As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 610 A woman with muscular arms

Chapter 610 A woman with muscular arms

Tickets to watch the game are not cheap. You must know that this is just the preliminary round, so you need a ticket for Wulingjing.

Jiang Ran handed a box to the male feather guard and said to him, "Go to the alchemy competition. Point the holes on the box to the stage and don't ask any questions."

The third eye, the gilded cat eye, was placed in the box. Jiang Ran could actually use the gilt cat eye to fly to various places in the competition venue, but at the moment, Pingyao City was full of people and strong men, and the flying gilt cat eye was too easy to be discovered.

'It would be great if I could learn the "Cloud Split" trick taught by Uncle Yunxiu. 'Jiang Ran thought to herself.

A cloud gap is to open up a different space in the air. Objects or people can be hidden in the different space, which is invisible to ordinary people.

But the mystic arts of the space system are difficult to learn.


As expected, the male feather guard didn't ask any questions, and took the wooden box to the alchemy competition loyally and reliably.

Jiang Ran and the female feather guard entered the weapon-refining viewing venue. The venue was very spacious and bright. Perhaps most people were still interested in passionate and exciting fighting, so there were relatively few people watching the weapon-refining competition.

Compared to the noisy environment of the martial arts tournament, this place can be called quiet.

"It's so quiet." The female feather guard said to herself, and walked more slowly in this environment. She said in front of Jiang Ran, "Sir, I'm going to find a good position."

Otherwise, why would Jiang Ran bring the female feather guard with him? Girls are very attentive. Although there were very few people watching the weapon refining competition, the good seats were all taken in advance. The female feather guard finally found someone in the front row to buy an excellent viewing position and asked Jiang Ran to sit down.

The two arrived late, and the competition had already been going on for a while, but the process of refining the weapon was very tedious and long, and after one round was over, there was still another round of people waiting.

It is said that the preliminary round of the weapon refining competition is held day and night, but it still takes two or three days to complete, so it is still very early for the competition to end.

This preliminary round requires contestants to refine at least a mortal-level magical weapon, but there is no specific requirement on the type of magical weapon to be refined.

In other words, you can refine a spirit sword, a magical spear, or even a lamp.

But maybe no one would refine a lamp in such a competition, unless the lamp has lethality or excellent defense.

This world generally worships martial arts, and most of the weapons and artifacts on the market are created to meet the needs of combat.

This is why Qushui Tower has become synonymous with "luxury".

Because there are simply no weapon refiners who have nothing to do and focus on how to refine a shining lamp, or study how to make people's lives more comfortable, such as things like the Ice and Fire Dharma Book.

Because investment and income don’t seem to match...

Back to topic.

After the contestants have refined the magic weapon, the instructor will give scores based on the grade of the finished work, the core carving technology, efficacy, practicality, appearance and many other aspects.

Based on a 100-point system, 50% of the contestants will be eliminated in the preliminary round.

Although it is only required to refine magic weapons above the mortal level, in order to ensure that they pass the preliminary round, it is estimated that many people will choose to refine magic weapons above the earth level.

The female feather guard is not interested in weapon refining competitions. She still likes the noisy atmosphere of fighting on the competition stage, so her attention is not on the stage at the moment, but her energetic eyes are watching the surroundings for fear of someone. He is unfaithful to his own county master. Although Jiang Ran may not need the protection of a monk who is not in the spirit refining realm, her loyalty is worthy of praise.

Jiang Ran's eyes swept over the hundred or so weapon refiners in the field.

She is not interested in becoming a weapon refiner and does not have that much time to study, but she is well-read, so she has some superficial understanding of some basic knowledge of weapon refinement.

After all, with the help of Suling's craftsmen at the beginning, she had successfully refined several pieces of mortal-level ice armor, and successfully made the first pot of gold in the development of Suling County.

The first step in refining a weapon is the preparation period. There are many materials for refining weapons in the hall: various metals, bones, furs, magic cores, spirit stones, refining furnaces and tools used for refining weapons, etc.

"Bump!" "Ding-ding!" "Coax--"

It was very quiet on the viewing platform, but it was very noisy in the competition arena. I saw each spiritual weapon master beating the weapon refining materials of his choice endlessly or burning them, removing impurities from these materials and purifying them.

After glancing around, Jiang Ran's eyes finally landed on a young woman wearing brown clothes with a scar at the corner of her mouth.

The woman's face is plain, her short hair is simply tied into a small braid and hangs down a little below her left collarbone. Her dress is very casual, even slovenly.

What's striking is the muscular development of her arms.

At the moment, she was hammering a piece of silver metal hard with a hammer. She was hammering fast and hard, and the muscles on her arms had obvious veins bulging out.

Jiang Ran silently calculated and found that the average frequency of her beatings could reach four times per second, but this person was clearly just a young monk in the Pulse Opening Realm, and his strength should be a little stronger than a mortal.

But the speed of her beating was probably faster than anyone else on the field, the precision of the hammer falling was also exaggerated, and she looked very relaxed.

Many people in the audience even praised her softly, "This woman is amazing. She probably learned this hammering technique from her mother's womb."

"Why haven't I heard of her before? Hasn't she participated in a power contest before?"

"She might be able to pass the preliminary rounds easily."

In fact, there are many people like Jiang Ran on the field who came here to recruit weapon-refining talents for their families or territories.

After the fame competition, a large number of students from major colleges will graduate. If they do not choose to stay in the college, they may choose to join other territories or forces.

"...It's better not to expect too much from her..." Someone seemed to know this woman, but it seemed hard to understand what she was saying.

Jiang Ran glanced at the few people who were talking softly, but in her heart she was thinking about how to expect this "don't expect too much".

Although the woman's speed is very fast, her overall progress seems to be slower than others, and the overall volume of the magic weapon she wants to make seems to be very large.

Looking at the woman's table, there are a large number of Wind Song Iron, Xuanhan Iron, and a huge spiritual oak red tree on it...

Jiang Ran narrowed her eyes and couldn't help but lean forward with interest.

The characteristic of Wind Song Iron is that it is hard but very light. However, the melting point of this kind of stone iron is very high. It is not easy to purify it. The preliminary round only lasts half a day (six hours). What does this woman think? Well, if you want to pass this preliminary round, wouldn't you choose to refine a dagger or a sword like others, and pass the preliminary round in a satisfactory manner?

Well, please give me a monthly pass.

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