Chapter 611 Accident

The woman's hands kept moving, and even though the sweat on her body was soaked by the rain, she was still fully focused, and her serious and stubborn look was actually very touching.

About an hour passed, and she finally soaked the beaten Wind Song Iron in a tank of spiritual water and began to move her hands up and down a huge spiritual oak redwood.

Everyone thought she needed mahogany wood, but she took out a knife and a pot and made several cuts on the tree. A stream of transparent glue flowed down from the tree and was caught in the pot.

"Interesting." Jiang Ran's black eyes were slightly bright.

Jiang Ran also remembered the role of spiritual oak and mahogany from the book.

It is just like the rubber tree in the previous life. The glue extracted from the rubber tree, after processing, becomes rubber that is widely used in various fields!

Of course, the glue of the spirit oak mahogany may have some different characteristics from the rubber liquid. Jiang Ran has not tested it, so she will not speculate.

The weapon refining competition was given six hours, but in fact, in less than three hours, one after another people completed and submitted their works. Then after the instructor finished scoring, he would record the magical weapons that the weapon refiner had refined. You can pay for the refining materials and take them away yourself. Most refiners are emotionally attached to their works and will choose to pay for the materials.

After letting the instructor finish the scoring, these weapon refiners who have completed the work can actually leave, but most of them will choose to watch from the sidelines.

It was afternoon when Jiang Ran came over, and now the sun was setting. Many people felt hungry and went out to eat.

"County Master, would you like me to buy you some food?" The female feather guard lowered her head and asked thoughtfully.

Jiang Ran wasn't too hungry yet, but thought that she might have to sit there for a long time, so she nodded.

After eating, another two hours passed.

While watching the weapon refining competition, Jiang Ran also occasionally watched the alchemy competition through the gilt cat's eye. Although the alchemy refining took longer than the martial arts competition, it was much faster than the weapon refining.

When Jiang Ran watched the game, she always secretly lamented why these talents could not be used by her.

But I also understand that Suling is just a small county with no reputation now, and those with outstanding talents and abilities will give priority to those large territories.

What's more, some people already have their own homes. After studying in prestigious schools such as Mingxiao City, they may still return to their hometowns.


Prying corners is a broad and profound technique.

Right now, the weapon refining competition.

Almost all of the weapon refiners in this round have handed in the magic weapons they have refined, and there is only one person on the field.

It was that woman.

She also found that she was the only one left on the field. She clenched her fists, wiped her sweat, and continued to devote herself wholeheartedly.

"Are you leaving? Is there another person?"

One after another, audience members left their seats.

"Oh, she, Wang Zhenyun, doesn't have much to see anymore. It's best not to expect too much. She also refined this thing last year. Originally, she was a valued disciple of the Qihang Sect, and she refined it at the age of twenty. A mid-to-high-grade prefectural-level spiritual sword, but she didn’t do what she was good at, but... in the end... pfft, it was terrible. She didn’t even pass the preliminary round last year. She took the resources given by the sect, but ignored the sect’s honor."

"She is twenty-five years old this year, and it should be the last time she participates in the fame competition. I originally thought she would be smarter and refine a weapon-like spiritual weapon in a decent way, but she ended up doing this. She really doesn't take her future seriously. ." Someone who knew this Wang Zhenyun shook his head and left with a sigh.

After listening to his words, the people looked at Wang Zhenyun on the stage with doubts. The magical weapon she was refining had already taken a prototype, and it looked like a carriage.

"Carriage? What's the point of refining this? There are many Xianglunbaoqiu on the market, but that is the work of ordinary wheelwrights. If you want the carriage to run fast, you can tame the fast Pegasus, so why waste it? energy?"

Gradually, there were only a few people left on the viewing platform.

The female feather guard looked around and whispered to Jiang Ran, "Sir, you have to compete tomorrow, do you want to go back first? If you care about this weapon refiner named Wang Zhenyun, my subordinates can help you keep an eye on it. "

Jiang Ran looked at the time and shook his head, "Anyway, the time is coming soon, it won't be too late."

The most important thing is that as time goes by, seeing Wang Zhenyun's works gradually completed, Jiang Ran wants her more and more.

It doesn't matter even if Wang Zhenyun fails the preliminary round, it's better to say this.

Jiang Ran narrowed her eyes slightly, looking at Wang Zhenyun with a searching gaze. The female feather guard felt that the county lord's eyes at this moment were like a net, catching fish.

Six hours was a long time, but it was too short for Wang Zhenyun, but she still completed her magical weapon at the last moment - it was a carriage.

It was made of iron, dusty and without any decoration. Looking at her work, the instructor who graded it had no expression on his face, but there was impatience and exhaustion in his eyes.

"This magical weapon is called the Tunyun Flying Car." Wang Zhenyun said.

The instructors began to observe the carriage, and she was a little nervous.

"It's a low-grade earth-level magic weapon. Although it's just barely reached, it is undoubtedly earth-level." After reading it, the instructor had some changes. However, the ratings of most non-weapon magic weapons are somewhat watery, because weapon-type magic weapons There are too many, it is a matter of life and death, and they will be stricter on the ratings of weapons and magic weapons.

The scoring instructor asked, "What's so special about your carriage? Does it need horses or oxen to pull it?"

The core engraved spirit is deep in the artifact. They need to infer the precision and innovation of the engraved spirit through the performance, power, function, etc. of the magical instrument.

"No, no need, there should be... no need..." Wang Zhenyun was too nervous. She looked so natural when she was refining the magic weapon. She swallowed and tried to put her hand in a card slot of the carriage. Ten spiritual crystals.

The carriage made no movement.

The instructors frowned. The carriage was not pulled by livestock, and there was no movement when placing the spiritual crystals. They wondered what the contestant was doing.

Seeing that there was no movement from the carriage, Wang Zhenyun's heart skipped a beat, and she reached into her pocket and took out a large number of spiritual crystals, estimated to be around a hundred.

They were all stuffed into the card slot, and the carriage moved this time. It moved on its own without being pulled by livestock. It floated slightly in the air, like a menacing rhinoceros, and suddenly flew towards the auditorium at a low altitude. past.

"Be careful!!"

The expressions of the scoring instructors changed. Because the weapon refining competition was not like a martial arts competition, there were no high barriers between the viewing area and the weapon refining area. The flying car actually flew straight out. And there was an audience member sitting in that position!

This is serious. The audience is a rich man with great power. If he hurts the rich man, the problem will be huge!

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