Chapter 615

At that time, Hu Yi originally formed a team with others to fight against the puppets, but those people finally pushed him into the pile of puppets. Fortunately, he had two brushes. His potential exploded during the crisis, and he finally escaped from the gang fight of several puppets. Escaped.

"Don't let me catch you in the next round!" Hu Yi said viciously after suffering such a big loss.

After that, he hid in a dilapidated farmhouse. When someone suddenly appeared and took him out from under the bed, Hu Yi was frightened and confused.

"xi...Master Bole...?"

Soon, Su Hong's team unconsciously changed from two people to five people, and then from five people to ten people, fifteen people...

Jiang Ran looked at the team and saw that Hu Lian, Li Qinqing, Jian Bai, Tu Shi, and Luo Yin had not been found yet, but she no longer planned to look for them.

She wants different things from them.

A good child cannot be pampered too much.


Although Jiang Ran saved the disciples of Suhong Academy, she was still very satisfied with the performance of these teenagers.

Jiang Ran gathered people together, but the number of shots became less.

Meng Xiaozhao first broke through to the fifth level of Soul Gathering in Yunxi Mountain, and half a month later he broke through to the sixth level. In the entire rookie competition, he was also an upper-level player, and it was not a problem to deal with one or two puppets.

The target of more than a dozen people gathered together was really big. The lifeless machine puppets would not be afraid of Jiang Ran because of her strength, so they came after hearing the news.

"Although hide-and-seek is also very interesting, I really prefer this kind of fist-to-flesh fighting!" Meng Xiaozhao left a bunch of long bangs in front of his forehead and wore a forehead wiper between his forehead. Handsome, but with good facial features and neat clothes, he really has a bit of a suave look to him.


"Don't be too happy just relying on adults. There is a game the day after tomorrow, and injuries can cause serious problems." Li Yijiao rolled his eyes at Meng Xiaozhao.

"Holy crap, these tough guys are actually going against these machine puppets!"

Even Mingxiao Academy did not expect that someone would enter the team competition in advance in the second round of the competition!

For a moment, Jiang Ran was like a dragon that overturned the fish in the city, causing heated discussions.

"Strict investigation! Must be strictly investigated!"

Someone said, "Isn't it normal to find someone from their academy? This person turned the city upside down and stood in a place with a wide view. The people from Suhong Academy are so unique, even if this mask People who are blind can't see the disciples of their academy, but their disciples can also see her and come here to join her!"

Even so, every move of this person was under the sky. She didn't even use the weapon on her waist. Apart from being so strong that it looked like cheating, she couldn't be seen doing anything out of the ordinary.

If they didn't have any strength, they wouldn't be able to insist on her coming to them.

On the viewing platform, the spectators looking at the sky were dumbfounded, "No, this person must have cheated. Otherwise, why would he always be protected by someone from their academy?"


Inside the agency city.

The purpose of protecting the Suhong boys was to get Suhong Academy into the top fifty, but this move did deprive them of some training opportunities, so Jiang Ran let them fight against the puppets of the agency to "make up for their mistakes."

"That masked man is so strong that he is walking sideways in this prison city where puppets are raging."

Under the ruins, there were disciples from other forces hiding in every corner, and they saw the unique style of Jiang Ran's group.

"Bang!!!" A brown-haired disciple just showed his head and was seen by a dog-shaped puppet.

The dog spit out several ice picks from its mouth and shot them at it wildly. The brown-haired disciple narrowly avoided these ice picks.

The broken ice blocks beside the wall were frightening, but before he could relax, more intense attacks swarmed in! ! !

Wounds quickly appeared on his body.

He is at the third level of Soul Gathering Realm, and he is only at the middle level among all the disciples in the rookie competition. If the city is going to eliminate thousands of players, then he will undoubtedly be one of them.

"No, I will be eliminated if this continues." The brown-haired disciple was a little unwilling, and glanced at the team wearing ink riding uniforms, he gritted his teeth, "Although it is embarrassing, although there may be many spectators watching on the sky screen... I’m going to try to hug my thighs!”

Perhaps the bravest thing the brown-haired boy had done in the machine city was to face the puppet's gunfire and fall to the masked man's feet before his spiritual energy was exhausted.

"I, I am Zhang Chang, a disciple of Kongli Academy. Please, boss, take me through this competition in the city. I am willing to do anything."

Kongli Academy... I have a slight impression that it seems to be one of the top fifty forces.

Jiang Ran lowered her eyes and looked at the embarrassed brown-haired boy, and thought for a moment, "Thirty thousand spiritual crystals."

Zhang Chang was confused, "Huh?"

"Thirty thousand spiritual crystals buy a promotion spot." Jiang Ran doesn't do charity, and Kongli College is a competitor of Suhong College.

"We don't accept credit." Jiang Ran raised her eyebrows, "Do you have 30,000 spiritual crystals on you?"

"Robbery!!" Zhang Chang almost yelled.

"Not willing?" Jiang Ran looked down at Zhang Chang indifferently, "If you don't want to, just face a large number of puppets by yourself."

Meng Xiaozhao immediately touched his fists and volunteered, "Sir, I will help you throw this guy out right now!!"

"Wait wait wait!!!" Zhang Chang quickly stopped Meng Xiaozhao, "Give me a minute, I will think about it again!!"

Thirty thousand spiritual crystals is not a small amount, and Zhang Chang is confused to death.

But thinking that he could get five points through the organ competition, Zhang Chang had the idea of ​​​​taking a gamble.

A college like Kongli Academy, which can enter the top fifty in terms of power, still has some strength.

Therefore, in order to encourage the disciples to achieve good results in the competition, they will be rewarded with 2,500 spiritual crystals for every point they win. Five points is equivalent to 12,500 spiritual crystals.

Although more than ten thousand spiritual crystals are not enough to pay the price of thirty thousand.

But if in the subsequent one-on-one duel, he is lucky enough to be matched with a weaker opponent, and if he wins, he will gain ten more points. After removing these 30,000, he can still have more than 7,000 spiritual crystals left. .

Bet or not?

If he didn't gamble, he would have to go home in despair with two thousand spiritual crystals if he was eliminated. He might lose 20 in blood if he gambled, but he might also make ... Moreover, if he advanced to another round and entered the top three in the rookie competition. Top , you get points!

Zhang Chang raised his head and glanced at the masked man who was idle in the turbulent flames of war, gritted his teeth, "Damn! I bet! I have 30,000 spiritual crystals on me, you have to ensure that I pass the organ city competition!!!"

The corners of Jiang Ran's mouth raised.

Just by saving one person, you can earn 30,000 spirit crystals. This kind of money is unbelievable.

Asking for monthly ticket

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