Chapter 585 Bandits

After listening to the elder brother's analysis, the woman felt relieved. She held his hand with a smile, and said with a flattering smile, "You are right, I will listen to you."

The eldest brother smiled and teased in the woman's ear: "If you dare to question me, I will go back and deal with you!"

After that, the eldest brother said to the younger brother behind him, "Come on, grab all the things, there are a lot of these little ghosts, be careful not to leave anyone alive!"

Seeing sixteen people approaching, Hu Lian, Li Qinqing, and Tushi Shi were the team captains who reacted fastest. Although the temporary hunting team had been disbanded, at this time, they still subconsciously walked to the front of their teammates. .

Hu Lian's ears were very good, and he vaguely seemed to hear the words "rob" and "leave no one alive" just now. He had followed Yaobao, Yun Subaru and others to Nanhu. That was his first time out of Suling County, and It was that time that he saw the dangers of human nature, so he subconsciously felt that something was wrong.

"Be careful, these are probably bandits and robbers who kill without blinking an eye!"

"Brother, what should we do, where are the County Lord and the others?" Hu Yi held the weapon in his hand tightly. At only twelve years old, he was considered very small among this group of teenagers. Perhaps due to his experiences at a young age, he was not afraid of the seemingly powerful monsters, but felt timid when seeing these ferocious-looking adults.

"Don't be afraid." Hu Lian said with a solemn expression, "Where the County Lord and the others are is no longer something we should consider now. The adults can protect us for a while, but they cannot protect us for a lifetime. If these bandits want to steal our things, Even... they even want to kill us, we have to take up arms to resist on our own."

People subconsciously seek help from the strong. Hu Lian is very prestigious among this group of teenagers. After hearing Hu Lian's words, everyone subconsciously clenched their weapons and moved closer to Hu Lian.

The bandit leader originally saw that this was a group of children, so he wanted to pretend to be friendly and approach them, and then strike off guard, but he didn't expect these children to be so alert.

"Then it won't take so much effort." The bandit leader twisted his neck with a ferocious expression, holding a big knife in his right hand and slashing at the teenagers.

He was a very experienced monk in the Spirit Refining Realm. Facing such a bandit, Su Hong's students all felt a lot of pressure.

"Hu Lian, I'll deal with him with you." Li Qinqing gritted her teeth and said to Hu Lian.

The two of them have the highest cultivation level among the twenty people.

Hu Lian nodded, still staring at the bandit leader who was rushing over, "There are many of us, and we can win if we cooperate well."


"Lord County Lord, do we really not need to go up and help?"

The one-eyed woman looked worriedly at the group of young men fighting hard.

It is true that these young men have very good fighting talents, and there are many of them, but don’t the people on the opposite side know that?

There is a difference between the bandits who lick blood from their blades all year round and the simple Su Hong students.

Although the martial arts and mystic arts of the former are just ordinary skills and knives that are not popular on the market, they have long since transformed into killing techniques in the life and death line day after day. Each of their swords is aimed at the heart of the opponent. The neck, eyes and other vital parts were removed.

On the contrary, this group of teenagers, although the academy taught them superb martial arts techniques, they only used them during sparring and fighting against monsters. Especially during sparring, they had already subconsciously reserved them.

Moreover, the bandits were at their strongest, and their average cultivation level was slightly higher than that of these teenagers.

Therefore, facing these sixteen bandits, the teenagers had a very hard time dealing with them, and it took all their attention just to avoid their vital points.

"They must be managed. Just keep them under control and prevent them from causing irreversible damage." Jiang Ran saw a bandit slashing at a girl's back with a knife, and the stone in his hand ejected silently. The sound struck the man's hand. The man was in pain, his movements were stagnant, and the knife in his hand almost fell to the ground. At this time, the girl reacted. Although she didn't know why he stopped, she subconsciously kicked him cleanly with a sweeping kick. on the abdomen!

Seeing this scene, the one-eyed woman's heart tightened, and she felt a little scary about Jiang Ran.

She is just like a wild beast dormant in the dense forest during a hunt, with endurance and judgment beyond ordinary people.

People are creatures who care about gains and losses. The more they invest in something, the harder it is to choose.

She knew how much energy and resources Jiang Ran had put into cultivating these teenagers, and she even spared her precious time to teach them herself.

If Jiang Ran had been slower in taking action just now, the girl might have died...

It was the same thing last time, and the last time... several teenagers were almost killed by monsters...

The one-eyed woman glanced at Jiang Ran quietly, only to find that she was playing with a few stones in her hand. She looked at the scene unfolding in front of her with raised eyebrows. Her posture was very relaxed and leisurely, as if the teenagers had experienced not a fight, but a battle between cubs. Playing and playing around.

Perhaps this is the ease with which the superior can handle things.

Or maybe it's absolute confidence in one's own strength.

After being nervous and frightened, the blind woman felt something strange in her heart.

Gradually, thick blood spread into the air. Although the process was very difficult, with the help of Jiang Ran and others, Hu Lian and others successfully subdued the people.

Some clumsily pulled the vines to tie up the bandits, and then the teenagers sat down on the ground and cursed.

They were also seriously injured.

Especially against the bandit leaders Hu Lian and Li Qinqing, his cultivation at the fifth level of spiritual refining was much higher than the two of them, and the long sword in his hand was also an earth-level magic weapon.

Hu Lian's thigh was slashed with a knife. Li Qinqing was slightly better, but there was also a big gash on his shoulder.

I didn't feel it during the battle, but as soon as the effects of the adrenaline wore off, the heartbreaking pain immediately came back.

The teenagers were hurting and cursing at the same time, "A group of heartless bandits! They are really rushing for our lives to attack. If I hadn't escaped quickly, I would have died several times!"

"They rushed over without saying a word. We shouldn't have any grudge against them, right?"

"Their hostility is very strong. Hu Lian is right. They are coming for the magic weapons on us." Jian Bai ran to Hu Lian worriedly and looked at his bloody left leg, her eyebrows furrowed. Very tight, "Are you seriously injured? You won't be lame, right?"

"Bah, don't talk nonsense, my brother is not lame!" Hu Yi was giving medicine to his brother and glared at Jian Bai when he heard this.

"Hu Yi, don't talk to Brother Jian like this, he's worried about me too." Hu Lian gently rubbed Hu Yi's hair, then raised his head and said to Jian Bai, "It's just that there's a lot of blood and it looks scary. , no bones or tendons were injured.”

Jian Bai shook his head, "Maybe you need to rest for a while before you feel better."

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