As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 605 Registration Form

Chapter 605 Registration Form

"It seems to be in the ninth level of spirit gathering. Congratulations on getting such an awesome partner." At this time, Hu Lian and others came over and were sincerely happy for Li Qinqing.

Li Qinqing smiled and said, "Well, thank you. Its name is Li Qiuqiu, and it happens to be a monster of both water and wood elements. It is my proud partner. However, maybe the time we have been together is too short, so it is not ready yet." Why don't you listen to me? You'd better not get too close to may not be of much help in the competition."

As she said that, Li Qinqing secretly looked at Hu Lian. She could feel that Hu Lian was a bit more stable and powerful than the last time she saw him. She wondered what kind of cultivation he was now.

Did he break through the spirit refining realm?

She remembered that Hu Lian was barely fifteen years old. Fourteen years old was too young to enter the spirit refining realm. It was said that the county lord did not enter the spirit refining realm until he was fifteen years old.

Thinking like this, Li Qinqing was about to ask when he saw a finely crafted black boot stepping into the doorway, followed by a face that seemed to be unable to be accurately described by all the beautiful adjectives.

Everyone consciously silenced their voices, and their past experiences made them consciously arrange themselves according to the rankings in the selection competition, stand upright, and lower their heads slightly to show respect for the big shot.

Jiang Ran followed Huang Yi half a step behind. Although the teenagers were not familiar with this ordinary-looking woman with short hair, they all knew her identity. She was one of the few weapon refiners in the county.

"Come and try on clothes." Jiang Ran entered the lobby and first said something that confused the teenagers.

The teenagers looked at it in confusion, and suddenly people were filing into the room. The gentle Manager Li led a dozen attendants into the room in an orderly manner. Each of the attendants held an open wooden box in their hands. What he wore seemed to be a set of neatly folded clothes.

The teenagers' eyes followed the brocade box, and soon they discovered that the clothes in the box seemed to be the same.

A waiter stood in front of each boy, and the boys' eyes were fixed on the clothes in the box.

The teenagers now also knew why the Lord County Lord asked them to change clothes. Wang Suxue picked up the clothes in the box first, couldn't help but let out a short soft exclamation, and then quickly shared it with her friends beside her. , "Oh my God, this dress is so beautiful. I thought it was pure black, but I didn't expect that when I looked closer, there were very fine embroidery patterns. Hey, it's not pure black. The hem has a smudge like ink."

"Me too, our clothes seem to be exactly the same."

At this time, the weapon refiner Huang Yi spoke softly, "This is a low-grade earth-level silkworm black embroidered riding garment..."

Perhaps all the refiners are the same when it comes to the works that they are satisfied with, and they want to show off all the advantages to others. Huang Yi is eloquent, "Celestial Silkworm Black Embroidered Riding Shang is made of excellent silver crystal silkworm silk as the most basic material. , although it is not as hard as armor, it is much lighter than armor, fireproof and waterproof..."

The young people only heard the words "low-grade earth-level" and knew how precious this piece of clothing was. They looked surprised and couldn't imagine that this was given to them.

Meng Xiaozhao suddenly felt that his dirty hands were not worthy of touching such fine clothes, and he stammered, "Is it really for us? Then, do we have to pay? I, I... I might not be able to afford this even if I sell it. money……"

Jiang Ran smiled softly and said, "This is the uniform of Suhong College, but only the best students can wear the uniforms made of Suxiang silk and satin. You should be proud of this."

"...If you have to pay something, then try your best to achieve results in the college competition."

The expressions of the teenagers changed. Touching their clothes, they could not help but feel a sense of pride. It was their recognition of Suhong College, and their sense of honor and belonging became stronger.

At the same time, the fighting spirit is high and the desire to achieve results on the field is stronger than ever.

"Let's go try on some clothes." A screen was set up in the lobby, and boys and girls went in to change clothes respectively.

The young men were in their prime, and when they walked out of the screen wearing black riding suits with excellent texture and fit, the eyes of everyone present could not help but light up.


Without the crowd, the teenagers silently passed through the teleportation array to Mingxiao City to compete.

Jiang Ran settled the people in Qushui Building, and the delicious food made people forget to leave, allowing the teenagers to temporarily get out of the tense atmosphere.

If you want to participate in the power competition, you must first sign up.

The registration place is outside Mingxiao Gate. When Jiang Ran took Jiang Nancheng and others to school, it was here that she registered.

The bustling Mingxiao City is dazzling with flowers, and the ground is paved with smooth silver marble tiles. The golden sunlight shines on it, as if gold is scattered everywhere.

The teenagers looked around like bumpkins entering the city. Fortunately, there were many people from all over the place, and their curiosity about Mingxiao City could not be concealed, so the teenagers' behavior was not too out of the ordinary.

"There are so many people." Registration requires every student to be present to register. Hu Yi sighed as he stood next to his brother.

The road was obviously spacious enough to accommodate seven or eight horse-drawn carriages at the same time, but at this time it was very congested. People were passing each other one after another, and the carriages could not drive in at all. Many people had to get off the carriages and walk.

Fortunately, Qushui Tower is very close to here, and they set off very early, otherwise they would have to queue at the back.

"It can be said that the power competition has attracted the attention of the entire Cangmiao Continent. It is normal for there to be so many people." Li Qinqing said.



Unlike when Jiang Ran took Jiang Nancheng and others to enroll in Mingxiao Academy, Jiang Ran took care of everything, and left things like restraining the teenagers and running errands to Zhou Bao and other feather guards.

Soon, the number of people waiting in line with Jiang Ran became very small, and it was their turn soon.

Registration for the power competition only requires the registration fee of one player. The registration point needs to collect a drop of blood from the contestants. To be precise, a trace of spiritual power is melted into the blood. This is to confirm the age of the contestants and record the contestants. identity, etc.

In this world, appearance can change and name can change, making it difficult for people to distinguish his identity.

But a person's soul cannot lie. The purpose of collecting blood is to prevent someone from pretending to be someone else to enter the competition stage. In the academy competition, you can compete without revealing your appearance or even using your real name. Therefore, Jiang Rancai is determined to compete in the power competition. play for fun.

At the registration desk, a woman with short hair who was responsible for recording player information looked curiously at the man wearing a black half-face mask. She could not see clearly the appearance of the masked man, but regardless of the splendid clothes he wore, Judging from the delicate and fair chin exposed under the mask, this woman is a pampered woman, and her appearance should not be bad.

But the short-haired woman has seen a lot of weirdly dressed people. The reason why she paid attention to this masked man was because of the two registration forms that appeared in her hand: [...]

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