As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 614 Organ Competition

Chapter 614 Organ Competition

Wang Zhenyun's voice was a little hoarse, "I am just a disciple of the sect. I have not signed a contract to sell myself. Even if I don't give you one million spiritual crystals, I can still quit this sect."

The leader of the Qihang Sect was furious, pointed at Wang Zhenyun's nose and cursed, "What a white-eyed wolf, if the sect hadn't picked you up, you would have died long ago. Now that the sect needs you, you You actually want to walk away for a hundred years?”

"It was the Seventeenth Elder who picked me back, not the sect!" After long-term oppression, Wang Zhenyun finally broke out at this moment, "However, Grandpa Seventeen passed away ten years ago!"

Grandpa Seventeen's death was not natural and was caused by the sect's long-term oppression, but grandpa still missed the sect's old friendship.

"Over the years, the spiritual weapons I refined have been taken away by you, and I have not collected a penny. The kindness has been repaid long ago. I originally missed the old friendship between the sect, but since you, elder, said that I am a white-eyed wolf, why should I take the heat? Mr. Zhou, please take these million spiritual crystals back to the host, you don’t have to give them to the Qihang Sect, I will withdraw from the Qihang Sect!”


The second knockout round of the Rookie Competition was held in the Jade Map Secret Realm Organ City.

The students who entered the second round were placed in the government city at the same time, but it was like the gods grabbed a handful of sand and scattered it into the wind. The disciples were like the fine sand, distributed throughout the government city.

The ruins of collapsed city walls can be seen everywhere in the city. Weeds have emerged from the cracks in the mud and rocks. You can see vines as thick as pythons climbing on the broken walls. Occasionally, you can see some towering ancient trees. It seems like a forest. The uninhabited city collapsed for a long time. It was gradually covered by wind and vegetation, and began to return to its original appearance.

And Hu Lian's judgment was correct.

Hu Lian looked at the sky. There was no cloud in sight in the sky. The sun was dazzling high in the sky, and the red light shot down on the ground like a rocket, making people anxious.


A group of disciples were unwilling to be eliminated like this and raised their weapons to resist to the death.

However, each of these puppets has the combat power of the first level of spirit gathering. The most important thing is that they are numerous, and these puppets do not know hunger or fatigue at all. Unless they break the core of these mechanism puppets or exhaust their spiritual power, otherwise I'm afraid it will be difficult to "survive".

Of course, some people saw that Hu Lian's cultivation was good and tried to invite him. However, as a student of Su Hong who had practiced countless times on the first floor of Nanguan, Hu Lian knew that although there were many benefits to joining forces, it also had many disadvantages. Along with greater danger - in the eyes of hunters, there are more prey and more eye-catching prey.

The raging machine beasts surrounded them, but even in the face of such a big crisis, some people still had their own tricks and hid behind them to preserve their strength, hoping that other opponents would exhaust their spiritual energy in the confrontation with the puppets and then To leave a race.

After all, Hu Lian initially thought about joining up with his brother, Jian Bai and the others, but considering this situation, he quickly gave up the idea.

'It's a good thing I didn't act with them. '

Even though they belong to different forces, many disciples want to unite to fight against the puppets in order to pass the second game.

Hu Lian hid in a dense tree and carefully looked at the ground not far away with a pair of bright eyes. He saw countless warcraft and humanoid machine puppets surrounding dozens of participating disciples.

"Damn it, why are there so many of these machine puppets? Do those bastards Ming Xiao want to eliminate us all at once!"

Fortunately, I declined those people's invitations.

"I still can't trust anyone except us, Su Hong..."

If they want to advance to this knockout round, they need to hide around the city or defeat these puppets until the sun sets and the bell to end the game rings throughout the city.

It's still a long time before sunset.

'It's not very safe here either. '

Hu Lian's senses were already very strong, and since he was climbing high up, he could clearly see many machine puppets being attracted by this group of people. These puppets have extremely sensitive eyesight and hearing.

At this time, there were not many puppets near the tall tree, but that would not be the case later. Hu Lian had already made up his mind to sneak to a safer place while the mechanism puppet attracted the attention of the group of people.


Outside the organ city, several huge canopies radiated the various situations in the organ city. The audience sat under the canopy and watched the disciples' escape with relish.

In this organ city, every disciple has his own way of survival, but most of them are in a state of embarrassment.

However, among this group of disciples, there was one man and one wolf, whose leisurely figure was particularly eye-catching.

The woman was seen wearing a black metal half-face mask, and her body wrapped in an ink riding outfit was slender and graceful.

Facing the machine puppet, she walked calmly, and a black flame erupted from the palm of her hand, and then turned into a long dragon of ink, slowly twisting and flowing around her body.

Sometimes, the huge and redundant hot flames seem to turn into black ink and fall on the ground drop by drop. As the woman moves, gorgeous and wild black sparks bloom on the ground...

——Wherever the Black Flame Dragon went, the machine puppets turned into powder.

" really a disciple participating in the Rookie Competition instead of the Disciple in the Famous Competition?"

Seeing this scene, the viewing area was in an uproar.

"Is the mechanism puppet too weak? But the other disciples are as embarrassed as dogs. But to say that the mechanism puppet is strong, in front of this person, it seems as fragile as paper!"

"With such strength, don't tell me that I'm not even eighteen yet?!"

"So handsome and cool!!! The black flames and the riding clothes blend into one, like a character coming out of an ink painting!!"

There are forces who specially come to recruit talents and are excited, "Within a quarter of an hour, I want to know all the information about this masked man!"

Some viewers who have watched the preliminary round of fame have impressions of this person.

After all, arrogance makes people rich, but in the hundred years since the power competition, there is only one person who is so arrogant that he openly reads a book on the field. "Isn't it right? The spirit beast master from the Famous Competition went to the Rookie Competition?"

"what is her name?"


For Jiang Ran, it is a good thing to put all the disciples into the government city at once, because she can ensure that Su Hong's students advance to the next round as much as possible.

I am not proud to say that she has no opponent in the entire city.

Even though the agency city was very large, it would be easy for Jiang Ran to find Hu Lian and others.

Closing her eyes, the petal-shaped mark stood out like a firefly in the dark night. Not long after entering the machine city, Jiang Ran found the Su Hong boy who was closest to her by relying on the positioning power of the flower mark.

Su Hong's boys are actually very adaptable to the escape battle in the government city. After all, the magical beasts transformed on the first floor of Nanguan are more terrifying than these puppets.

Rather than puppets, what may be more important to deal with are the pursuers with their own hidden agendas.

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