Sweet crazy!The cold lawyer Song married at an early age

Chapter 125 The soul is not in the state

Chapter 125 The soul is not in the state

Soon, the days of dancing practice after school passed day after day. After a period of observation, it was basically possible to distinguish whether the dance was good or not.

"Student, be natural, the movements are too stiff, hold back your hands and don't shake, put them on the other's shoulders, ah yes."

In the evening, there were only a few couples left in the huge dance studio, and they were left behind because of poor practice.

It is equivalent to being detained by the teacher for failing to do the homework in elementary school. Among them is Shen Wanyi's group.

The dance teacher stood in the center to guide, hating the iron and looking at the people who stayed behind. The stick kept hitting the ground, making a loud and clear sound.

I have demonstrated the movements several times, and I have said it, but there is still no change. It is really a headache, and the expression is getting impatient.

Zhou Xiangyu said softly to the girl opposite, "Look at me, don't be nervous, let go."

After practicing more than a dozen times, beads of sweat covered Shen Wanyi's forehead, and even the back of the large school uniform behind her was wet.

She bit her lip, feeling a little exhausted, but still gritted her teeth and nodded persistently.

The most important thing about this kind of dance is the cooperation of both parties. One party is unnatural, which looks extraordinarily uncoordinated and destroys the overall aesthetic feeling.

You can't make a fool of yourself on stage and be reprimanded by your superiors just because one or two groups fail.

Shen Wanyi put her hands on Zhou Xiangyu's shoulders, raised her head, and looked at each other.

Because of nervousness, his hands were tense, his expression gradually became unnatural, his body movements were stiff, and he couldn't take a step.

"Can you? No, take a break and don't hold on."

Zhou Xiangyu noticed her discomfort, a trace of worry flashed across his expression, and he couldn't help asking.

Shen Wanyi shook her head, gradually panted, exhaled deeply, and smiled at him

"No, just practice for a while, I feel a little tired, it's hard work."

Zhou Xiangyu responded, and the two continued to practice for a while and found the feeling, but the movements still couldn't let go, they were very stiff, and there was no natural state at all.

To be more precise, a tool man without emotion has only his body jumping, and his soul is not in the state.

Today is almost the same, and the liberation is approaching. It is rare for the dance teacher to show mercy and let him rest for a while, so that he can have time to rest.

Just after calling for disbandment, they beat their hands instead of their legs. Some boys even lay down on the ground regardless of their appearance.

Zhou Xiangyu handed Shen Wanyi a bottle of water from his bag, sat next to her, opened another bottle, unscrewed the cap and drank it, his long-thirsty throat was finally moistened.

Turning his head to look at Shen Wanyi, he spoke up naturally. Seeing that she was silent, she was worried about dancing, so a smile appeared on her lips to comfort her.

"I'm still worried. It's okay. Let's practice slowly. One day we will learn that failure is the mother of success. If you work harder, you will definitely be able to."

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised the question in his heart and pointed at himself unconfidently.

"I'm really curious, do I look so scary? How can I be unnatural? I'm really curious about this."

Shen Wanyi took a sip of the water in her hand, her chapped lips were moistened a lot, her voice gradually became less hoarse than before, and her eyes fell on Zhou Xiangyu.

Zhou Xiangyu was indeed not bad looking, and just as Zhao Qiuyi said, he could be considered a handsome guy in the class.

She also didn't understand why she couldn't let go, it was inexplicably awkward to touch, subconsciously nervous.

So I came to the conclusion that it has nothing to do with the appearance, everything feels good.

As her partner, it's even harder, rehearsing with her day and night, and there's nothing I can do about it.

A strong sense of guilt filled Shen Wanyi's heart.

Originally, he did a good job, but because of her, he was left to practice together, which is really unreasonable.

Shen Wanyi shook her head, slowly lowered her eyelids, her long eyelashes fluttered under her eyes, feeling deeply guilty.

"No, it's my problem. I don't look terrible. I'm really sorry to trouble you."

Underneath gently squeezed the water bottle in his hand, and the atmosphere was filled with an embarrassing subtlety.

Seeing that she didn't look like she was telling a lie, Zhou Xiangyu smiled, not blaming Shen Wanyi.

It was just a casual remark, intended to tease her, but she didn't expect her to answer seriously.

Zhou Xiangyu's heart trembled with his sincere confession, his eyes fell on the top of the girl's head, and his Adam's apple slowly overflowed with a smile.

How could it be so fun, the obedience is revealed in the well-behaved, and the silly and stupefied expression makes him want to pinch his moist cheeks.

"Just kidding, don't take it seriously, as long as you don't look scary, it's fine if you don't scare you, it's fine, it's exercise, and I don't usually have the opportunity to get in touch with dancing. I've only practiced for a few days, and my waist is sore and my back hurts."

The girl responded lightly, chatting with each other, it was nothing more than a study problem, after a long time, the two left the dance studio and went back in different directions.


Thursday morning.

Chinese class is followed by physical education class, half a class of cranky thinking, listening, writing and drawing, finally got through, and now I have to go to physical education again.

Physical education class is nothing more than running a few laps, doing warm-up exercises, and then disbanding, but you can't go back to the classroom. Once you don't see anyone at the roll call, you will be dealt with absenteeism uniformly.

Except for special circumstances, such as the teacher calling to the office to explain things.

Just finished the warm-up exercise and dismissed, the boy went to the playground with a basketball in his hand to grab the field, and he would not give up until he got it.

Girls are the exact opposite. Wherever it is cool and there is no sun, they squat there, get together to chat and gossip about school.

Zhao Qiuyi's temperament is popular everywhere. He is carefree, straightforward, and always willing to help others. He is loved by many students in the class.

Listening to other people's gossip while eating, this feeling is so refreshing, so interesting, after listening to it, you will soon be deeply attracted, unable to extricate yourself for a long time, and even participate in the discussion.

Just after listening to another school's gossip, an abandoned baby girl was found in the girls' toilet in the high school.

There was a tut-tsk sound, and they all sighed.

"It's true that life is impermanent. The large intestine wraps the small intestine. How could such a thing happen? It can only be said that a woman is cheap and a man is scum. They just happen to be a match."

Many people at the bottom agreed, but they were already quite angry, and they all brought up the matter of ruining the three views one after another, and they were all in a hurry.

"Isn't it? Just smash my three views and call her a good guy. This woman is really, stupid and let people be deceived. The scumbag will be punished sooner or later."

There happened to be a bunch of gossiping people next to them, and they were not talking about the same topic, so they simply glanced at it.

The two people who were usually inseparable, now that one of them disappeared, they felt curious and suddenly asked.

Someone among them asked: "Zhao Qiuyi, where are your good Xueba sisters, shouldn't they quarrel?"

Xueba's good sister naturally refers to Shen Wanyi, because she is the only one in the circle who is not around.

 It’s really not working recently. During the bottleneck period, I fell asleep and finished writing this chapter. I was so sleepy that tears almost came out. Don’t get close to writing, it will become very unfortunate.

  I used to regard writing as a hobby. I just wrote a few sentences if I liked it, and changed it one by one if I didn’t like it. I slowly pondered it, so Chapter 1 is the pinnacle.

  It’s really not working now, I don’t know what to write, and now writing is cumbersome to me, I feel like throwing up when I think of code words, I really don’t want to do it, my God, when will such days end.

  Good night.

(End of this chapter)

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