As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 604 Ending Practice

Chapter 604 Ending Practice

But Jiang Ran's dantian sea of ​​consciousness seems to be too big, and it can't be filled at all.

I saw Jiang Ran taking out countless spiritual crystals to absorb the spiritual energy, and each spiritual crystal turned into powder in an instant. Hundreds of spiritual crystals were poured down, but it was only a drop in the bucket.

"So why are monks poor..." Jiang Ran shook her head helplessly, "These days monks really have to have some side jobs.

If Jiang Ran's main job is to be a monk, then his side job is to be a lord. Moreover, being a lord did not delay Jiang Ran's cultivation. On the contrary, the life of having clothes to eat and food to open actually saved Jiang Ran time.

The reason why she can make so much money is because her status as a lord brings her a lot of conveniences.


Jiang Ran was tired of this frequent action of taking spiritual crystals. After thinking about it, he simply took out two red source crystals.

Even just two low-level source crystals contain the spiritual energy content of one million spiritual crystals.

A source crystal turned into powder and was blown away by the wind. Jiang Ran continued to take out the source crystal.

The spiritual energy turned into liquid and fell into the spiritual sea drop by drop. The spiritual sea in Jiang Ran's Dantian was gradually filled. Soon the spiritual liquid boiled and began to wash away from the outer circle——

Jiang Ran seemed to hear the sound of the mountains and the sea shaking, and saw the spiritual sea shaking, and the originally huge ocean became more and more boundless...

When the stars fall to the ground, the sun rises and sets, and the sweet dew drips along the leaves of the Split Cloud Sacred Tree on the eyelashes. Jiang Ran slowly opens her eyes, her forehead flying, and the golden light of the morning shines in the black eyes. His eyes were shattered into pieces of stardust.

Jiang Ran lowered her head and looked at her hands, feeling that her body was filled with strength.

"Would you like to try flying?" Jiang Ran stood up on the branch, took two steps toward the tip, and looked at his feet. At this time, it was about a few hundred meters above the ground. Ordinary people would think It would be crazy to jump.

Jiang Ran didn't make much mental preparation, and her past experiences had long trained her to have a big heart.

After having this idea, she jumped straight down and passed through the lush branches and leaves. Her hair and clothes flew upwards. She looked at the ground with her eyes wide open, and a strong feeling of weightlessness came over her.

Jiang Ran was a little excited. She saw Yunrong and other latent cloud beasts running towards her, like little white sheep being driven by shepherd dogs on the grass.

Yun Subaru turned into a human form and stood on the ground, raising his head and spreading his arms to wait for her to fall.

Jiang Ran felt like an eagle learning to fly, but the difference was that no one urged her to jump off the cliff. The move was entirely of her own free will.

At first, she did not find the feeling of flying in the air. When she was still about ten meters away from the ground, her body suddenly paused and stayed in the air for about a second or two. After that, her body quickly resumed its speed. declining state.

But with those one or two seconds of staying in the air, the distance from the ground was no longer dangerous for Jiang Ran. Jiang Ran did not fall into Yun Subaru's arms, but he was too close to her landing place, and she might accidentally leave her alone. The beast would fall into a ball, so Jiang Ran twisted her body in time, tapped his forearm lightly with her toes, and then jumped to the ground calmly, as gracefully as ever.

"Thank you Yun Subaru, I'm sorry for stepping on you."

Yun Subaru narrowed his eyes with a smile, feeling happy that she had successfully entered the Sea of ​​Consciousness realm, "No need to thank you, and no need to apologize."

Yun Rong walked over and took a look at the ring on Jiang Ran's index finger. "Have you not already opened up the void? Why are you still using these foreign objects?"

Jiang Ran smiled and said, "Sister Yunrong, human beings are very complicated."

The storage ring is a disguise, otherwise taking out items out of thin air would make people think in the direction of a space monk.

It is a prop to show off your identity. Most people will automatically avoid it when they see the ring and think you have a good status. People with status will take the initiative to approach you when they see that you are rich and powerful. This is what Jiang Ran wants.

Moreover, the Ancient Ember Tree is still in the void, and its extremely hot breath will damage ordinary items placed in the void. Finally, Jiang Ran has too many things, and the void space she opened is still a bit small.


After entering the Sea of ​​Consciousness Realm, Jiang Ran did not leave immediately and stayed in the Divine Tree Realm for a day.

She sent some spiritual wine and sea fish to the Qianyun Beasts, and found Yunrong, and said a very important thing, "Sister Yunrong, the ministers in our county predicted that there will be a drought in the Yunshang area. I don't know what will happen." It won’t reach here.”

The Qianyun Beast is an omnivorous and carnivorous monster. For carnivorous animals, drought has an impact on them, but it is not as big as that of herbivorous animals. However, there is no harm in informing the Qianyun Beast in advance.

Yunrong has lived for a long time and has experienced several natural disasters. Hearing Jiang Ran's reminder, his face looked a little bad. "Okay, got it."

It seemed that Yunrong and other beasts were not very worried about the drought, so Jiang Ran ignored the matter and used his purple jade demon eyes to carefully observe the cloud-splitting wood spirit insects for a while, and then recommended some ordinary solid-yuan demon spirit food.

Uncle Yunxiu taught her another space-based mystical skill, and Jiang Ran even fought with Yunxiu for a while.

Although the cute Qianyun Beast uncle's ethereal horn was broken and his strength was greatly reduced, Jiang Ran still had a hard time facing this Alchemy Realm monster.

Yes, after entering the Sea of ​​Consciousness Realm, the cultivation levels of Yunxiu, Yunrong and other beasts that were previously unclear can now be seen clearly.

Unexpectedly, Yunrong turned out to be a monster in the mortal realm. Yunrong was the strongest person Jiang Ran had ever seen.

Fortunately, the Qianyun clan is kind and simple in nature, otherwise Jiang Ran would have been destroyed by her several times due to her "cheating" behavior when she entered the sacred tree world for the first time.


"I have met the County Lord!!" Batgelian's red eyes were shining brightly at Jiang Ran. Next to him stood a gloomy carrot head, secretly looking at Jiang Ran with eyes very similar to his.

Jiang Ran not only took away Yun Subaru, but also took back Batgelian and Luo Yin who were practicing in the Blood Ring Grand Canyon.

The last day of May still has clear skies, dense shadows from the trees, swaying branches and leaves, and occasional full sunlight.

Su Hong's young men each finished their training and were called together.

The county lord has not yet arrived, and the young people are chattering together.

Some of them had actually not seen each other for quite some time.

"Li Qinqing, have you signed a contract for a spiritual beast? Oh my God, it's so handsome. This...should be a Yeyou two-headed leopard! A rare monster!"

The first thing everyone noticed was the tall Yeyou two-headed leopard next to Li Qinqing. As its name suggests, this monster was completely black and had two heads. The head on the left had a pair of captivating cyan pupils, while the head on the right had pale eyes. blue.

Although Yeyou's two-headed leopard has two heads, it is said that it has only one thought.

After seeing this page of information about Yeyou's two-headed leopard, many teenagers wondered why it had to grow an extra head if it only had one thought.

The answer came on the next page: The Ye You Two-Headed Leopard with an extra brain is much smarter than ordinary monsters. It casts spells faster, can spit out double the breath attack, and has a strong vitality that can survive even if its head is cut off.

The teenagers looked at Li Qinqing and the Yeyou two-headed leopard next to her with envy.

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