Chapter 586 Killing

"I hope you're fine." Tu Shi and Li Qinqing came over. The latter looked at the bandits who were tied extremely tightly, pursed his lips, and asked softly, "What should we do with those bandits?"

Tushi asked, "Should we wait until the county lord comes to deal with it?"

"But where have they gone, Lord County Lord?"

Hu Lian: "I don't believe that the county lord and the others didn't notice the big commotion just now. The reason why they didn't show up may be that we need to deal with these bandits ourselves."

"Where is the County Lord?" Jian Bai suddenly pointed to a tree tunnel.


"They did a pretty good job." Jiang Ran said to the one-eyed woman.

The one-eyed woman was born in the chaotic land of the vast abyss, but even so, she did not have the feat of winning against the fifth level of soul refining with the spirit gathering realm, and she is now convinced. "I am being narrow-minded. These young men are all monks with a bright future."

"...Lord County Lord, they seem to be waiting for you to deal with these bandits."

Looking at the bandits, Jiang Ran's expression turned pale.

The sun was shining brightly, and the trees with thick branches and leaves blocked the light. Jiang Ran was standing under the shade of the trees, and the shadow hid her body in the dark.

Seeing these teenagers who were at a loss because of the bandits who were unconscious, struggling to wake up, or yelling at each other, Jiang Ran took a step forward.

The body changes from dark to light, and the sun is stepped on underfoot.

"Have you ever killed anyone?"

Jiang Ran looked at the dozen bandits and said to the teenagers.

The voice of these words was too soft, as soft as the cold wind blowing at night, and the hearts of the young people seemed to have stopped for a moment.

Hu Lian has killed people before.

On that trip to Nanhu.

But at this time, his expression was slightly strange, and he made no sound at this time.

Others probably don't.

Jiang Ran's face was indifferent, and she threw a high-grade earth-level dagger on the ground, and asked again: "Do you dare to kill someone?"

No one spoke for a while, and an eerie silence fell in the air.

"If I kill them, can you give me this dagger?" Suddenly, a petite figure picked up the dagger and solemnly held it against her chest with both hands. She pursed her lips, her hands trembling, but her dark eyes stared straight at Jiang Ran.

'It's Luo Yun. 'This name appeared in the minds of the young people invariably, and they were a little surprised.

Luo Yong is a very taciturn person, a bit gloomy, with a low sense of presence. Her origins are as tragic as Hu Lian and Hu Yi's, and it was also because of that qualification test that changed her destiny.

In the selection competition, it was quite surprising that she entered the top twenty, because although she was also in the monk Jiazi class, to be honest, apart from people like Hu Lian who was exceptionally talented, there were many in the Jiazi class who were He had been practicing before Suhong Academy was established.

Moreover, Luo Yong was somewhat malnourished, and at the age of fifteen his figure was still that of a twelve or thirteen year old, so in terms of strength, Luo Yong should not have been ranked among the top twenty.

But it was so amazing, even though the game was a bit tragic, she just made it. "If you want to become an extraordinary person, you must first do extraordinary things." Jiang Ran nodded slightly to Luo Yong, with some approval in his eyes, and pointed at the bandit leader who sometimes begged for mercy and sometimes cursed in anger out of fear, "Luo Yong, you Go and kill him, then this Shura dagger will be yours."

Luo Yun's eyes suddenly shone with light. The other young people present thought she was excited because she could get a high-grade dagger, but only she understood that she was happy because Jiang Ran actually knew her name.

She was even more encouraged by the little bit of approval shown in Jiang Ran's eyes.

Luo Yun likes Jiang Ran, their lord, in every sense of the word.


When the dagger is inserted into the flesh, there will be a very strange sound. When it is pulled out, it will bring out a lot of blood, followed by a strong smell of blood.

Luo Rong looked at the bandit leader's eyes and his eyes gradually dimmed, feeling a little nauseous and a little excited.

She felt that it was not the qualification ceremony that suddenly changed her life. If she had not died from repeated beatings and hunger, then maybe she would have become the kind of person she killed, a cruel bandit and a despicable person. A thief or a ruthless murderer with no bottom line.

The bandit leader's signs of life completely disappeared. Luo Yan carefully wiped the blood stains on the dagger with the hem of his clothes, then silently stepped aside holding the dagger.

"What about you?" Jiang Ran looked at the other teenagers whose faces were slightly pale because they had watched a murder scene.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me. Please don't kill me. I didn't mean it. Did I persuade Quanzi not to kill you?"

Witnessing the murder of the bandit leader, the woman who had been hugging the man intimately burst into tears and burst into tears. She cried so miserably and pitifully.

She crawled on the ground in a state of embarrassment, banging her head on the ground and kowtowing hard. She even broke her head and did not stop. "Please let me go. I will change my mind and become a good person in the future."

"Don't kill me. I will never do bad things again. It's all big brother, no, it's all the evil-doing Quanzi who forced us to do it. He said that if we don't listen to him, he will kill us!" A group of bandits begged for mercy. , tears flowed desperately, and the words were extremely sincere, as if they were true.

"Lord County Lord, do you really want to kill them?" A young man couldn't bear to see this and said with fists.

"Ha." Jiang Ran sneered at the corner of her mouth.

"How innocent do you have to believe the bandit's words?" Jiang Ran walked over slowly, gently grasped the woman's head with her long fingers, then scratched her crying face with her nails, and held her chin, Revealing her eyes that had no time to cover up the viciousness and fear.

"What do you think would have happened if you hadn't been superior in skills and defeated them and fell into their hands?" Jiang Ran ignored the young man whose expression changed greatly because he imagined a certain scene, and continued, "What do you think? How many innocent people have they killed?"

"Hey, how many innocent people have you killed so far?" Jiang Ran's voice was like a snake biting the woman's heart, and her crying voice was hoarse.

Hearing Jiang Ran's words, a trace of uneasiness flashed across the woman's face.

"There are too many, I don't remember." Jiang Ran lazily raised his eyes and looked at the innocent teenagers, "Do you think they should be given a chance to change their ways, but how should those who died innocently come back to life? You are all studying in the academy, have you read our Suling Law?"

"Killing requires a life." Jiang Ran let go of the woman and took out a fine handkerchief to wipe her hands with some disgust, "So, do you still think these people shouldn't be killed?"

"Or...are you so cowardly that you dare not raise your weapons and kill those who want to kill you?"

"Deserves to be killed!" Tu Shi roared angrily, stood up and walked slowly towards the frightened woman, "I am not a brat!"

"Neither do I!"

More and more people made up their minds and stood up.

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