As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 639 Battle of the Leaders

Chapter 639 Battle of the Leaders (3)

Facing the menacing attack from Bai Mei and Jiang Ran, Qi Yu certainly would not surrender. He held a gun in his right hand and blocked Bai Mei's wind and thunder claws. He suddenly threw up a yellow talisman with his left hand and used his fingers as a pen. Only the shadow of his fingers could be seen. Flying on the spiritual talisman, the spiritual talisman was quickly formed.

Throw it into the air and ignite it, and a huge and dense thundercloud gathers above Jiang Ran's dome!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

In just two breaths, thunder knives rained down from the thunder clouds, striking Jiang Ran fiercely. The lightning blades swayed with thunderbolts and fell to the ground, crushing the rocks and grass clippings into powder.

Jiang Ran moved his body quickly, reacting as quickly as a lynx, dodging the dense thunder knives. However, the thunder knives were as dense as a net. There were always one or two knives that cut through clothes and skin, and a faint blood flowed out. What's more terrible was that the thunder knives were in the middle. The paralysis effect makes the muscles somewhat uncontrollable.

Jiang Ran frowned, and while controlling the anaconda to bombard Qi Yu, he quickly headed towards an area not covered by thunderclouds on the right.

"Drink!" When Qi saw this, a stream of wind gathered in his left hand, and the stream of wind drifted straight towards the thunder clouds, actually pushing the thunder clouds to chase Jiang Ran!

"Hmph! I won't let you hinder the master, the heavy domain!" Bai Mei snorted coldly, put his palms together, carrying the misty purple energy, the insects chirped silently, and the grass and grass all crawled together as if there was a heavy object stepping on their heads. Shivering, this majestic pressure seemed to fill the air. Even the yellow-robed referee was affected because of his closeness, making him dizzy. His body seemed to be under heavy pressure, shaking up and down in the air unbearably. A moment!

You must know that the referees in the Famous Competition with the lowest cultivation level are all in the Dantian realm. Although the yellow-robed referee is unprepared, it is just the marginal residual power that can shake the referee's flight. You can imagine how powerful this field is.

Although Qi Yu was not unable to hold on, he was still unable to move freely in Bai Mei's field, normally bursting out with lightning-like speed.

'It seems that we have to deal with this little dragon first...' Qi Yu's eyes were blazing, like a ripple cutting through ripples.

Mo Yuan's gun trembled, and the ripple-like purple-black light spread out, suddenly turning into seventeen magical shadow guns floating around Qi Yu! !

"It's the move that appeared against Ke Changyuan!" The audience immediately exclaimed.

Under the stage, Ke Changyuan also looked up at the sky, his face a little solemn.

At that time, when Qi Yu was fighting with him, only fourteen of the seventeen spears fell and he was defeated. The three shadow spears that had not yet fallen made him worried. I wonder if Jiang Bole and her spirit beasts will survive today? Can force down the remaining three shots!

"Ouch!" Mo Sheng howled and took the initiative to enter Bai Mei's sinful realm.

With a heavy body, Bai Mei's domain is indiscriminate attacks, so Mo Sheng is also affected by it.

Mo Sheng himself also knew that he was weak and that a small beast in the Spirit Refining Realm would not be able to play a big role in the battle at the Consciousness Sea Realm, but it was not resigned to it!


Mo Sheng stood in front of Bai Mei, with fighting spirit rising in his eyes. Qi Yu's Seventeen Shadow Spear must catch at least the first three shots!

"Okay, I'll let you go first!" Bai Mei's childish voice came. It still wants to maintain the heavy domain to delay its master. It is the best choice for Mo Sheng to deal with these first three attacks!

"Swish!" A shadow spear came down quickly, its speed was so fast that it could not be captured by the naked eye. At some point, the flying spear suddenly disappeared, but the sense of threat was still hard to ignore.

Mo Sheng closed his eyes and twitched his nose twice. When he opened his eyes again, his minions ignited hot blue flames and rushed towards the left side quickly. A ripple thunder gun was bitten by Mo Sheng in his mouth. Before it exploded, he exerted slight force on his lower jaw and instantly bit the spear as hard as black iron into pieces!

"The teeth are good." Qi Yu said lightly.

He raised his hand slightly, and the second and third Shadow Spear were launched at the same time. A shadow gun glowed all over, spreading like ripples, carrying countless wind blades and sweeping in. If Mo Sheng could catch up with Qi Yu's first shot, but he wouldn't even have time to react to the next moves. Being swept away by the wind blade!

Mo Sheng wanted to break out of the tornado, but a white shadow gun engraved with golden patterns followed. The crystal light flashed past, and suddenly turned into a thick thunder lock to lock it tightly!

"Bah! Bah!!"

The cruel sounds of flesh being cut were heard, and blood flowed to the ground and was absorbed by the grass.

"Mo Sheng!" Bai Mei shouted.

"Ouch——" Mo Sheng, who was in the center of the wind blade whirlpool, spit out a large amount of blood, and his body was shaking.

"Is Qi Yu so cruel? He's not afraid of accidentally killing the little wolf." Feng Chi watched in the audience and was secretly worried.

However, just when everyone thought that the wolf was about to fall, it suddenly stood up and roared to the sky. The sound was high-pitched and echoed far away. Circles of green fire suddenly swelled out of its body, like The heart beats strongly, opening and contracting. Miraculously, the wounds on its body began to heal quickly!

After the battle with Feng Chi, Mo Sheng's strength soared. First, his cultivation level broke through two minor realms in succession, and he broke through to the fourth realm of spiritual refining. After igniting the white fire of decay, he applied the dark green flame of healing vitality. It’s also more handy.

Nowadays, ordinary skin injuries no longer pose much danger to Mo Sheng, as he can heal them instantly. Even if the bones are broken, as long as the broken time does not exceed six hours, he can use green fire to heal them!

However, the sweeping wind blades are still coming continuously. The more serious the injury, the more spiritual power is required for healing. Mo Sheng cannot maintain the healing fire for a long time!

Qi Yu dodged eighteen anacondas in a row and raised his hand again. Before he could throw it, the breath of the fourth shadow gun led to a dark and manic thundercloud. The slightest bit of power it exuded would float over. The leaves are instantly annihilated!

Bai Mei secretly thought it was not good, so he immediately dispersed the Nie Zhong Domain and pounced on Mo Sheng as quickly as possible!

As the white claws stretched out, the thunder chains that bound Mo Sheng broke into three or four pieces and fell to the ground with a bang. A dragon and a wolf flew dozens of meters to the left! .


Almost at the same time, the massive fourth shot fell, creating a huge crater of tens of meters where Mo Sheng had been! !

Bai Mei and Mo Sheng only narrowly escaped. Bai Mei's arm was scratched out with a large amount of flesh and blood, and the bones were visible.


Once the evil domain was dispelled, Qi Yu regained his peak mobility. The anaconda controlled by Jiang Ran could no longer touch his body, and he could focus more on fighting against Bai Mei and Mo Sheng.

Qi Yu took two steps forward. Suddenly, the island shook, and the rocks and trees kept making clicking sounds.

There was a feeling of wetness in the legs of his trousers. Qi Yu looked down and saw that the island had been covered by lake water from unknown time, and the water level had reached above his knees.

"The water level has risen?" Qi Yujun frowned and looked up at Jiang Ran, "No, the island is sinking."

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