The woman was completely unaware, but the man in gray was even more arrogant than the thieving Yaobao. With his good cultivation and his masterful thief skills, coupled with the extremely mixed environment, he was simply stealing every five steps. steal.

Jiang Ran may be a little indifferent by nature. Even in the past, when he saw a scene, he might not mind his own business. Now in this world of the weak and the strong, he would not interfere even more and pretended that he had not seen it.

Of course, if this happened in Suling County, it would be a different story.

"Jiang Ran, what do you want to buy?" Zhou Xiao didn't seem to notice the man in gray. He glanced at the large and small stalls. He was a little confused as to why Jiang Ran didn't go to his Yuquan Building to buy and sell things. What is there to see in a market where casual cultivators gather?

"Flame Rock Flower." Jiang Ran replied, but her peripheral vision was still focused on the man in gray.

The man in gray had a great harvest on Fengli Street. Some people had already touched their pockets, realized that they had encountered a pickpocket, and shouted loudly.

Originally, Jiang Ran stopped because he knew how to do it, but when he saw her and Zhou Xiao, his eyes suddenly lit up. He saw that he was targeting some valuable items on the two of them, and it seemed that he wanted to cause trouble in the end. big.

I saw him in the noisy crowd, pretending to be a passerby passing by Jiang Ran, and stretched his hand like a shadow to the back of Jiang Ran's neck. He actually wanted to snatch the demon spirit ring from Jiang Ran's neck!

But Jiang Ran had been paying attention to the man in gray, and she had been taught by Yao Bao to touch Kong Jing before, so how could she be completely unaware.

However, I don’t know what she was thinking. Jiang Ran did not stop the man in gray from reaching out to her neck, but instead allowed him to steal the unique demon spirit ring of the Holy Pattern Cotton Spirit Insect - Holy Pattern Cotton. The spirit insect was in Suling County at this time, so this demon spirit ring was empty. As for the other demon spirit ring, the moment the gray man approached, he used space magic to transfer the demon spirit ring to his hand.

After the man in gray clothes stole the demon spirit ring, he then took away a valuable spiritual jade hanging from Zhou Xiao's waist.

After completing these two orders, the man in gray shouted that he had made a fortune. Seeing more and more people realizing that they had been stolen, he quickly placed the demon spirit ring, marrow jade and other stolen items somewhere on his body. Left this place in a hurry.

The man in gray clothes was as complacent as a rat that had caught fish, and the corners of Jiang Ran's lips curled up quietly in the night.

Because of the noisy crowd, Da Lei was a little bit impatient, but Zhou Xiao was lowering his head to comfort it.

At this time, Jiang Ran suddenly said, "Zhou Xiao, your jade pendant fell off."

Zhou Xiao was stunned for a moment, seeing a piece of warm spiritual jade lying quietly on the white and pink palm in front of him.

This jade was the marrow jade that Zhou Xiao had stolen by the man in gray.

"Ah? Oh, thank you, I didn't even notice." Zhou Xiao took the marrow jade, but he was wondering why the jade pendant fell off because he had tied it well, and there was no sound on the ground.

"You're welcome." Jiang Ran said, feeling in a good mood that she had opened up a different space that could be used to store items.

In addition to the ancient tree trunk that exudes endless flames, her stolen demon spirit ring is floating in the void, and... the useful and useless treasures that the man in gray has stolen and saved for an unknown period of time, like A hill piled together.

Big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimps. Today, Jiang Ran is here to have fun.

When the man in gray received the demon spirit ring with the Yihua brand into his pile of treasures, it was destined that his pile of treasures would become Jiang Ran's.

"It belongs to his grandma!! Some turtle grandson stole the hairpin that I wanted to give to Yu Niang. If you stand up, I promise not to beat you to death!"

When Zhou Xiao saw it, he shook his head and said, "If you can't even take good care of your personal belongings, why are you still fooling around in Mingxiao?"

Jiang Ran couldn't help but glance at Zhou Xiao.

But he quickly withdrew his gaze. I'm afraid most of the treasures of the man in gray are stolen goods. Jiang Ran raised her eyelids slightly and looked at Fengling Street, which was full of curses, with a calm expression on her face.

If these people were stolen, it would only be bad luck for them. She understood the anger of these people, but she was not a good person and had no intention of returning these things.

After getting some "ill-gotten gains", Jiang Ran did not go back in a hurry like the man in gray. Instead, she remained calm and collected. After the shouting and cursing on the streets subsided and normal business resumed, she continued shopping.

Zhou Xiao followed her with a playful smile as before. The two chatted for a few words on the way, and Jiang Ran found out that he was Ming Xiao's exchange student.

"Does Mingxiao College still exchange outstanding students with other colleges and sects?" Jiang Ran was a little surprised.

"Of course, it is not advisable to work behind closed doors. There is a reason why Mingxiao can become one of the five major colleges."

Zhou Xiao sighed a little.

His Purple Spirit Sect has also developed very well, but only in the Land of Yunshang.

But Mingxiao Academy is different. It not only has absolute say in Yunshang, but also plays a decisive role in other places.

Zhou Xiao said, "However, it is not easy to get a place as an exchange student at Mingxiao College. You must first show results in the competition."

Jiang Ran nodded and then mentioned Zhou Xiao's matter about spiritual beasts.

The Purple Spirit Sect is a sect that controls beasts, and there are many outstanding spirit beast masters. If possible, Jiang Ran wants to seize Zhou Xiao's thread and cooperate with him.

This year, eighteen more students from Suhong Academy in the county have reached the threshold of being able to contract spirit beasts.

Although Jiang Ran bought a few spirit eggs from Ziyun Temple at a low price that could hatch good spirit beasts, and selected a few outstandingly talented ones from the tamed monsters in the county, such as snow wolves, water elemental turtles, and gold-eating ants. of spiritual beasts.

Or Old Woman He, Xiao Ran and others could take the students to the wild to capture some good-looking monsters.

A three-pronged approach allowed these rookie spirit beast masters to have contracted spirit beasts suitable for them.

But after all, there is still not much choice.

If you want to get a spirit beast with better genes, you have to spend hundreds of thousands of spirit crystals to find it in the market, but how many hundreds of thousands of spirit crystals are there in the entire Suling County now?

Jiang Ran wanted to cultivate his own "spiritual beast greenhouse", and Zi Ling Sect was the master of this field. Disciple selection.

Some of the spiritual beasts in Ziyun Palace were selected from the Purple Spirit Sect.

In terms of controlling beasts and cultivating spiritual beasts, in the entire Yunshang, perhaps only the Mingxiao Beast Academy can keep pace with it.

"You are also a spirit beast master, so you must be very interested in our Purple Spirit Sect. If you have time, why not come to our Purple Spirit Sect with your dear brother? Then I will treat you with delicious food and wine." Zhou Xiao saw Jiang Ran saying to him The Purple Spirit Sect was interested, and immediately took advantage of the opportunity, took out his sound transmission stone, and said to Jiang Ran with a smile.

Jiang Ran thought for a while and did not refuse.

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