As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 566 Image Stone

After Zhou Xiao got Jiang Ran's engraved code, he carefully put it away, thinking that it was not easy, and he finally got the person's contact information!

However, as soon as Zhou Xiao took the sound transmission stone back, the stone emitted a warm light, and someone contacted him.

Zhou Xiao frowned, walked to a dark place and listened for a while, then hurried over and apologized, saying that he was in a hurry and had to leave first.

"It's okay, just go and do your work."


Jiang Ran felt at ease when she was left alone. Fengli Street is not very big, and you can walk slowly from east to west in two hours at most.

Along the way, no seeds of Yanyan Flower were found, but there were a few interesting objects. Among them, a unique spiritual stone called the "Image Stone" attracted Jiang Ran's attention.

Using the stone, you can record an image that does not exceed an hour and play it back. "Record" can only be used once, but it can be played back at any time until the image stone is destroyed.

This is not the first time Jiang Ran has seen items with similar functions like this in this world.

The spiritual mirror on the fifth floor of the Nanguan Secret Realm can reflect everything that happened in the Nanguan Secret Realm in real time. Therefore, Jiang Ran often used that mirror to observe the military training.

But it is a pity that the photo stone can only record images and cannot record sounds.

Image stones are very useful, and of course they are relatively rare and expensive spiritual stones. In Fengling Street, one stone costs more than 8,000, and the monetary unit is spiritual crystals.

The price is almost as high as the lowest-end empty ring with one cubic meter of space.

Jiang Ran weighed the shadow stone, raised her eyes and said to the stall owner, "It's expensive. I'll buy more and get a discount."

"Image stones are rare, and they have always been priced at this price."

"Although it is scarce, ordinary people who have money will not spend a lot of money to buy this thing. The picture stone on your stall must have been there for a long time, and you didn't even wipe the dirty spots on the stone."

" many do you want to buy?"

"I want everything on your stall."

"Then I'll give you 10% off!"

"40% off."

"No, you are bargaining too hard!"

Hearing this, Jiang Ran didn't say anything, and just threw back the photo stone in her hand.

"Hey, hey, don't leave!"

The stall owner grabbed Jiang Ran's sleeve anxiously and hesitated for a moment.

After these image stones were taken out, she had collected the last money for a heaven-level low-grade magic weapon that she liked, and there was nothing else on her stall. After taking out these image stones, she could collect the spiritual crystals today. Home, stop blowing the cold wind here, "...How about you give me a 50% discount?"

The stall owner said aggrievedly.

Jiang Ran raised her chin slightly and signaled the stall owner to wrap the silver stone for her.

"Okay, there are twenty-two in total, 50% off, I'll charge you 88,000 spiritual crystals." The stall owner carefully checked the heavy box of 80,000 spiritual crystals, then weighed the spiritual stones, and confirmed that there were many large differences in the numbers. Not bad, he grinned and packed the photo stone for Jiang Ran.

Thinking of Jiang Ran saying that there were some dirty spots on the photo stone, she wiped them clean with her sleeve. The individual shadow stones were relatively large, like light blue rugby balls, each weighing nearly ten kilograms. Jiang Ran put these shadow stones into the empty ring, but did not leave, but quietly waited for the stall owner to close the stall.

The stall owner was a little confused and looked up, "Are you okay... There are no returns after sale!"

After saying that, she didn't even ask for the cloth on the ground and ran away directly.

After running a short distance and feeling that Jiang Ran was not catching up, the woman slowed down her pace with confidence. She couldn't help but turn her head and look behind her, but was surprised to find that her stall had just been bought by the photo stone. The house is occupied!

Jiang Ran is much more particular than her, or more so than most of the stall owners on Fengling Street.

I saw that she placed a well-made marble square table there, erected a support board, and dropped a natural white luminous night pearl for illumination.

The light released by the night pearl is very eye-catching and attracts the attention of countless people.

The woman was not in a hurry to go back, but instead took a few steps back. Jiang Ran might be able to bring out some good products with this attitude. Although she didn't buy it, she could still watch the excitement from the side.

Jiang Ran laid out the goods for sale one by one. The giant sand poisonous centipede that Mo Sheng kindly dug up, the fire fox fur that Yun Subaru asked her to sell, and the gold and earth attributes of the Sea of ​​Consciousness Realm Demon Core were each obtained from Yaobao. Here, she uses treasures that she rarely uses, such as Glazed Stone, Wujin, Feihua Magic Sword, etc.

The woman who originally owned the stall was immediately attracted by the complete piece of red fox skin.

It's so beautiful, Mars Yaoyao is its attribute, the night wind blows gently, the surface is as beautiful as water ripples, the plush is soft, fine, warm and light, the outside is red, the inside is white, and there is no other color.

"Can I touch it?" the woman couldn't help but ask.

In the past, when looking at products on Fengli Street, no one would just touch and look at them casually. This was the first time she was so cautious, even touching the goods and asking the seller if it was okay.

Jiang Ran hadn't finished placing the goods on the table, so she took the time to look up at the original female stall owner in red clothes. Unexpectedly, she ran back again, seeming to be quite interested in her fox fur, "Excuse me." ."

Only then did the woman in red dare to touch it.

Once you touch it, you won't want to let it go. It's so soft and smooth, and it also exudes a warm temperature, which is also very suitable for your fire attribute.

The woman in red hesitated.

This fox fur is complete and perfect, and the color is her favorite.

But it doesn't look cheap at first glance. She has just saved enough money to buy a heaven-level magic sword. If she buys this, I'm afraid...

While the woman in red was hesitating, Jiang Ran continued to take out the good things.

She also has a lot of empty rings and storage bags on her body, but most of them are relatively low-level. She has a good relationship with the hidden cloud beasts in the sacred tree world, and she can use as many ethereal stones as needed to make these magic weapons.

So I only kept a few empty rings in good condition for use, and the rest were put on the stalls.

Some specialties from Suling County are also here, including deer marrow grass picked from Xiaohantan in Wulian Qingshan Mountain, bamboo shoots, blood leather paper, ice body armor, golden paper fan...

There are also some secret books of mysticism...but most of these are not the original ones, but printed by the county itself. Most people may not dare to buy them, but Jiang Ran also put them up.

Seeing Jiang Ran taking things to the table one by one, most of them were good things, more and more people were watching.

Someone began to pick through, "There are so many space storage devices, and it seems that most of them are second-hand. Hey, you guys can take a closer look... The stall owner must be pretty good."

"It doesn't matter whether it's second-hand, third-hand, or how many hands. I don't care where the ring came from...whatever, everything on your body is completely 'pure and flawless'. I only care about how much it costs."

Jiang Ran did not accept the influence of the crowd of onlookers. It was still early and he could still stay here for two or three hours.

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