As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 640 Battle of the Leaders

Chapter 640 Battle of the Leaders (4)

Jiang Ran's head was covered with an ice cover as thick as a city wall. The ice cover was clear and clean, the cold air was unbridled, and it was as solid as ice that had been condensed for a hundred years, blocking all the thunder blades that were densely packed from the top of the sky.

Behind her, there was a steady stream of thick anacondas rushing in, hitting the island on the lake one after another. The rock dust shattered, and the island was about to sink -

"So this was your original purpose." The ground under your feet can no longer be stepped on, otherwise you will fall into the water. Bai Mei is the spiritual dragon that dominates the water!

Qi Yu floated decisively, hanging in the sky.

Jiang Ran stood on the last sharp rock on the island that emerged from the water, floating like a fairy. The anaconda behind him seemed to have lost its power and scattered back into the lake.

Bai Mei dragged the injured Mo Sheng back to her and said to Jiang Ran as if asking for praise, "Master, did we do a good job!"

"Well done, you bought enough time for me." Jiang Ran nodded, and threw the scorpion over, which had been squeezed to the last drop of spiritual energy. "Thank you for your hard work. Next, you can help me look after the scorpion." ”

Mo Sheng held the little black cat's neck in his mouth and nodded.

Zhu Xian raised his head dizzily and showed a silly smile to Mo Sheng, "Meow~" Hehe, it's Little Wolf Brother Duck~

"Flying in the air? Qi Yu, do you know what kind of prey archers like to shoot the most?"

Jiang Ran opened her slender fingers, and a bow and arrow appeared in her hand. The bow was like a blazing silver moon, and the gilded light connecting the upper and lower parts overflowed, splashing out pieces of blazing light, making people look like gods.

Seven crystal-clear ice-blue long arrows were placed on the bowstring. Jiang Ran pointed at Qi Yu and said, "The birds that like to be in open places without branches and leaves, with obvious targets."

Seven arrows were fired in unison, and the arrows flew out like meteors. They were fierce and heavy, fast and violent. The trajectory of each arrow's feathers was different.

"唳——" A silhouette of a white crane with spread wings suddenly appeared in the air. It was very fast. It attacked Qi Yu's shoulder almost in the blink of an eye. Qi Yu threw a spear, and the white crane's arrow feathers rubbed against the spear. A string of sparks shot out, and finally the arrow feathers shattered and turned into dots of starlight and returned to Jiang Ran.

But it’s not over yet. The White Crane is the fastest, followed by the Shadow Snake. The phantom arrow of the Cup Snake changes its trajectory in the air. Qi Yu flies into the sky quickly. The Snake Shadow Arrow automatically catches up with him, seemingly without biting the target. It won't dissipate!

At the same time, a graceful white butterfly and a huge sea whale carrying waves arrived as expected with huge momentum!

I remember that in the Blood Ring Grand Canyon, Jiang Ran could only shoot two different Seven Arrows at the same time. How long ago, now he can shoot seven different arrows at once! The shadow gun around Qi Yu suddenly rotated rapidly, firing five shots in a row. The arrows and the spear collided with each other, making a clanging sound. There were only a few deafening explosions, and the gun and arrows shattered one after another, like a meteor shower falling.

"Roar -" Of course Bai Mei wouldn't just look at it like this. At some point, it rushed into the air and rushed straight towards Qi Yu.

"Suppress!" Three arrows of light suddenly turned into huge black armor and struck Qi Yu's head. The roar of the phoenix and the low roar of the dragon pierced the sky, like thunder and fire meteorites falling, which made people's eardrums hurt!

The turtle-shell screen arrow was originally a defensive technique, but Jiang Ran used it as a shield attack. The rising phoenix and dragon arrows hit the hard-as-iron turtle-shell arrow shadow, and the huge turtle shell quickly turned into a The afterimages were pressing down like a heavy mountain!

"Boom!" Bai Mei re-opened the domain. Qi Yu suddenly felt as if he was stuck in a quagmire. His footsteps were heavy. Mountains of heavy tortoise shells hit his back, and strands of blood dyed the fabric on his back red. He groaned, and suddenly Suddenly, the sound of a spear piercing flesh and blood came!

"Bai Mei!" Jiang Ran shouted, but she saw Qi Yu stabbing Bai Mei in front of him with great force. Ten shadow guns printed blood and quickly inserted into Bai Mei's abdomen.

Ke Changyuan could not see the last three strikes of the shadow gun, but he had seen it as he wished. The storm was violent and chaotic, the thunder bombarded, and the invisible pressure emanating from the moves caused a terrible field storm, and an astonishing wave appeared in the void. The electromagnetic lake, in just a moment, the spear broke through Bai Mei's strong pressure field, and came to Bai Mei with the death intention to destroy life!

All the rushing gunshots fell on Bai Mei. The Cangyue Tyrannosaurus' physical defense was extremely strong, but the sixteenth shot still broke through the thick and hard dragon scales, and the powerful seventeenth shot almost It penetrated his abdomen!

Bai Mei was bleeding, his whole body was full of blood, and he was seriously injured. The huge pain made the blue-haired boy's face become a little pale, but in contrast to the weakness, the boy's pupils became darker blue, almost turning into black, like a fierce The beast is reincarnated!

No, Bai Mei is not like a ferocious beast, but he is a ferocious beast himself!

He let out a roar, his voice gradually turning from childish to majestic. Gorgeous hard scales erupted on his face. His hands turned into crystal dragon claws. A huge white long tail suddenly appeared, and he suddenly grabbed Qi Yu's spear. and arms. In an instant, one person and one dragon smashed into the blue lake like meteorites, setting off dozens of huge waves.

"What kind of creature is that?! A snake? A dragon!?" Seeing Bai Mei's true form for the first time, the audience stood up one after another, and the venue suddenly boiled.

"It is said that someone saw Your Excellency Jiang Ran in Ziyun Palace - that is, Jiang Bole. At that time, she was carrying her contracted spirit beast, but her spirit beast was not a human body, but a white-scale snake tail, and her whole body was covered in white In the smoke, others could not see the whole picture, and everyone guessed that it was a fog-eroded snake," a middle-aged woman said with a serious expression.

She has never missed any of Jiang Bole's games and is now considered a loyal fan, so she tried her best to collect information about her and actually learned a lot from her.

She said, "Now I feel something is wrong. Although the blue-haired boy just pulled Qi Yu into the water before he had completed his transformation, I took a hasty look and saw that the boy's forehead was impressive, his arms turned into claws, and he was extremely powerful. , although the Blue Mist Snake is also an extremely rare monster, it doesn't have such a deterrent power! It doesn't have any 'horns' on its head!"

Someone understood what she meant, and their eyes widened slightly, "Is it possible that you want to say that the contracted spirit beast named Bai Mei is not a demon snake at all, but a dragon!!"

"Speaking of which, there is something wrong with the mystical arts and bloodline power that Bai Mei used. I looked at it. How does it look like... like that... that black tyrannosaurus?!" The speaker's eyes were frightened, as if he had sunk into something. In the horrific memories, he is an old man with a white beard, he is over a hundred years old.

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