumulating some wealth by digging ginseng and elixirs in Dongtian Village, his wife joined the Qingchen Chamber of Commerce. , became one of the stewards.

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