As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 603 Breakthrough

Chapter 603 Breakthrough

Jiang Ran, a pig on fire, had an impression that when Aojiacun sent two fans of pork to Jiang's house, Li Fusheng also said many nice words in front of her.

"This is because the earth thorn array you sent to set up was a big help. Several Huoliao piglets were caught. The soldiers followed your instructions and sent the living Warcraft cubs to Aojia Village. Otherwise, the Huoliao pigs would not be raised. Don’t get up.”

The more money Aojia Village makes, the more grateful it becomes to Jiang Ran, who repays her with a peach in return. The villagers are very simple, and they don't just express their gratitude. The two fans of pork and the eggs delivered from time to time are the best proof. .


After returning to Biquan Bay and bringing back Chiju, Jiang Ran went directly to the Divine Tree Realm with a bunch of cultivation resources after inspecting several streams in the county.

The college competition is coming soon, and she will break through to the sea of ​​consciousness here.

Although the Divine Tree World is warm as spring all year round and has its own time rules, the changes in day and night are consistent with those in the Blood Ring Grand Canyon.

It was night when Jiang Ran came to the Divine Tree Realm, and it was the first time she saw the night sky of the Divine Tree Realm.

It was as clean and clear as if it had been washed by water, and the hazy starlight spread out, casting a layer of silvery light onto the ground.

The presence of the Split Cloud Divine Tree is even more sublimated at night.

I saw its tangle of branches, slender and gorgeous, with subtle aura, bark as shiny as emerald, and full of divinity. The sharp tips tower into the crimson sky, and the moon happens to hang on the top of the tree, as if a handful of eternal brilliance in the world have been condensed.

Jiang Ran blinked, the impact of this beautiful scenery was too strong.

At this moment, a flash of white light rushed in front of her like a shooting star, and a young boy with blue eyes and silver hair appeared in front of her.

Yun Subaru's beautiful green cat eyes showed a smile, "Ran Ran, are you here to see me? When will you take me out to play?"

Jiang Ran was busy with Qushui Tower a few days ago, and Bai Mei, Mo Sheng and other beasts were in the Xiangling Secret Realm and had no time to care about Yun Subaru, so they simply let him return to the Divine Tree Realm.

He has been practicing in the Divine Tree Realm these days, but after seeing the outside world with Jiang Ran, his days in the Divine Tree Realm seem a bit boring.

"That's right." Jiang Ran obviously didn't come to Yun Subaru specifically, but a white lie can make Yun Subaru happy, so it doesn't matter if he tells it once or twice.

Jiang Ran said, "After I break through the Consciousness Sea Realm, I will take you to Mingxiao City to watch the power competition. Mingxiao City will be very lively at that time."

Yun Subaru was so happy.

Jiang Ran handed Yun Subaru the money from the sale of the red fox fur and other items. The spiritual crystals contained in several large boxes shone eye-catchingly. Yun Subaru couldn't help but exclaimed, "So many spiritual crystals?"

Yun Subaru was more impatient and came over first to greet Jiang Ran. Yun Rong and the other Hidden Cloud Beasts also came over slowly.

Yun Rong said, "It's pretty good. That piece of fox skin can be exchanged for so many spiritual crystals. I never understand why humans are so interested in fur."

Looking at Jiang Ran, Yun Rong tilted his head, "Are you going to break through?"



Sitting on the high branches of the Split Cloud Sacred Tree, bathed in the silver moonlight and rich ethereal power, Jiang Ran bit a water-based Yun Zemu mulberry fruit in her mouth, feeling the spiritual power surging in her body.

Why can monks in the Consciousness Sea Realm fly? The first thing is the huge spiritual energy support.

The monks in the Mysterious Bone Realm have transformed their spines, so that the monks no longer rely solely on the spiritual power in the air, but they can also create spiritual power without interruption. Most of this spiritual power will automatically flow into the Dantian, and some will swim into various parts of the body.

If the Dantian and the body cannot hold too much spiritual energy, the spiritual energy will overflow into the air.

After a monk opens his pulse, there is an initial "storage tank" in his Dantian for storing spiritual power. The size of the storage tank is natural, some are larger and others are smaller.

But the size of the storage tank is not unchangeable.

Just like waves hitting the coast, they continuously push sediment deep into the land, expanding the ocean area.

To break through the sea of ​​consciousness is to break through the barriers of the initial storage tank and open up a sea of ​​​​spirit in Dantian.

At the same time, the spiritual energy in the cultivator's body turns into liquid and is stored in this spiritual sea.

The Consciousness Sea Realm is still a wise period. Even if they are not spiritual beast masters with mental power above level five, monks can still release their mental power while in the Consciousness Sea Realm.

This is also the condition for monks to enter the sixth stage of cultivation - the Dantian Stage.

The ability of Warcraft to transform into the Sea of ​​Consciousness and learn human speech is also due to the significant improvement in mental power.

Jiang Ran looked inside her dantian. In fact, her "initial storage tank" was not a storage tank at all, but as huge as a vast ocean. There were indeed many benefits. The reserves of spiritual energy were much larger than those of ordinary people. Therefore, Jiang Ran could leap forward in battle and perform more powerful functions. Advanced occult arts.

But everything has two sides. The huge initial sea of ​​spiritual energy will make it more difficult to attack the sea of ​​consciousness.

After all - filling this vast ocean and expanding it is no easy task!

Jiang Ran quickly swallowed a few Yunze Mother Mulberry Fruits, followed by the Demon Fire Fruit, and the leaves of the Split Cloud Divine Tree could not escape his grasp. In the past, Jiang Ran would make the leaves of the Split Cloud Divine Tree into spiritual tea and swallow them, but now Not that particular.

In the darkness, wisps of breeze appeared around her, mixed with light blue, red, white and other lights flowing towards Jiang Ran's body.

These breezes were relatively steady and slow at first, and Yun Rong and other latent cloud beasts were still discussing Jiang Ran vaguely, "It seems that Baby Ran has entered a state. I don't know when it will end."

Yun Subaru said, "Wuwu~ Baby Ran will definitely be fine!"

After just a word or two of discussion, the Cloud-Splitting Sacred Tree suddenly began to shake violently, and the rich ethereal power seemed to be wrapped in a hurricane, enveloping the female figure on the Sacred Tree.

"Wisty!!!" Many hidden cloud beasts in the trees were blown down by the strong wind and fell to the ground. It didn't hurt their brains, but it made the beasts very confused.

Yun Rong said with a serious face, "What an exaggerated movement. I just realized the sea realm now. Fortunately, Baby Ran broke through in the sacred tree realm. If she goes outside, there will definitely be countless monsters who will take notice and want to devour her to increase their strength."

Yunrong refers to the environment of the Blood Ring Grand Canyon. Generally speaking, Warcraft are very fragile when they break through. They will choose to find a safe place to hibernate and break through.

Yun Xiuzai washed his face with his white-furred paws, touched the broken horn on his forehead, and said in a deep uncle's voice, "Although Baby Ran is weak, his talent is beyond words."

Yun Rong leaned next to him, her cold and gentle posture like a tree supporting countless vines, "I'm not weak anymore, I've reached the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness state, and I've surpassed most of the little ones here. Besides, Baby Ran is still so small." ”


Yunrong and other beasts were unaware of her surprise. Jiang Ran was completely focused on the breakthrough.

No matter which kind of heavenly material and earthly treasures such as Yunze Mother Mulberry Spirit and Split Cloud Divine Tree are given to ordinary monks at the peak of Xuangu or even the Sea of ​​Consciousness realm, the effect of the huge spiritual power will make their bodies swell. fully.

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